Trailer and Tourist Camps
856.01   Definitions.
856.02   Right of Entry for Purpose of Inspection.
856.03   Zoning Regulations.
856.04   Camp Plan; Fee.
856.05   Water Supply.
856.06   Service Building.
856.07   Waste and Garbage Disposal.
856.08   Limitation upon Number of Occupants.
856.09   Office Building; Register.
856.10   Applicability of Plumbing, Electrical and Building Provisions and of State Laws.
856.11   Parking Trailers Outside Camps; Limited Trailer Occupancy Permits.
856.99   Penalty.
   Licensing by Board of Health; fees - see Ohio R.C. 3733.03 et seq.
   House trailer defined - see Ohio R.C. 4501.01(J)
   Travel trailer defined - see Ohio R.C. 4501.01(L)
   State license plate fee - see Ohio R.C. 4503.04(C)
   Tax levy on house trailers - see Ohio R.C. 4503.06 et seq.
   Register; information open to inspection - see Ohio R.C. 4503.062
   Occupying travel trailer while in motion - see TRAF. 440.08 
   Littering - see GEN. OFF. 660.02
   Residential districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 1248 
   Fire limits - see B. & H. Ch. 1422