(a) Permission herein granted to stop or stand a vehicle for purposes of loading and unloading of materials shall apply only to commercial vehicles and shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor, and in no event for more than thirty (30) minutes, except as provided in Section 88.01.1 of this chapter. (Amended by Ord. No. 170,019, Eff. 10/21/94.)
(b) The loading or unloading of materials shall apply only to commercial deliveries and to the delivery or pickup of express and parcel post packages and United States mail.
(c) Permission herein granted to stand or park for purposes of loading or unloading passengers shall include the loading or unloading of personal baggage, but shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor, and in no event more than five minutes, except for a maximum of ten minutes where signs indicating a ten minute limit are posted. (Amended by Ord. No. 182,484, Eff. 4/28/13.)
(d) Within the total time limits above specified the provisions of this section shall be enforced so as to accommodate necessary and reasonable loading or unloading but without permitting abuse of the privileges hereby granted.
“We see no reason to doubt the validity of the ordinance under which appellant was convicted.”
People v. Johnson (1932), CR A 818.
(a) The Department is authorized to establish taxicab zones and zones for other vehicles defined in Section 71.00 of this code, or operated in passenger transportation service by authority of the California Public Utilities Commission, and to determine the locations thereof, such zones to be used for the parking of vehicles while awaiting employment. (Amended by Ord. No. 152,426, Eff. 6/29/79.)
(b) Any zone so designated shall be occupied only during such hours of the day and for such periods of time as may be specified by the Department. (Amended by Ord. No. 173,880, Eff. 5/21/01.)
(c) The Department shall promptly cause each such zone so established to be marked either by a painting of a white line on the tops of the curbs or places stenciled with the words “No Stopping” together with the appropriate words such as “Taxicab Zone”, or by appropriate posted signs. (Amended by Ord. No. 180,092, Eff. 9/7/08.)
(d) No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle except those authorized by the Department in any zone established in accordance with the provisions of this section. (Amended by Ord. No. 152,426, Eff. 6/29/79.)
80.69 Parking Prohibited or Limited.
80.69.1 Parking of Trailers and Semitrailers.
80.69.2 Parking – Commercial Vehicles and Trailers.
80.69.3 Parking of Commercial and Construction Vehicles under Freeway Overpasses.
80.69.4 Parking of Oversize Vehicles.
80.70 Parking Prohibited or Limited in Anti-Gridlock Zones.
80.71.3 Parking in Front Yards.
80.71.4 Prohibition of Parking of Vehicles Without Permission on Privately Owned or Publicly Owned Property.
80.72 Parking Prohibited or Limited on Certain Streets on Red Flag Alert Days.
80.72.5 Parking Prohibited or Limited on Private Streets.
80.73 Catering Trucks.
80.73.1 Use of Streets for Storage of Vehicles – Prohibited.
80.73.2 Use of Street for Storage of Vehicles – Generally – When Prohibited.
80.73.3 Selling, Leasing, Reserving or Facilitating the Reserving of Public Ways – Prohibited.
80.74 Washing Vehicles in Street.
80.75.1 Parking with Audible Status Indicator Operative.
80.75.3 Parking Automobiles on Streets Exceeding Grade of 3%.
80.75.4 Emergency Rules and Signs.
(Title Amended by Ord. No. 122,716, Eff. 10/5/62.)
Whenever, with reference to any street or portion thereof, the Department determines that: (1) the same is within a business district; or (2) because of proximity to a business district or center of employment; or (3) because of an unusual concentration of population; or (4) because vehicles which are six feet or more in height (including any load thereon) parked within 100 feet of an intersection limit the visibility of approaching traffic and thereby create a hazard; or (5) because of any other factor or condition, the unrestricted parking of vehicles has caused, or would necessarily cause, traffic congestion, create a hazard, detrimentally affect the public welfare, or deprive the public of the efficient use of available curb space, the Department is hereby authorized to install at any such place signs giving notice that no person shall stand, stop or park a vehicle except as provided on such signs. The Department is further authorized to include notice on any sign which prohibits the stopping or parking of vehicles, that vehicles parked or left standing in violation of such sign may be removed. (Amended by Ord. No. 161,645, Eff. 10/17/86.)
