(A) Nomination of officers shall be made from the members at the annual organizational meeting in July of each year, and the election shall be held immediately thereafter.
(B) A candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected and shall serve a term of one year or until a successor shall take office.
(C) Vacancies in the office of chairman or vice chairman shall be filled as soon as possible by the election procedure described above.
(Ord. 6-16-97-1996-97, passed 7-21-97)
(A) Meetings of the Board shall be held as necessary upon the call of the chairman, or when called by at least three members of the Board by written notification to the chairman.
(B) Meetings shall be held at the City of Lyndon City Hall at the time set forth in the notice of the meeting.
(C) Notice of all meetings, both regular and special, shall be given to all board members at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. All notices of hearings shall be sent to each member of the Board no later than seven days before the date of the hearing. Notices of all meetings and hearings of the Board shall also be forwarded to code enforcement officers and other city personnel at the same time the notices are sent to the code board members.
(Ord. 6-16-97-1996-97, passed 7-21-97)
(A) Members shall notify the chairman of the Board if they will be unable to attend a meeting.
(B) If a member misses two out of three consecutive meetings without cause, the chairman shall notify the executive authority of the city of the absences and appropriate action may be taken to remove the member from the Board.
(Ord. 6-16-97-1996-97, passed 7-21-97)
Any member of the Board who has any direct or indirect financial or personal interest in any matter to be decided by the Board shall disclose the nature of the interest on the record of the Board’s proceedings and shall abstain from voting on that matter. Any member who has announced a conflict with respect to any matter shall not be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum during the time the Board takes the matter under consideration.
(Ord. 6-16-97-1996-97, passed 7-21-97)
The Board shall conduct its meetings in accordance with the following order of business. The order of business at any meeting may be varied, if there is no objection from any member of the Board. In the event of an objection, the order of business may be varied upon the agreement of a majority of the members constituting a quorum.
(A) Roll call
(B) Approval of minutes of previous meeting
(C) Reports
(D) Public hearings
(1) Unfinished hearings
(2) New hearings
(E) Unfinished business other than hearings
(F) New business other than hearings
(G) Announcements
(H) Adjournment
(Ord. 6-16-97-1996-97, passed 7-21-97)