17.16.010 Applicability of chapter.
17.16.020 General use restrictions.
17.16.030 Height regulations.
17.16.040 Accessory buildings.
17.16.050 Required yards.
17.16.060 Proximity to airport.
17.16.070 More than one main building on a lot
17.16.080 Off-street parking of commercial vehicles in residential zone.
Except as hereinafter provided:
A. No person shall use any premises for use other than those permitted in the district in which such premises are located.
B. No building shall be erected unless it conforms to the regulations for the district in which such premises are located.
C. No building shall be enlarged, structurally altered or moved unless such enlargement, structural alteration or moving conforms to the regulations for the district in which the premises are located.
D. Every building hereafter erected, enlarged or structurally altered shall be located on a lot as defined in this title and in no case shall there be more than one main building on one lot. Land that is part of one lot and that is not in excess of the area requirements for that lot shall not be used to satisfy the area requirements of any other lot. (Prior code § 11-2-5)
A. Public, semipublic or public service buildings, hospitals, institutions or schools, when permitted in a district, may be erected to a height not exceeding sixty feet, and churches and temples may be erected to a height not exceeding seventy-five feet, if that part of the building exceeding the height limit is set back from each yard line at least one foot for each foot of additional building height above the height limit otherwise provided in the district in which the building is built
B. Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings and multiple dwellings may be increased in height by not more than ten feet when the side and rear yards are increased over the yard requirements of the district in which they are located by not less than ten feet, but they shall not exceed three stories in height.
C. Chimneys, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, fire towers, monuments, stacks, stage towers or scenery lofts, tanks, water towers, ornamental towers and spires, church steeples, radio towers, or necessary mechanical appurtenances, and farm buildings may be erected to a height in accordance with existing or hereafter adopted ordinances of the city. (Prior code § 11-3-7 (a) (1-3))