(a) Following the submission and review of a conceptual sketch plan according to Section 1109.02 of the Subdivision Regulations, the applicant shall submit ten copies of a proposed preliminary plan to the Zoning Inspector, along with the required application fee. The proposed preliminary development plan shall include all items required of a preliminary drawing of a subdivision, as described in Sections 1109.06 to 1109.09 inclusive, of the Subdivision Regulations.
(b) The Planning Commission may also, at its sole discretion, require additional information such as maps, data or reports, including environmental impact studies and an archaeological survey of the property, prepared by an appropriate professional. The applicant shall be responsible for all reasonable expenses incurred by the Village in reviewing the preliminary and final development plans or any modifications thereof. Such expenses shall be in addition to the application fees established by Council and may include professional service fees incurred in connection with reviewing the plans and prepared reports, such as legal fees and fees for the services of other professionals such as geologists, landscape architects, planners, engineers, environmental scientists, or architects.
(Ord. 638. Passed 6-4-03.)