(a)   Whenever a public sanitary sewer is installed in a public right-of-way abutting premises from which sewage or industrial or business waste originate, direct connection from any structure on such premises shall be made with such public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this chapter; and, if necessary, suitable toilet facilities shall be installed within each structure.
   (b)   In the case of new construction on such premises, where the shortest distance between any point in the foundation wall of such construction and the nearest boundary of the public right-of-way in which the sewer is located is 200 feet or less, direct connection with such sanitary sewer shall be made. Such connection shall be by means of gravity flow sewer lines, or, in the case of a structure whose building sewer is at a lower level than the public sanitary sewer, so that gravity flow cannot be established, such connection shall be by means of a suitable mechanical device to lift the waste and pump the waste to the public sewer.
   (c)   In case of structures existing on such premises at the time the public sanitary sewer is installed, the shortest distance between any point in whose foundation wall and the nearest boundary of the public right-of-way in which the sewer is located is 200 feet or less, and whose building sewer is at a higher level than the public sanitary sewer, so that gravity flow from such structure to the public sanitary sewer can be established, direct connection with such sanitary sewer shall be made.
   (d)   In the case of structures existing on such premises at the time the public sanitary sewer is installed, the shortest distance between any point in whose foundation wall and the nearest boundary of the public right-of-way in which the sewer is located is 200 feet or less, and whose building sewer is at a lower level than the public sanitary sewer, so that gravity flow from such structure to the public sanitary sewer cannot be established, connection to the public sanitary sewer shall not be required, provided that there is in use on such premises an existing private sanitary sewer which conforms to the requirements of the Hamilton County Health Department. Whenever such private sanitary sewer system fails to function properly and produces a health hazard in the opinion of the Hamilton County Health Department, its use shall be discontinued, and it shall be dismantled and filled with suitable material, and connection shall be made to the public sanitary sewer by means of a mechanical device to lift the waste and pump it into the public sewer.
   (e)   In the case of any structures, whether new or existing, with respect to which the shortest distance between any point in the foundation wall and the nearest boundary of the public right-of-way in which the sewer is located is greater than 200 feet, no connection to the public sanitary sewer shall be required, but connections may be made to the public sanitary sewer from such structures, at the option of the owner, by means of gravity flow sewer lines or mechanical devices to lift the waste and pump it to the public sewer. Private sanitary sewer systems may be used on such premises, provided they are approved by the Hamilton County Health Department. However, notwithstanding any other provision of this division, where the premises on which such structure is located is less than 20,000 square feet in area, or is too small in the opinion of the Hamilton County Health Department to handle a private sanitary sewer properly, direct connection shall be made from the structures on such premises to the public sanitary sewer, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, by means of gravity flow lines or mechanical devices to lift the waste and pump it into the public sanitary sewer.
   (f)   Whenever it is determined by the City Engineer that connection to a public sanitary sewer is required pursuant to the terms of this section, the City Engineer shall issue written notice by certified mail to the owners or persons in possession and control of the premises involved, which notice shall specify the measures to be taken to bring such premises into compliance with this section, and shall require such measures to be taken within a period of time which, in the determination of the City Engineer, is reasonable for the completion of such measures.
   (g)   Violations. Any person, firm, or corporation, having been issued a written notice pursuant to this section, who fails to comply with such written notice within the time stipulated therein, shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor for each day during which such failure or refusal continues. (1980 Code. Sec. 50.18)