A. There shall be a side yard on each side of the one-story portions of buildings having a width of not less than five feet from the property line, to include dedicated public right-of-ways and easements, and a side yard on each side of the two-story portions of buildings having a width of not less than seven and one half feet from the property line, to include dedicated public right-of-ways and easements. The side yard on the street side of a corner lot shall not be less than fifteen feet from the property line, to include dedicated public right-of-ways and easements, except as to lots of record as of August 9, 1960. The side yard line in regard to such lots of record shall be that which has been established by usage, but in no case less than five feet from the property line, to include dedicated public right-of-ways and easements.
B. A carport shall be allowed if it meets the following:
1. It must be constructed of metal, wood or concrete of such design and size as to adequately and safely support the structure. In no event shall it contain plastic materials.
2. It must not have walls or doors interfering with vision.
3. It must have its roof supported in conformance with the state building code as modified from time to time.
4. Ingress and egress must be assured by a concrete driveway the width of the carport.
5. The side yard must be a width of at least five feet from the property line, to include dedicated public right-of-ways and easements before reaching the point immediately below the roof line of the carport. (Ord. 557 (part), 2018: Ord. 344 (part), 1987: prior code § 11-3-1 (c) (2))
A. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than thirty feet or twenty percent of the depth of the lots, whichever amount is smaller.
B. A carport shall be allowed if it meets the following:
1. It must be constructed of metal, wood or concrete of such design and size as to adequately and safely support the structure. In no event shall it contain plastic materials.
2. It must not have walls or doors interfering with vision.
3. It must have its roof supported in conformance with the state building code as modified from time to time.
4. Ingress and egress must be assured by a concrete driveway the width of the carport.
(Ord. 557 (part), 2018: Ord. 344 (part), 1987: prior code § 11-3-1 (c) (3))
Every lot shall have an area of not less than seven thousand square feet per family; except that, if a lot has less area than required in this chapter and was a lot of record prior to February 12, 1971, the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, such lot may be used for one single-family dwelling, provided that all other district regulations are observed. (Ord. 520 (part), 2014; Ord. 344 (part), 1987: prior code § 11-3-1 (c) (4))
A. The city manager and/or his approved personnel shall inspect and approve, if all requirements are properly met:
1. The location and design of all carports;
2. The carport after it is finally completed;
3. All city and state regulations and rules must be complied with.
B. A city permit must be obtained and all city requirements complied with. Current lists of city requirements shall be provided to each applicant after issuance of a building permit. Such list may be changed from time to time as deemed necessary by the city manager.
C. A state building permit must be secured and all state rules complied with.
D. In an area where the construction of carports violates local private restrictive covenants, the city shall not approve or allow the construction or modification of carports unless and until all city requirements have been met and the approval has been obtained of all the homeowners on petitioner's block.
E. This chapter shall in no way limit or compromise the rights of any past, present or future land owner who has standing to enforce any existing or future private restrictive covenants dealing with the subject matter of this section.
F. Any carport constructed without obtaining prior approval by virtue of this contract shall be in violation of this chapter and subject to penalties of ninety days in jail and/or a three hundred dollar fine.
G. If a structure, including a carport, is built (1) without prior approval, (2) with prior approval, but does not conform to the petition, the city shall notify the landowner by certified mail:
1. That the structure does not conform to this chapter;
2. That demand is made that the structure be modified to conform to this chapter;
3. That if the structure is not made to conform within the time allotted, the structure will be torn down within fifteen days from the mailing of such notice;
4. That the city will tear the structure down and bill the landowner for the cost of tearing the structure down;
5. That if payment is not made within thirty days after demand for payment, the city will file a lien against the landowner's property for the amount plus interest that is allowed by law. (Ord. 344 (part), 1987: prior code § 11-3-1 (c) (5-12))