   115.01   Purpose
   115.02   Intent
   115.03   Definitions
   115.04   License required
   115.05   Licensing standards
   115.06   License fees
   115.07   License expiration
   115.08   Conduct on licensed premises
   115.09   License suspension and revocation
   115.10   Appeals
   115.11   License posting
   115.12   Transfer
   115.13   Inspection
   115.14   Register of occupancy
   115.15   Agent required
   115.16   Exception
   115.17   Refuse removal and recycling
   115.18   Property tax payments maintained
   115.19   Enforcement authority
   115.20   Temporary rental licenses
   115.21   Offender transitional housing
   115.97   Recovery of costs
   115.98   Administration citations and civil fines
   115.99   Penalty
§ 115.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the City of Le Sueur residential rental regulations is to preserve and protect the public health, safety, and the general welfare of the citizens of the city who have as their dwelling a room or rooms furnished to them by another person or entity in exchange for payment of a rental charge (including money, services, or other type of consideration).The general objectives include:
   (A)   To maintain a quality of character and stability of rental dwelling units within the city;
   (B)   To correct and prevent rental dwelling conditions that adversely affect or are likely to adversely affect the life, safety, general welfare and health of persons occupying rental dwellings within the city;
   (C)   To assist in enforcing minimum standards for cooking, heating, and sanitary equipment necessary to the health and safety of the occupants of rental dwellings;
   (D)   To assist in enforcing minimum standards of light and ventilation necessary to health and safety;
   (E)   To prevent overcrowding of rental dwelling units;
   (F)   To assist in enforcing minimum standards for the maintenance of rental dwelling units to prevent slums and blight;
   (G)   To preserve the value of land and buildings throughout the city.
(Ord. 549, passed 10-12-2015)
§ 115.02 INTENT.
   It is the intent of this section to establish a permanent mode of protecting and regulating the living conditions of the residents of the city who rent dwelling units and to provide a means for imposing license fees to help the city defray the costs necessary for housing inspections and enforcement of this chapter. All rental dwelling units must comply with Minnesota State Building Code, International Property Maintenance Code, and the City of Le Sueur Code.
(Ord. 549, passed 10-12-2015; Ord. 578, passed 11-26-2018)