Every officer provided for in the Charter shall, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of office, take the following oath or affirmation: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California and the Charter of the City of Los Angeles, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of (here inserting the name of the office) according to the best of my ability.”
(a) Administration of Oaths. The Mayor, Controller, Treasurer, the Zoning Administrator, and each member of the Council and of each board provided for in the Charter, and the secretary of each of those boards, shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations in any investigation or proceeding pending before any of those officers or bodies, or concerning any demand on the City Treasury, and the City Clerk shall have the power to administer all oaths and affirmations required by the Charter.
(b) Witnesses and Subpoenas. The Mayor, Controller, Treasurer, the Zoning Administrator, Council, and each board provided for in the Charter shall have the power and authority to examine witnesses under oath and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of evidence before them. Upon the request of the Mayor, Controller, Treasurer, President of the Council, or the presiding officer of any board, the City Clerk shall issue subpoenas in the name of the City, attested with the corporate seal, requiring the attendance and testimony of the witness or production of documents at a specified time and place before the Mayor, Controller, Treasurer, Council, or board requesting the subpoena. Nothing in this section shall require Council, any board or officer, or the Zoning Administrator to provide for examination of witnesses under oath in any particular proceeding.
(c) Penalties and Procedure. The Chief of Police, or other officer designated by ordinance, shall cause all such subpoenas to be served. The Council shall prescribe by ordinance suitable penalties for disobedience of subpoenas, and the refusal of witnesses to testify or produce evidence.
(d) Board Examiners. Under procedures prescribed by ordinance:
(1) Each board of commissioners may appoint one or more examiners, or may designate one or more of its members to serve as examiners, whenever, under the Charter or by any law, a right of appeal or protest to the board is given, or where it is required to conduct any investigation or hearing;
(2) Each board may adopt, reject or modify the report of any examiner in whole or in part, or may reconsider the matter in whole or in part;
(3) Each examiner shall have power to administer oaths and require the City Clerk to issue subpoenas; and
(4) Reference to an examiner shall not extend or curtail the time within which the action of any board must be taken, as required by the Charter, any other law or by ordinance.
(a) Compensation. The Mayor, City Attorney, Controller and members of the Council shall receive compensation for their services only as provided in this section and shall not receive any other compensation for those services.
(1) Salaries. Members of the City Council shall be paid a salary equal to that prescribed by law for judges of the Municipal Court of the Los Angeles Judicial District or its successor in the event that court is dissolved or reconstituted.
The Controller shall be paid a salary that is 10% more than that of a Council member. The City Attorney shall be paid a salary that is 20% more than that of a Council member. The Mayor shall be paid a salary that is 30% more than that of a Council member.
The Controller shall be responsible for ascertaining the salary of Municipal Court judges and for setting and adjusting the salaries of elected officers in accordance with this section. Salaries shall be paid in bi-weekly increments unless the Council, by ordinance, prescribes otherwise.
(2) Other Benefits. The Council may, by ordinance, subject to referendum as specified in Article IV of the Charter, confer benefits other than salary upon elected officers as additional compensation for their services. However, benefits from the Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System may not be provided for elected officers that would exceed benefits generally provided to members of the System who are non-represented officers or employees of the City or, if there are no non-represented officers or employees, that would exceed benefits generally provided to other members of the System.
(3) Operative Date of Changes in Salaries. The salaries of elected officers shall be adjusted in the manner provided in this section upon the effective date of any change in the salaries of Municipal Court judges.
(b) Restrictions on Outside Activities. The Mayor, City Attorney, Controller, and members of the Council shall devote their entire time to duties related to their offices. They shall not receive any compensation, including honoraria, for their services other than that provided in this section, except that which may be provided for their serving on governmental entities where payment is authorized for other governmental officers or employees serving in that capacity.
The Council shall set salaries for all officers and employees of the City, including those officers and employees provided for in departments having control of their own definite revenues and funds, except for salaries specifically set or otherwise provided for by the Charter. Salaries shall be set by ordinance, unless otherwise set through collective bargaining agreements approved by the Council and entered into in accordance with the provisions of state law. Collective bargaining shall be conducted in accordance with procedures established by ordinance; provided, however, the ordinance shall provide an opportunity for the Mayor to participate in a committee established to give advice and instructions with respect to the City’s bargaining position in the meet and confer process. This committee shall also advise with respect to salaries set by ordinance.