In addition to any sign not specifically in accordance with this chapter, the following signs shall be prohibited:
(A) Signs having one or a combination of the following characteristics:
(1) Obscene or offensive to morals. Containing statements, words, or pictures of an obscene, indecent, or immoral character which, taken as a whole, appeal to the prurient interest in sex, and which signs are patently offensive and, when taken as a whole, do not have serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value;
(2) Imitative of official signs. Signs (other than when used for traffic direction) which contain or are an imitation of an official traffic sign or signal, or contain the words stop, go, slow, caution, danger, warning, or similar words, or signs which imitate or may be construed as other public notices, such as zoning violations, building permits, business licenses, and the like;
(3) Fluorescent colors. Any permanent signs containing florescent colors as all or part of their copy;
(4) Natural despoliation. Signs which are cut, burned, limed, painted, or otherwise marked on a field, tree, rock, or other natural item; and
(5) Changeable copy signs. Signs designed to have changeable copy as a part or all of their copy, except as specifically provided for in § 10-6.13 (Special Use Signs).
(B) Moving signs having one or a combination of the following characteristics:
(1) Flashing of lights, blinking of lights, or changing of color intensity, except those permitted as part of seasonal decorations;
(2) Animation (such as by mechanical movement of parts of the sign, projections on or within the sign, or changes on the shape or content of the sign face), to exclude “time and temperature” devices. This shall include, but is not limited to, flashing, blinking, flickering, moving textual messages, moving, rotating signs, and frames which appear to rotate, except those permitted as part of seasonal decorations;
(3) Windblown devices and/or inflatable signs, whose movement is designed to attract attention, such as pennants, flags, balloons, or other inflated objects, or reflective attachments to sign faces, except those specifically permitted (as temporary signs in § 10-6.09(C), and except those permitted as part of seasonal decorations, or flags which are specifically exempted by § 10-6.09(D) and (E) and § 10-6.10(D) and (E) of this chapter.
(5) Where there is any production of smoke, fog, sound, light, or other substance or matter;
(D) Obstructive to use or visibility, hazardous locations. No sign shall be erected in any manner which, in whole or in part, would create a hazardous condition to pedestrians or traffic alike, either by obstructing the free use of exits, building or site, or by creating visual distraction, being color, sound, or glare, or representing a traffic control device; and
(E) Signs in one or more of the following locations:
(1) Within public places. Within any public street, sidewalk, any public accessible parking lot, or right-of-way, unless they shall maintain a minimum clearance of 14 feet above the adjoining grade level and after acquiring an encroachment permit from the city, except marquee signs as defined by this chapter, unless specifically provided for in this chapter;
(2) Roof signs, except mansard roof signs, except those permitted as part of seasonal decorations.
(3) Mansard roof signs. Signs located on the upper one-third of a mansard roof shall be prohibited. Signs located on the lower two-thirds of a mansard roof shall be counted as wall signs. Mansard roofs shall be designed to provide for sign placement in an architecturally integrated fashion per the approval of the Planning Director.
(4) Projecting. Except as provided for in Special Signage Districts of this chapter, signs projecting more than 12 inches from the face of a building shall not be allowed;
(5) Vehicle signs where the primary purpose of the vehicle is general advertising. No vehicle or trailer may be used as a platform or substitute for a billboard, freestanding sign, or movable sign, whether parked on public or private property or found in the public right-of-way. This is specifically intended to include the use of vehicles as a freestanding or off-premises sign and does not apply to signs maintained on vehicles when such advertising is incidental to the primary purpose for which the vehicle is being used (such as delivery service).
(6) Bench signs. Signs located on benches or other similar outdoor furnishings such as, but not limited to, chairs, chaises, outdoor umbrellas, trash cans, and/or awnings;
(7) In storage. Signs may not be located on a premises so as to be visible from beyond the property line after removal, prior to erection, or while in storage; and
(8) Miscellaneous temporary signs and posters. The tacking, posting, or otherwise affixing of signs of a miscellaneous character, visible from a public way, located on the walls of buildings, barns, or sheds or on trees, poles, posts, fences, or other structures shall be prohibited, unless specifically permitted by this chapter.
(Ord. 864 C.S., passed 11-4-09)