(A)   No person shall engage in the business of conducting a private detective agency without first complying with the requirements of Ohio R.C. Chapter 4749, as amended.
(Ord. 139-93. Passed 8-23-93.)
   (B)   The Mayor is hereby authorized to prescribe the form of identification cards which shall be issued to private detectives by the City. Each such card shall bear a number assigned to the private detective to whom it is issued. Such detective shall exhibit such card at any time to a police officer demanding to see the same and shall surrender such card to the Mayor when he or she ceases to act as a private detective, when he or she resigns or is discharged from the employment of a licensed private detective agency, or when the private detective agency by and for whom he or she is employed has had its license suspended or revoked.
(Ord. 165-91. Passed 7-8-91.)
   (C)   (EDITOR'S NOTE: Subsection (c) was repealed by Ordinance 139-93, passed August 23, 1993.)