This section shall apply to all districts designated by the zoning provisions as residential.
(A) Size.
(2) For multiple-family residences only. One monument sign per street frontage not to exceed one square foot per ten feet of lot frontage with a minimum area of 12 square feet and a maximum area of 24 square feet shall be permitted.
(3) For PD zoned planned developments. Signs shall be approved in conjunction with the Precise Plan for the residential planned development.
(B) Location. Multiple-family development signs may be freestanding or wall mounted. When freestanding, such signs shall not be less than five feet inside the property line, nor closer than 100 feet from another freestanding sign on the same parcel. If building mounted, signs shall be flush mounted on the wall.
(C) Contents. Single-family dwelling signs shall indicate only the name of the occupant and the street address. Multiple-family development signs may give the name of the development, the address, and, only when vacancies occur, note “units for rent” (“no vacancy” signs shall not be permitted), not to exceed six square feet.
(D) Illumination. No internal illumination shall be allowed. Non-illuminated signs or external illumination of the sign area only shall be permitted per the review and approval of a sign review application.
(E) Special uses. See Table 1, Special Uses, set forth in § 10-6.13 of this chapter, for the signage (other than identified above) permitted in a residential district.
(Ord. 864 C.S., passed 11-4-09)
This section shall apply to all districts designated by the zoning provision as office professional. This section shall specifically apply to the following zone districts: PO
(A) Residential uses. Signs for residential uses shall be permitted as provided in § 10-6.07 of this chapter.
(B) Office uses: freestanding signs.
(1) Size and height. Office developments may use one of two optional freestanding sign programs: a single freestanding sign listing the name and address of the office center, or the business in the case of a single business development. The sign area and the sign height shall not exceed those listed in the following table:
Each Street Frontage | Height | Face Area |
0 - 50 | 4' | 12 Sq. Ft. |
51 - 100 | 6' | 18 Sq. Ft. |
101 - 200 | 8' | 24 Sq. Ft. |
201 - 400 | 10'* | 32 Sq. Ft. |
401 - Plus | 12'* | 48 Sq. Ft. |
* Up to a 25% increase in the height of the sign may be granted by the Planning Director where the Director determines a taller sign “structure” shall enhance the design of the development. |
(2) Location. The location of such signs shall not be less than one foot inside the property line and shall not interfere with the safety of vehicular traffic entering into or exiting from an office development property or with vehicular traffic or pedestrians.
(3) Number. The allowable number of freestanding signs shall be as follows:
(a) The total face area may be utilized in one sign or be divided among one sign per street frontage, with a maximum height of eight feet and provided a minimum distance of one-half of the width of the lot is maintained between each sign and the street corner of the lot. This provision shall be for frontages having 201 feet or greater of the total street frontage and shall be approved by the Planning Director.
(b) When an office building has more than one tenant, individual low-profile freestanding signs for each tenant may be permitted in lieu of a single freestanding sign for the site, as permitted by subsection (a) of this section. Such low-profile signs shall be uniform in construction (except for copy) and shall not exceed four feet in height, eight feet in length, and two feet in width per business. Such low profile signs shall be limited to copy on one side and placed parallel to the street.
(4) Directory signs. There shall be no quantity limits for directory signs located within the interior of a business center when those signs are not viewable from the public right-of-way. For directory signs located along the exterior street frontages of a business center, only one such sign shall be permitted for each approach entrance, or as determined otherwise by the Planning Director when the design, location, shape of the center, or other special circumstances exist and warrant special consideration.
(C) Office uses: on-building identifications signs.
(1) Size. Each business frontage having a public entrance shall be allowed on-building identification signs having an area of one-half square foot per front foot of building lease area, up to 30 square feet of maximum area. Buildings set back 150 feet or more from the street shall be permitted one square foot of sign area per front foot of building lease area, up to 50 square feet.
(2) Location. When approved by the Planning Director, the sign area may be transferred from a frontage with a public entrance to one without a public entrance provided the ratio of signing per lineal foot is not exceeded on any one elevation.
(Ord. 864 C.S., passed 11-4-09)
This section shall apply to all districts designated by the zoning provision as commercial. This section shall specifically apply to the following zone districts: C1, C2, CN, CR, and CH.
(A) Commercial uses: freestanding signs.
