Any person twenty-one years of age or older may receive an original appointment to the Police Department providing that he or she meets the physical requirements necessary to perform the duties of a policeman or policewoman as established by the Civil Service Commission.
(Ord. 1971-19. Passed 5-18-71; Ord. 1980-6. Passed 1-22-80.)
The Fire Division shall be composed of a Chief, appointed by the City Manager, and such other officers, volunteer firefighters, and employees as provided by ordinance. The Director of Safety shall have the exclusive management and control over such other secretaries, clerks, and employees as are provided by ordinance or resolution of the Council. Neither this section nor any section of this Code or the Ohio Revised Code requires, or shall be construed to require, that the Fire Chief be a resident of the City.
(Ord. 1980-6. Passed 1-22-80.)
If and when the City establishes its own Fire Division, the Chief of the Fire Division shall have exclusive control of the stationing and transferring of all firefighters and other officers and employees in the Division under such general rules and regulations as the Director of Safety prescribes. (Ord. 1980-6. Passed 1-22-80.)
In case of riot or other like emergency, the City Manager may appoint additional patrolmen and officers for temporary service in the Police Division, or firefighters and officers for temporary service in the Fire Division, who need not be in the classified list of such division. Such additional persons shall be employed only for the time during which the emergency exists.
(Ord. 1980-6. Passed 1-22-80.)
(a) The Police Force of the City shall preserve the peace, protect persons and property, and obey and enforce all ordinances of the legislative authority thereof and all criminal laws of the state and the United States.
(b) The Fire Division shall protect the lives and property of all people in case of fire.
(c) Both the Police and Fire Divisions shall perform such other duties as are provided by ordinance or as may be ordered by the Director of Safety.
(Ord. 1980-6. Passed 1-22-80.)
The Division of Building Inspection and Zoning Administration shall be composed of a Building Official, Building Inspector(s), Zoning Administrator, Property Maintenance Code Official and Permit Clerk as appointed by the City Manager, and such other number of deputy inspectors and other employees as may be provided by ordinance of Council. The division staff shall enforce the Building Code, the Property Maintenance Code, the Zoning Code, and such other codes as may be assigned for enforcement to this division by the City Manager. The division is also responsible for the process of plan review, permitting, inspections, zoning to ensure proper land development and promote high-quality design standards through the enforcement of state and local building and zoning codes.
(Ord. 2021-65. Passed 7-14-21.)