Within thirty days following the public hearing provided for in Section 1183.07, the Planning Commission shall act to approve, disapprove or conditionally approve the preliminary plan according to the following criteria:
(a) That the proposed development is in conformity with the goals and objectives of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations and any Master or Comprehensive Plan then in existence having been property enacted by the Village;
(b) That the benefits, improved arrangement, and design of the proposed development justify the deviation from standard development requirements included in this Zoning Code;
(c) That the uses requested in the proposal are compatible with surrounding land uses;
(d) That there are adequate public services, such as utilities, fire protection, and emergency service, available to serve the proposed development;
(e) That the proposed development will not create overcrowding and/or traffic hazard on existing roads and/or intersections;
(f) That the arrangement of land uses on the site shall properly consider topography, significant natural features, natural drainage patterns, views, and roadway access;
(g) That the clustering of development sites is shown to preserve any natural or historic features and provide usable common open space;
(h) That the proposed road circulation system is integrated and coordinated to include a hierarchical interconnection of interior roads as well as adequate outerconnection of interior collector streets with off-site road systems;
(i) That there are adequate buffers between incompatible land uses; and
(j) That the Planning Commission is satisfied that the developer possess the requisite financial resources to begin the project within the required two years.
(Ord. 638. Passed 6-4-03.)