(a) Stopping or Standing Prohibited. Whenever authorized signs are in place giving notice that stopping or standing is prohibited during such hours or on such days as are indicated on such signs, it shall be unlawful for any person to stop or stand or park any vehicle at any time during such hours or such days.
(b) Parking Prohibited. Whenever authorized signs are in place giving notice that parking, as defined in Section 463 of the California Vehicle Code, is prohibited at any time or during certain hours, it shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle during such prohibited times, except as provided in Section 88.01.1 of this chapter. (Amended by Ord. No. 170,019, Eff. 10/21/94.)
(c) Parking Time Limits. Whenever authorized signs are in place giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person to stop or stand or park any vehicle for a period of time in excess of the parking time limit indicated by such sign, except as provided in Section 88.01.1 of this chapter. (Amended by Ord. No. 170,019, Eff. 10/21/94.)
(d) Limitation for Vehicles Six Feet or More in Height. Whenever authorized signs are in place giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person to park or stand a vehicle more than six feet in height, including any load thereon, within 100 feet of an intersection. (New (d) Added by Ord. No. 161,645, Eff. 10/17/86.)
(e) Exceptions. The restrictions of this chapter shall not apply to taxicabs, sight-seeing automobiles, or automobiles for hire standing in any zone designated for their use pursuant to Section 80.66.1 during the hours specified in their respective permits issued by the Department. (Amended by Ord. No. 161,645, Eff. 10/17/86.)
(f) Streets Withdrawn From Public Use. The restrictions and exceptions of this section shall apply, in addition to a street as defined by the Vehicle Code, or any portion thereof, to any street, roadway, way or place, or portion thereof, which has been withdrawn in whole or in part from public use. (Amended by Ord. No. 161,645, Eff. 10/17/86.)
(g) Severability. If any subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this section is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity if the remaining portions of this section. The Council of the City hereby declares that it would have adopted the section, subsection, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any portion or more subsections, clauses, phrases or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. (Re-lettered by Ord. No. 161,645, Eff. 10/17/86.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 152,320, Eff. 6/16/79.)
(a) No person shall park any trailer or semitrailer upon any highway, street, alley or public way or upon any public place otherwise ordinarily used for vehicular parking.
(b) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any trailer or semitrailer which does not exceed 22 feet in overall length, as measured from the foremost part of the trailer hitch to the rear extremity of the trailer body, or to any trailer or semitrailer exceeding such length which is designed for the transportation of a boat or which is designed for human habitation for camping or recreational purposes, nor shall such provisions apply to any trailer or semitrailer which is:
1. In the process of being loaded or unloaded;
2. Disabled in such a manner and to such an extent that it is impossible to avoid stopping and temporarily leaving the disabled trailer or semitrailer on that portion of the highway, street, alley or public way or upon any public place otherwise ordinarily used for vehicular parking;
3. Leased or owned by any permittee granted a permit under the provisions of Article 8 of Chapter 13 of Division 22 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, for the duration of such permit and while parked at the location specified in such permit.
4. Leased or owned by any permittee granted a permit for construction or repair work under any of the provisions of Chapter VI of the Los Angeles Municipal Code or by a public utility engaged in work for which no such permit is required, or a vehicle leased or owned by any contractor hired by such permittee or public utility, provided that the trailer or semitrailer is used in connection with such construction or repair work and is parked upon the construction or repair site or within 150 feet thereof, as measured from the limits of the work area as specified in the permit, and only during the period of actual construction.
5. Leased or owned by a City department or a contractor or vendor hired by a City department for construction or repair work, or by a subcontractor thereof, provided that such trailer or semitrailer is used in connection with such construction or repair work, and is parked upon the construction or repair site or within 150 feet thereof, as measured from the limits of the work area, and only during the period of actual construction or repair.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, no person shall park or leave standing, when authorized signs are in place giving notice thereof, any unhitched trailer upon any major highway, secondary highway, or collector street in the City. (Added by Ord. No. 177,086, Eff. 12/11/05.)