(a) Excluding the programming originated by licensed broadcast stations and/or by closed circuit networks, all programming offered by the operator as part of his or her basic service to the general public shall conform to the provisions of the TV Code and/or the Radio Code of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), provided that two or more Columbus, Ohio, service area commercial television stations, for the TV Code, are code subscribers thereof.
(b) If the operator sells advertising, pursuant to Section 820.06(b), all such advertising material, if transmitted visually and/or aurally in connection with locally originated programming which is offered to the general public as part of the operator's basic service, shall also be subject to the applicable provisions of the NAB Codes, provided for in subsection (a) hereof, and qualified therein as to the practice of Columbus, Ohio, service area commercial broadcast stations.
(Ord. 123-76. Passed 6-17-76.)