The operator shall comply with the following conditions, and the Mayor shall be charged specifically with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this section.
   (a)   Construction and maintenance of the transmission and distribution system shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code and such applicable ordinances and regulations of the State and the City as may be presently in effect or may become effective in the future.
   (b)   The operator shall, at his or her cost and expense, install and maintain during the life of the permit granted by ordinance, and/or cause to be installed and maintained by one or more telephone companies, adequate shielding, filtering and grounding to prevent interference with television and radio reception of nonsubscribers to the operator's service.
   (c)   All applicable present and future Federal Communication Commission rules and regulations shall be and are hereby incorporated into this chapter as if rewritten herein.
   (d)   Additional emphasis is supplied to subsection (c) hereof as follows:
      (1)   The operator shall not transmit on any frequency which will interfere with the official radio communication activities of any governmental agency.
      (2)   Any significant interference with radio communication activities, as determined by the Mayor, shall be immediately eliminated by the operator.
   (e)   All installations of equipment shall be of a permanent nature and durable, installed in accordance with accepted good engineering practices; sufficient to comply with all existing State and City rules, regulations and ordinances, so as not to interfere in any manner with the rights of the public or individual property owners; shall not interfere with the travel and use of public places; and, during construction, repair and removal thereof, shall not obstruct or impede traffic or unnecessarily or interfere with the use or enjoyment of public or private property adjacent thereto. The operator shall obtain advance written approval by the Mayor of any installation of equipment in, on or over any public street or other property owned by the City or in which the City holds easement rights, and shall, upon completion of such installation, furnish the Mayor with accurate maps and other supporting data showing the location of such installations. In the event that any such installation should thereafter interfere with a proposed public use of such property or easement, the operator shall, upon written request by the Mayor, relocate such installation, at the operator's expense.
(Ord. 123-76. Passed 6-17-76; Ord. 136-88. Passed 5-5-88.)