§ 132.999  PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   (1)   A violation of § 132.003(A) shall constitute a civil infraction punishable by a fine of $1,000 for each such violation. Of this fine, the sum of $500 shall be remitted to the City Police Department.
      (2)   A violation of § 132.003(B) constitutes a state civil infraction punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, the city may seize, store or cause to be stored the fireworks pending disposition of any criminal or civil proceedings arising from the violation and if the person subject to criminal or civil proceedings is found guilty, responsible or liable for the violation, that person shall pay the actual costs of storage and disposal of the fireworks seized.
      (3)   A violation of § 132.003(C) constitutes a civil infraction punishable by a fine of $1,000, or, for a second or subsequent violation, a civil fine of $2,500. In addition, the city may seize, store or cause to be stored the fireworks pending disposition of any criminal or civil proceedings arising from the violation and if the person subject to criminal or civil proceedings is found guilty, responsible or liable for the violation, that person shall pay the actual costs of storage and disposal of the fireworks seized.
      (4)   A violation of § 132.003(D) constitutes a state civil infraction punishable by a fine of $1,000. In addition, the city may seize, store or cause to be stored the fireworks pending disposition of any criminal or civil proceedings arising from the violation and if the person subject to criminal or civil proceedings is found guilty, responsible or liable for the violation, that person shall pay the actual costs of storage and disposal of the fireworks seized.
      (5)   A violation of § 132.003(F) constitutes a civil infraction punishable by a fine of $1,000. In addition, the city may seize, store or cause to be stored the fireworks pending disposition of any criminal or civil proceedings arising from the violation and if the person subject to criminal or civil proceedings is found guilty, responsible or liable for the violation, that person shall pay the actual costs of storage and disposal of the fireworks seized.
      (6)   A violation of § 132.003(G) constitutes a civil infraction punishable by a fine of $2,500. In addition, the city may seize, store or cause to be stored the fireworks pending disposition of any criminal or civil proceedings arising from the violation and if the person subject to criminal or civil proceedings is found guilty, responsible or liable for the violation, that person shall pay the actual costs of storage and disposal of the fireworks seized.
(Ord. 391A, passed 6-24-2019)