1100 Applicability.
1102 Pension and Retirement Departments and Plans.
1104 Pension and Retirement System Boards.
1106 Powers and Duties of Pension and Retirement Boards.
1108 General Manager of Pension or Retirement Systems.
1110 Control of Pension and Retirement Funds.
1112 Management Audits.
1114 Council Veto of Board Decisions.
1116 Right to Retire While on Military Leave.
1118 Gender and Number.
1120 Purchases of Real Property.
Each pension or retirement department or plan set forth in this Article shall be governed by the following:
(a) provisions specific to each department or plan set forth in this Article or elsewhere in the Charter; and
(b) these General Provisions for Pension and Retirement Systems.
(a) Departments of the City. The following pension and retirement system departments, created in Section 500, are included within this Article:
Fire and Police Pension System
Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System (LACERS)
(b) Plan Created. The following retirement system is created within the Department of Water and Power and included within this Article:
Water and Power Employees’ Retirement Plan (WPERP)
(c) Boards Created. Each of the pension and retirement system departments or plans set forth in subsections (a) and (b) shall be under the management and control of a board of commissioners. The boards shall have these names:
Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners
Board of Administration of the Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System
Board of Administration of the Water and Power Employees’ Retirement Plan
(a) Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners. The Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners shall consist of nine members. Five shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council. One shall be an active sworn member of the Fire Department as defined in this Article and elected by the members of the Fire Department. One shall be an active sworn member of the Police Department as defined in this Article and elected by the members of the Police Department. One shall be a retired member of the Fire Department as defined in this Article and elected by the retired members of the Fire Department. One shall be a retired member of the Police Department as defined in this Article and elected by the retired members of the Police Department.
(b) Board of Administration for LACERS. The Board of Administration for LACERS shall consist of seven members. Four members, one of whom shall be a retired member of the system, shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to the approval of the Council. Two members shall be active employee members of the system elected by the active employee members. One shall be a retired member of the system elected by the retired members of the system.
(c) Board of Administration for WPERP. The Board of Administration for the WPERP shall consist of seven members. Three members shall be ex officio, three members shall be elected, and one member shall be appointed. The ex officio members shall be the General Manager of the Department, the Chief Accounting Employee of the Department, and one Board of Water and Power Commissioner selected by that board. Three elected members shall be active employee members of the system elected by the active employee members. One member shall be a retired member of the system appointed by the Board of Water and Power Commissioners.
(d) Terms of Board Members. For the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners and the Board of Administration for LACERS, each elected board member shall serve for a term of five years. For the Board of Administration for WPERP, the appointed retired member and each elected board member shall serve for a term of three years. The terms of board members on all boards shall be staggered as determined by each board. In case of a vacancy of an appointed seat on any board, the appointing authority for the seat shall appoint a member to serve out the unexpired term of office. In case of a vacancy of an elected seat on any board that has more than six months remaining before expiration of the term, the applicable board shall conduct an election to select a member of the group represented by the vacant seat to serve out the unexpired term of office.
(e) Restrictions on Board Membership. No person who is employed in any capacity by the LACERS or by WPERP shall be eligible to file for election to or be appointed to the board of their respective systems.