(1) Size and height. The sign area of each face and the sign height shall not exceed those areas and height set forth in the following tables:
Each Street Frontage
Face Area
0 - 50 | 6' | 20 Sq. Ft. |
51 - 100 | 8' | 30 Sq. Ft. |
101 - 150 | 10' | 40 Sq. Ft. |
151 - 200 | 12' | 50 Sq. Ft. |
201 - 400 | 14' | 60 Sq. Ft. |
401 - Plus | 20' | 100 Sq. Ft. |
Each Street Frontage of Development*
Face Area
0 - 50 | 6' | 40 Sq. Ft. |
51 - 100 | 8' | 50 Sq. Ft. |
101 - 150 | 10' | 60 Sq. Ft. |
151 - 200 | 12' | 80 Sq. Ft. |
201 - 400 | 14' | 100 Sq. Ft. |
401 - Plus | 20' | 120 Sq. Ft. |
Each Street Frontage of
Face Area
200 or less | 14' | 75 Sq. Ft. |
201 - 400 | 16' | 100 Sq. Ft. |
401 - 500 | 20' | 120 Sq. Ft. |
501 - Greater | 20' | 150 Sq. Ft. |
* In addition to the allowable freestanding sign allowance, shopping centers with a street frontage of 700 lineal feet or greater shall be allowed secondary tenant freestanding identification signs. The number of secondary signs shall not exceed one per main drive approach for a maximum of two. Sign area shall not exceed 100 square feet of sign area per sign, with individual panels of no more than ten square feet. Identification signs shall have a maximum height of 20 feet. Such signs shall be granted for minor tenants within the center, located more than 150 feet from the street the business intends to serve. |
(2) Location. The location of such signs shall not be less than one foot inside the property line and shall not interfere with the safety of vehicular traffic entering into or exiting from the business center or with vehicular street traffic or pedestrians. On corner lots, it is the intent of this section that signs not be placed at the corner of one street frontage to be viewed from another street frontage. Generally, multiple freestanding signs for independent businesses and business centers shall be centered on the street frontage on which they are placed.
(3) Number. Only one freestanding sign shall be allowed for and upon each street frontage. Without increasing the total freestanding sign allowance for corner parcels, the Planning Director may allow the linear footage of two or more connecting street frontages to be combined for corner parcels in order to obtain a greater face area for a freestanding sign along a particular frontage than would otherwise normally be permitted, subject to the following restrictions:
(a) The height of the freestanding sign does not exceed that otherwise permitted for the street frontage on which the sign is placed, based on values denoted for the linear footage on that street; and
(b) The combined face area of the freestanding sign does not exceed that otherwise permitted for the street frontage on which the sign is placed by more than 25%.
(4) Minor tenant directional signs. Shopping centers shall be allowed on-site directional signage for minor tenant identification. The number of directional signs shall not exceed one per main drive. Signs shall not exceed ten square feet of sign area per sign, with individual panels of no more than three square feet. Minor tenant directional signs shall have a maximum height of six feet and should architecturally integrate with the shopping center site. Signs shall be located a minimum of 40 feet from the nearest street property line, and the location shall be subject to approval by the Planning Director. It is not the intent of this section to create additional signs to be viewed from a public right-of-way.
(B) Commercial uses: on-building identification signs.
(1) Area allowed for frontages with public entrances. Each business frontage having a public entrance shall be permitted on-building identification signs with the allowable area computed in accordance with Table E as follows:
Building Entrance Setback from Property Line
Allowable Sign Area Formula
Minor Tenants Max. Allowable Sign Area
Major Tenants Max. Allowable Sign Area*
Major Tenant Greater Than Two Stories Tall
Less than or equal to 150 feet to the nearest street property line | One Sq. Ft. per each linear foot of occupancy frontage | 75 Sq. Ft. | 150 Sq. Ft. | 200 Sq. Ft. |
Building Entrance Setback from Property Line
Allowable Sign Area Formula
Minor Tenants Max. Allowable Sign Area
Major Tenants Max. Allowable Sign Area*
Major Tenant Greater Than Two Stories Tall
More than 150 feet to the nearest street property line | One and one-half Sq. Ft. per each linear foot of occupancy frontage | 100 Sq. Ft. | 200 Sq. Ft. | 250 Sq. Ft. |
* Major tenants having 100,000 square feet or more gross leasable area shall be eligible for additional on-building sign area under special approval by the Planning Director. In such cases, the Planning Director may increase the maximum allowable areas for major tenants set forth in Table E from 150 to 200 square feet where the building entrance setback is located less than or equal to 150 square feet from the nearest street property line; or from 200 to 300 square feet where the building entrance setback is located more than 150 feet from the nearest street property line; whichever applies. Without further increasing the allowed on-building sign area, the Planning Director may allow major tenants to transfer, in whole or in part, the on-building sign area allowance from a side street frontage without a public entrance to a frontage with a public entrance. |
(2) Area allowed for street frontages without public entrances. Each business occupying the end of a building, having a street frontage without a public entrance, shall be permitted one-half square foot of sign area for each one foot of leased occupancy frontage. The maximum area shall be limited to 25 square feet.
