A. To promote, as a matter of public policy, the preservation, protection, and enhancement of those buildings, properties, structures, sites, and incidental appurtenances used for commercial purposes that generate gross receipt tax revenue for the city in the area described as:
1. Main Street, beginning at Avenue R and ending at Love Street, bounded on the east by the east edge of the alley easementbetween Main Street and Love Street, and bounded on the west by the west edge of the alley between Main Street and 1st Street. For properties that do not have an alley built or platted, the boundary will be assumed as the number of feet from the public right-of-way to the alley that would exist if it were platted or built;
2. Avenue D, beginning at 17th Street and ending at Commercial Street, bounded on the north by the northern edge of the alley easement between Avenue D and Avenue C, and bounded on the south by the southern edge of the alley easement between Avenue D and Avenue C. For properties that do not have an alley built or platted, the boundary will be assumed as the number of feet from the public right-of-way to the alley that would exist if it were platted or built;
3. In the event the property within the district is subdivided, zoning may not be changed.
B. This district is created in the interest or prosperity, civic pride, and general welfare of the city, to prevent urban blight by:
1. Providing a mechanism to preserve, protect, enhance, and perpetuate those structures, properties, sites, buildings, and incidental appurtenances used for commercial purposes in designated areas;
2. Fostering civic pride and respect in the community's future;
3. Maintaining and improving property values;
4. Protecting and enhancing the community's attraction to tourists and visitors;
5. Promoting the structures, property sites, buildings, and incidental appurtenances for the general welfare of the community; and
6. Fostering and encouraging preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation of structures, properties, buildings, sites, and incidental appurtenances, thereby preventing urban blight; and
7. Increase municipal revenues that will be used for the operation, repair, maintenance, and improvement of the community.
(Ord. 569 (part), 2019)