A. The treasurer shall be the finance officer for the municipality unless another officer is directed by ordinance to be the finance officer. The finance officer shall be employed and discharged by the city manager subject to the approval of the city commission. The finance officer shall:
1. Receive all money belonging to the municipality;
2. keep accounts and records in the manner prescribed by the city commission;
3. keep the money of the municipality separate from any other money in his or her possession;
4. expend the money only as directed by the city commission;
5. submit monthly, or as often as required by the city commission and city manager a report of the receipts and expenditures of the municipality;
6. prepare annually, at the close of the fiscal year, a financial report showing the receipts, expenditures and balances for each fund. A copy of the financial report shall be filed in the office of the city clerk as a public document;
7. supervise the depositing and safekeeping of all money belonging to the municipality; and
8. serve as the chief procurement officer of the municipality;
9. with the direction of the city commission designate banks qualified to receive on deposit money entrusted to his or her care.
(Ord. 547, 2016)
It is lawful for the city manager to appoint, by and with the consent of the city commission, deputy city treasurers who shall perform such of the duties of the office as may be directed by the city manager and shall have the full powers of deputy treasurers. The treasurer shall be responsible to the city for the actions of the deputies and may require of such deputies a bond in such sum as may be fixed by the city commission payable to the treasurer and conditioned upon the faithful performance of the deputies’ duties.
(Ord. 547, 2016)