(3) Minimum sign area. Each commercial use which has direct pedestrian access through an exterior building wall which is visible from a public right-of-way shall be allowed at least 25 square feet of building sign area, regardless of building occupancy frontage. Commercial uses having a sole access from the interior of any building or from an enclosed lobby or court shall not be allowed the minimum building wall sign area referred to in this section.
(4) Under canopy signs. Under canopy signs shall be allowed in commercial centers provided they shall not exceed six square feet in sign area, nor shall such sign extend lower than seven feet or higher than ten feet above the area over which it is suspended, and shall be mounted perpendicular to the building face. Such signs shall identify only a business name or profession location in a business center. Only one such sign shall be displayed per frontage with a public entrance.
(5) Transfer of sign area. When approved by the Planning Director, the sign area may be transferred in part or in whole from a frontage with a public entrance to one without a public entrance provided the signs on a given frontage do not exceed the allowable area, as computed in Table E set forth in division (B)(1) of this section.
(C) Temporary signs. Temporary signs shall be allowed at the following times:
(1) Holiday promotion periods. Within identified holiday periods, temporary promotion signs shall be limited to banners, painted window signs, and/or pennants, not to exceed in size the total allowable on building sign area for the business/use. Such signs may be displayed without a sign permit or prior approval by the city. The allowed holiday promotional display periods are as follows:
(a) Valentine's Day, and the preceding six days.
(b) Easter Sunday, and the preceding six days.
(c) Mother's Day, and the preceding four days.
(d) Independence Day, and the week (Monday - Sunday) thereof.
(e) Old Timers Day, and the week (Monday - Sunday) thereof.
(f) Halloween, and the preceding six days.
(g) Thanksgiving, the preceding ten days and the following three days.
(h) Christmas/New Year’s Holiday season (December 1st to December 31st).
(2) Additional promotion periods. In addition to the holiday promotional periods listed above, a business may display banners, painted window signs, pennants, and/or windblown devices/inflatable signs not to exceed in size the total allowable on building sign area for the business/use, during two additional 14 day periods each calendar year. The additional two-week (14 day) periods may be at the discretion of the business owner per the approval of the Planning Department. To display special promotion temporary signs, a business must obtain an approved Temporary Sign Permit from the Planning Department of the city. The application shall indicate the time period and type of display. Such signs may be used in conjunction with an event or sale, and may be displayed for 14 days maximum. Such promotional displays shall not list individual product prices. Special promotion periods may be used in place of a holiday promotion period (overlaid), as long as they do not extend the 14 day maximum period.
(D) Grand opening signs. A business may apply to the Planning Department for a special sign permit for grand opening signage. A-frame signs, I-frame signs and portable changeable copy signs shall be limited to only one grand opening and a maximum display time of 30 days per business, with a written request approved by the Planning Director.
(E) Going out of business. A business may apply to the Planning Department for a special sign permit in order to facilitate the liquidation of inventory for a closing business for a period not to exceed 90 calendar days. Such permit will be allowed only once for any business, with a written request approved by the Planning Director. Change of ownership, change of management, business remodel, or business renovation events are not valid.
(F) Special uses. See Table 1, Special Uses, set forth in § 10-6.13 of this chapter, for the signage (other than identified above) permitted in the commercial district.
(Ord. 864 C.S., passed 11-4-09)
(A) Application. This section shall apply to all districts designated by the zoning provisions as industrial. This section shall specifically apply to the following zone districts: I and IP.
(B) Industrial uses: freestanding signs.
(1) Size and height. The sign area of each face and sign height shall not exceed the areas and height set forth as follows:
Total Frontage of Industrial Use | Height of Sign | Face Area
0 - 75 | 10' | 25 Sq. Ft. |
76 - 100 | 14' | 50 Sq. Ft. |
101 - 150 | 16' | 60 Sq. Ft. |
151 - 200 | 18' | 75 Sq. Ft. |
201 - Greater | 20' | 100 Sq. Ft. |
(2) Location. The location of such signs shall not be less than one foot inside the property line and shall not interfere with the safety of vehicular traffic entering into or exiting from a business center or with vehicular traffic or pedestrians.
