(a) The director of the division of planning is hereby designated as the official custodian of all maps (mylars, negatives, or scribes) obtained through the unified mapping program.
(b) The director of the division of planning is hereby authorized and directed to establish a fee schedule for providing copies of individual sheets of maps obtained through the unified mapping program. The schedule of fees shall be reasonable and shall not exceed the actual cost not including the cost of staff required. The director of the division of planning may prescribe special lower fees for departments and divisions of the urban county government, and students of universities, colleges, secondary schools and elementary schools.
(c) Original maps (mylars, negatives, or scribes) shall be made available only on the following basis:
(1) The use of mylars, negatives, or scribes of individual map sheets shall be available to departments and divisions of this government for their own use at no charge.
(2) The use of mylars, negatives, or scribes shall be available to persons under contract to this government for consulting services at no charge, provided that said persons shall be required to execute a letter in standard form approved by the director of the division of planning and the department of law. Said letter shall include at least the following provisions: A deposit of fifty dollars ($50.00) per mylar, negative, or scribe requested shall be required; the person shall agree to pay the full cost of replacement if any mylar, negative, or scribe is lost or damaged; the mylars, negatives, or scribes requested shall be used only for the project the person is completing for the urban county government; and all mylars, negatives, or scribes must be returned to the urban county government division of planning upon completion of the project.
(3) Any person may have access to all mylars, negatives, or scribes produced by the unified mapping program, for the purpose of copying, for a fee of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) and providing the person executes a contract in standard form approved by the director of the division of planning and the department of law, containing at least the following provisions: The person shall pay the full cost of replacement of any lost or damaged mylars, negatives, or scribes; said mylars, negatives, or scribes may be held in the possession of the person for a period not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours so that the person may make copies thereof; and the person may not distribute, by sale or otherwise, said mylars, negatives, or scribes or copies obtained therefrom to any other person. A person who obtains mylars, negatives, or scribes under this subsection shall periodically receive, with only a charge for materials, updated copies of maps when the division of planning updates its own copies for a period of two (2) years from the date of contract execution. The mayor is authorized to execute contracts entered into pursuant to this subsection.
(4) Any person may have access to one (1) of the three (3) sets of mylars, negatives, or scribes (tax maps, topographic maps or zoning maps) produced by the unified mapping program for the purposes of copying, for a fee of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), providing the person executes a contract in standard form approved by the director of the division of planning and the department of law, containing at least the provisions set forth in subsection (c)(3), above. Provisions for updating the maps in a particular set shall be as set forth in subsection (c)(3) above. The mayor is authorized to execute contracts entered into pursuant to this subsection.
(d) Original maps (mylars, negatives, or scribes) produced by the unified mapping program shall not be allowed to be removed from the office of the division of planning or designated storage area for any purpose except as specified in subsection (c) of this section.
(e) All funds collected pursuant to subsections (c)(3) and (c)(4) of this section shall be set aside from other funds of this government and shall be used for maintaining and updating the maps produced by the unified mapping program.
(Ord. No. 192-79, § 1, 8-2-79)