13.12.240   Violation—Penalty.
   A.   A person who continues discharging wastewater in violation of this article is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction is punishable by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars for each violation and for each day of violation.
   B.   In addition to proceeding under authority of subsection A of this section, the city is entitled to pursue all other criminal and civil remedies to which it is entitled under authority of statutes or other ordinances against a person continuing prohibited discharges. (Ord. 311 § 20, 1982)
Article IV.
Garbage Rates
13.12.250   Residential garbage rates (in city limits).
   The garbage rates to be charged and collected per month by the city from each residence obtaining service from the contractor employed by the city shall be as follows:
   The following rates shall be effective July 1, 2017:
1 Polycart
2 Polycarts
   Beginning July 1, 2019, a 2% cost for service increase shall be effective automatically each July 1st unless rescinded by the Lovington City Commission sixty (60) calendar days prior.
(Ord. 553, 2017)
13.12.260   Extraterritorial zone residential garbage rate.
   The garbage rates to be charged and collected per month by the city from each extraterritorial zone residence obtaining service from the contractor employed by the city shall be as follows:
   The following rates shall be effective July 1, 2017:
1 Polycart
2 Polycarts
   Beginning July 1, 2019, a 2% cost for service increase shall be effective automatically each July 1st unless rescinded by the Lovington City Commission sixty (60) calendar days prior.
(Ord. 553, 2017)
13.12.270   Commercial garbage rate.
   The garbage rates to be charged and collected per month by the city from each commercial establishment obtaining service from the contractor employed by the city shall be as follows:
Effective 7/1/2017
Effective 7/1/2018
Effective 7/1/2017
Effective 7/1/2018
1 Polycart
2 Polycarts
2 yard - 1 pickup per week
2 yard - 2 pickups per week
3 yard - 1 pickup per week
3 yard - 2 pickups per week
4 yard - 1 pickup per week
4 yard - 2 pickups per week
6 yard - 1 pickup per week
6 yard - 2 pickups per week
8 yard - 1 pickup per week
8 yard - 2 pickups per week
   Beginning July 1, 2019, a 2% cost for service increase shall be effective automatically each July 1st unless rescinded by the Lovington City Commission sixty (60) calendar days prior.
(Ord. 553, 2017)
Article V.
Periods of
Declared Disaster or Emergency
13.12.280   Purpose.
   The purpose of this article is to ensure City of Lovington customers utilizing water, sewer, and garbage services will not experience a disruption in service during times of declared disaster or emergency in an effort to maintain hygiene and sanitation. In addition, this article will ensure that operations remain funded during and after the incident.
(Ord. 582 (part), 2020)