(3) Number. The total face area may be utilized in one sign or, where specifically approved by the Planning Director, the sign area may be divided among one sign per street frontage, with a maximum height of eight feet and provided a minimum distance of one-half of the width of the lot is maintained between each sign and the street frontage of the lot.
(C) Industrial uses: on-building identification signs.
(1) Area allowed. Each business frontage shall be allowed one square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage up to a maximum of 300 square feet.
(2) Number allowed. The sign area of each business frontage may be utilized in one or more such signs provided the total sign area of all signs on a given frontage does not exceed the allowable.
(D) Grand opening signs. A business may apply for a special sign permit for grand opening signage. A-frame signs, I-frame signs and portable changeable copy signs shall be limited to only one grand opening and a maximum display time of 30 days per business, with a written request approved by the Planning Director.
(E) Going out of business. A business may apply to the Planning Department for a special sign permit in order to facilitate the liquidation of inventory for a closing business for a period not to exceed 90 calendar days. Such permit will be allowed only once for any business, with a written request approved by the Planning Director. Change of ownership, change of management, business remodel, or business renovation events are not valid.
(Ord. 864 C.S., passed 11-4-09; Am. Ord. 868 C.S., passed 5-5-10)
No signage, with the exception of exempt signage per § 10-6.04, is allowed in the U (Unclassified) and RCO (Resource Conservation and Open Space) Zone Districts, except as specifically provided for by a conditional use permit.
(Ord. 846 C.S., passed 11-4-09)
(A) Where design districts are created in the city, which establish special sign regulations for a designated area, the provisions of the design district shall apply where there is a conflict with this chapter.
(B) West Yosemite Overlay District. The protection of the character of the streetscape is the purpose of the WY overlay zone. Signage is to be kept to a minimum to protect the streetscape while allowing for adequate identification. Placement of signs is governed under § 10-6.08 of this chapter except as otherwise specified in this section. The following sign criteria are established:
(1) Ground signs. One non-illuminated double-face ground sign for each parcel subject to the following provisions:
(a) Maximum sign area and dimensions. Ground signs may not exceed eight square feet in area. The message area, including background area, shall not exceed a vertical height of two feet. The maximum sign height shall not exceed four feet above average ground level.
(b) Sign placement. Perpendicular to the street; a minimum of three feet behind sidewalk.
(c) Street number. Every ground sign must incorporate the street number into the message area. Such numbers may not be less than four inches in height and must be compatible with the style of the sign message.
(d) Letters. Routed or raised-wood letter; color is at the option of the applicant/owner.
(2) Wall sign. One wall sign not exceeding three square feet in area for each business at each major business entrance door.
(3) Window sign. Window signage is not allowed.
(4) Directional sign. To encourage maximum use of the off-street parking located at the rear of a parcel, a directional sign not exceeding two square feet shall be provided adjacent to the driveway or in conjunction with the ground sign. The materials shall be compatible with those of the ground sign and the sign height shall not exceed four feet.
(5) Nonconforming signs. Signs which become nonconforming upon application of the West Yosemite zone shall be brought into compliance at the time of any change to the sign other than routine maintenance.
