Title 16
      16.01   Processing of Plats
      16.02   In General
      16.03   Plats and Platting Procedure
      16.04   Design Standards
      16.05   Improvements
      16.06   Alternate Summary Procedure
Chapter 16.01
   16.01.010   Procedure for processing plat for new subdivision.
16.01.010   Procedure for processing plat for new subdivision.
   A.   When a developer first proposes a new subdivision, a sketch of the proposed subdivision, showing the basic outline of the streets, alleys (including widths) and lots in the subdivision shall be presented to the city. The developer also should have a map showing how the subdivision conforms with the master plan for the entire development. The layout of the new subdivision will be reviewed by the city engineering department to ensure the subdivision meets with necessary requirements of the city and the city's subdivision regulations.
   B.   When the subdivision has been reviewed by the city engineering department and any necessary corrections have been made, the layout will be presented to the planning and zoning commission and city commission for preliminary approval. If any changes are recommended by the planning board or the city commission, the subdivision layout must be modified to include these changes.
   C.   The developer then may proceed to develop the complete set of plans and specifications for the water lines, sewer lines, streets and drainage plan for the new subdivision. The developer's engineer shall provide a letter certifying the drainage plan has been properly developed. When these plans have been completed, they will be reviewed by the city engineering department to check for conformance to the city's standards and specifications. The subdivision layout and plans and specifications for the improvements then will be presented to the planning and zoning commission for its approval or recommendation. After planning and zoning commission's approval, the layout will be presented to the city commission for its approval prior to the start of construction.
   D.   It will be the responsibility of the developer to ensure the improvements (if any) are constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. On completion of the improvement, the developer's engineer, who shall be a professional engineer registered in the state, shall submit a letter of certification that all improvements (if any) were made in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. The developer's engineer also shall submit to the city one set of reproducible drawings showing the completed project as it was constructed. The "as built" drawings shall include any minor changes made in the improvements (if any) during construction.
   E.   Upon completion of the developer's engineer's letter of certification, and the "as built" plans, the developer shall submit a drawing of the final plat, which shall include all the necessary legal descriptions and approval signature blocks, to the city engineering department. The developer also should submit the original of his restrictive covenants for the subdivision and a signed, notarized petition requesting approval of the final plat by the city commission. These documents should be submitted to the city engineering department, which will check for conformance with the city's requirements. The documents then will be submitted to the city commission for its final approval. When the final plat is approved by the city commission, the original of the final plat with all necessary signatures and the restrictive covenants and resolutions of the approval of the final plat will be returned to the developer for filing with the county clerk.
   For state law as to the authority of city as to planning and platting generally, see NMSA 1978, § 3-19-1 to3-19-12. As to subdivision regulations generally, see NMSA 1978, § 3-19-6.
   As to planning board generally, see Chapter 2.72 of this code. As to zoning, see Chapter 17 of this code. As to buildings generally, see Chapter 15 of this code. As to streets and sidewalks generally, see Chapter 12 of this code.
(Ord. 447 (part), 2003)