The council administrator shall be a full-time temporary position in the unclassified civil service system. The council administrator shall serve a term of four (4) years corresponding with the terms of at-large council members. The council may reappoint the council administrator for additional four-year terms corresponding with the terms of the at-large council members. The term of the appointment for the council administrator shall terminate on December 31, 2026. The appointment, dismissal prior to the expiration of the four-year term, or discipline of the council administrator shall be by a majority vote of the urban county council with the advice and monitoring of the division of human resources.
The council administrator, under the supervision of the vice mayor, shall perform the duties imposed upon the council administrator by section 1.201 of the Council Rules.
The core staff shall be under the general direction and supervision of the council administrator, who shall be responsible to the council as a committee of the whole.
The council administrator shall be responsible for:
a. Interviews and recommendations for hiring and discharging the core staff and otherwise dealing with employees of the core staff, subject to direction from the council as a committee of the whole.
b. Chairing all regularly scheduled council staff meetings.
c. Attending all regularly scheduled council meetings and related council committee meetings and any other meetings as deemed necessary by the council as a committee of the whole council, such as neighborhood meetings or residents groups.
d. Supervising and participating in analysis regarding budgetary impact, policies and procedures, capital improvements, general services to residents and other similar activities of the council office.
e. Advising and briefing council members regarding questions asked by council members; studying and reviewing projects from various departments and making recommendations outlining alternatives to council regarding such.
f. Receiving a variety of research data and compiling information to be communicated to council members.
g. Supervising and preparing special projects upon request of the committee of the whole council, individual council members, individual standing committees and individual ad hoc committees.
h. Meeting with the mayor, commissioners and division directors to obtain information concerning government operations.
i. Working with the department of law and the city lobbyist to coordinate annual updates concerning existing and proposed state laws and their application to the urban county government.
j. Under the direction of the council as a committee of the whole council, preparing the annual budget for the council office and the council budget.
k. Exercising general administrative authority over core staff, including, but not be limited to, time records, payroll, approval of leave requests and compensatory time accruals, reporting leave usages and other employment related processes.
l. Assuring preparation of all work session and council committee agendas, together with pertinent information.
m. With the approval of the council as a committee of the whole and coordinating with CAO policies where necessary, preparing standard operating procedures to address work flow between council members, core staff and aides to council, and monitoring same; and establishing and maintaining a repository for general council research.
n. Training of council members (including newly elected), council aides and core staff.
o. Sending meeting notices for Council meetings and work sessions.
(Res. No. 599-2023, § 2, 11-2-23)