(Ord. 864 C.S., passed 11-4-09)
Certain uses, because of their special sign needs or their allowance in residential as well as business or industrial districts, have been specifically listed in this section. Where such uses are approved, the sign standards allowed for such uses shall be found in the special use table as follows:
Automobile/R.V. sales (new) | Primary freestanding identification sign based upon Table B of § 10-6.09(A)(1). One freestanding sign may be provided per separate new car showroom/sales facility. The minimum distance between freestanding signs shall be 300 feet, and a minimum distance to any adjacent property line shall be 50 feet. |
(a) Freestanding signs for ancillary used car sales shall be no higher than 14 feet nor contain more than 36 square feet of sign area. One used car freestanding sign shall be allowed per site. The minimum distance between freestanding signs shall be the same as for new car sales. This sign area may be combined with the main dealership sign (maximum 136 square feet). | |
(b) Signs in or on vehicles shall be limited to 2 sq. ft. per vehicle. | |
(d) Window signs: temporary signs only. |
Automobile/R.V. sales (used) | |
(b) Signs in or on vehicles shall be limited to 2 sq. ft. per vehicle. | |
Cemetery | One freestanding sign on each street frontage with a public entrance. Max. height 10 ft., max. area 30 sq. ft. Wall signs on the principal entrance not to exceed 12 sq. ft. |
Changeable copy sign | (a) Allowed only with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission. |
(b) One per business or business center. | |
(c) Limited to on-site commercial messages only. | |
(d) Not permitted within 2,000 feet of any other changeable copy sign. | |
(e) When mounted on-building - all on-building signage (to include changeable copy sign) shall not exceed the total on-building signage allowed. | |
(f) When mounted on freestanding sign - all freestanding signage (to include changeable copy sign) shall not to exceed total freestanding signage allowed. | |
Church | (a) Not exceeding 12 sq. ft. for directory signs. |
(b) Not exceeding 32 sq. ft. in total sign area for freestanding signs per street frontage. One sign allowed per street frontage. | |
(c) Wall signs not to exceed one-quarter sq. ft. per foot of building frontage facing a street. | |
Day Care Facility | (a) For uses conducted in single-family residential districts, no signage or indicia is allowed. |
(b) For uses conducted in multifamily, no signage or indicia is allowed. | |
(c) For uses in commercial districts, signage shall be consistent with the provisions of § 10-6.09. | |
Drive-in/drive-up/ drive-through uses | (a) Drive-up/drive-in uses are subject to a conditional use permit. |
(b) A formal sign review application shall be submitted and approved prior to installation of any signs. | |
(c) In addition to the sign area allowed under the commercial district regulations, drive-up restaurants shall be allowed one menu board per drive-up lane not to exceed 20 sq. ft. in area or six feet in height. Changeable copy is limited to the menu board. | |
(d) Each drive-up lane shall be permitted one preview board in conjunction with the menu board. The preview board shall not exceed 20 sq. ft. in area and not exceed six feet in height. | |
(e) The minimum distance from the center of the menu board to the center of any proposed preview board shall not be less than 25 feet. | |
(f) All menu boards and preview boards shall utilize low intensity illumination. | |
(g) All corporate advertising shall be eliminated from the menu and preview board. | |
(h) Menu and preview board shall not be visible from the street. Additional landscape areas or shrub plantings may be required to provide screening. | |
(i) Walk-up menu boards shall be limited to six or less sq. ft. in area in locations as approved under the conditional use permit. Carhop menu boards shall not exceed six square feet in area and shall be reviewed through the Conditional Use Permit process. | |
(j) Directional signs shall be textual in nature with no branding and/or logos incorporated into the sign design so as to direct (as opposed to distract) the motoring public. Directional signs shall be one foot high by two feet wide by three feet tall. | |
Freeway Sign | (a) In addition to signs allowed by § 10-6.09 of this section, sites five acres in size or greater, located in the C1, C2, CH, I, and IP Zone Districts and adjacent to and visible from the travel lanes of State Route 99 or 145 are allowed one on-site freeway sign, subject to the following criteria: |
Acreage Face area Maximum height | |
5-10 acres 200 square feet 20 feet | |
10-20 acres 300 square feet 30 feet | |
20 acres or more 400 square feet 40 feet | |
(b) The Director of Planning may grant a greater height up to a maximum height of 60 feet when the freeway sign provided for multiple tenant identification. | |
(c) A request to exceed the 40-foot height maximum shall be subject to a flag test to be performed by the applicant, with a member of city staff in attendance. | |
(d) On-building freeway identification signs are allowed with sign area to be calculated at one sq. ft. per each lineal foot of lease space for a major tenant (10,000 sq. ft. or greater) adjacent to or visible from the freeway, with a maximum on-building sign area not to exceed 200 square feet in area. | |
Golf Courses | One freestanding sign per street frontage with vehicular access. Max. height, 10 ft., max. area, for frontages under 200 ft., 16 sq. ft., for frontages 201 feet or greater, 32 sq. ft. |
Group Care Facilities | (a) For uses conducted in single-family residential districts, no signage or indicia is allowed. |
(b) For uses conducted in multifamily or commercial districts, one wall mounted sign per street frontage, not to exceed one sq. ft. per 10 ft. of lot frontage with a max. of 24 sq. ft. | |
Hotels/Motels | In addition to the signing allowed in the commercial districts, hotel/motel uses shall be entitled to one “vacancy-no vacancy” sign not to exceed five sq. ft. Said sign may be illuminated. |
Marketing Window | (a) Marketing windows are subject to the approval of a zoning administrator permit. |
(b) A formal sign review application shall be submitted and approved prior to installation of any signs. | |
(c) Approved signage shall only be located on the back/rear walls of the marketing window. | |
(d) In all cases, marketing windows shall comply with the following dimensional criteria. Marketing windows shall be: | |
(1) At least three foot in depth. | |
(2) No greater than 50% of the width of the building elevation where they are located. | |
(3) No greater than 10 feet tall, and only on the ground floor of a building. | |
(4) Never result in greater than 10 times the total allowed on-building signage for a business per Table E of Section 10-6.09(B) or in excess of 1,000 square feet, whichever is less. | |
(e) In all cases, marketing windows shall comply with the following design criteria. Marketing windows shall: | |
(1) Only be illuminated from the front. All illumination shall be shielded and located within the marketing window vestibule. | |
(2) Not be illuminated after 12:00 midnight, or when the business is closed, whichever is later. | |
(3) Only display graphical elements and/or photographs representative of the goods and/or services offered within. | |
(4) Not function as a display window. | |
(f) No temporary window signage as allowed in MMC § 10-6.04(S) shall be placed on or within the marketing window. | |
Movie Theaters | (a) One sq. ft. of sign area per lineal foot of building facing a public street not to exceed 100 sq. ft. per frontage. |
(b) One freestanding sign not to exceed 30 sq. ft. for each theater screen up to a max. area of 200 sq. ft. and a max. height of 20 feet. | |
(c) Changeable copy may be employed for movie listings. | |
Outdoor Uses Temporary/ Seasonal | (a) Temporary A-frame and I-frame signs may be used. |
(b) Maximum total sign area shall not exceed 50 sq. ft. | |
(c) Individual signs shall be limited to 25 sq. ft. each with a maximum height of six feet, and shall not affect traffic or parking spaces. | |
(d) Total number of signs per street frontage shall be limited to one, and shall be approved by the Planning Director. | |
Outdoor Uses Other Than Temporary or Seasonal | Not exceeding one-half sq. ft. per front of lot or area for the use to a max of 50 sq. ft. and shall be approved by the Director of Planning. |
Private Clubs and Lodges | To be determined with the Conditional Use Permit approval. |
Private Parking Lots | (a) One freestanding sign at each street entrance not to exceed 16 sq. ft. in area or six feet in height indicating the name and nature of the business, plus the means of operation or parking restrictions. |
(b) The freestanding sign(s) may be mounted on a parking lot attendant structure in lieu of the freestanding sign(s). | |
Private Schools | To be determined with the Conditional Use Permit approval. |
Public Uses | As approved by City Council for city uses. |
Service Stations (Gasoline Sales) including: Mini-Market/Gas Convenience Market With Gas Car-Wash/Gas Combinations (In addition to normal sign area, the following special purpose signs may be displayed) | (a) Portable Outside Merchandise Display Stands allowed only with an approved Conditional Use Permit. |
(b) Gasoline Price Signs: One permanently mounted freestanding price sign per street frontage, shall be allowed which list information for each grade of gasoline, type of service available and type of payment permitted, when there is a difference in price for each separate case. Said signs indicating a single price or a combination of prices shall not exceed a total area of 20 sq. ft., with a max. height of eight feet unless mounted on the freestanding business identification sign, in which case the height shall not exceed that specific to the permitted sign. Said sign(s) may be illuminated. | |
(c) In addition to the gasoline signs allowed under (b), one on-building gasoline price sign not to exceed 20 sq. ft may be displayed on one building frontage facing a street frontage. | |
Residential Subdivision Identification (permanent) | (a) Residential. Freestanding signs shall be attached to a permanent structure designed for the purpose and located within the center island or on one side of the street at up to two entrances to a subdivision, subject to an approved encroachment permit when located within the public right-of-way. |
(b) Sign(s) shall not exceed a height of eight feet nor 16 sq. ft. in area per sign, nor one sign per entrance. | |
(c) Such signs shall be approved with a tentative subdivision map. | |
Shopping Center (Major) | (a) Major Shopping Center signage shall be approved through a conditional use permit approved by the Planning Commission. |
(b) Such signage shall be consistent with the purpose and intent of this chapter. | |
Temporary Seasonal Sales Conducted Outdoors (Fireworks, Pumpkin, Christmas Tree, Agricultural Sales) | (a) Maximum sign area shall not exceed 50 sq. ft. total. |
(b) Individual signs shall be limited to 25 sq. ft. each with a maximum height of six feet, and shall not affect traffic or parking spaces. | |
(c) Total number of signs per street frontage shall be limited to one, and shall be approved by the Planning Director. | |
(Ord. 864 C.S., passed 11-4-09; Am. Ord. 892 C.S., passed 1-4-12)