§ 93.07 HEARINGS.
   (A)   Conduct of hearing. A complaint issued by the Director shall be heard as a contested case by a majority of members of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, hereinafter referred to as the Authority. The hearing shall be conducted at a place designated by the Director within the city.
   (B)   Determination of discriminatory practice. The Authority shall make findings of fact, conclusions of law and if the Authority finds that the respondent has engaged in an unfair and discriminatory practice, the Authority shall issue an order directing the respondent to cease and desist from the unfair discriminatory practice found to exist and to take affirmative action as in the judgment of the Authority will effectuate the purposes of this chapter. The order shall be a final decision of the Authority. In all cases, the Authority may order the respondent to pay an aggrieved party for mental anguish or suffering and in all cases may also order the respondent to pay an aggrieved party who has suffered the discrimination punitive damages in an amount to be determined by Authority. In addition to the aforesaid remedies, the Authority may order the sale, lease or rental of the housing accommodation or other real property to an aggrieved party who has suffered discrimination or the sale, lease or rental of a like accommodation or other real property owned by or under the control of the person against whom the complaint was filed according to terms as listed with the real estate broker or if no listing has been made as otherwise advertised or offered by the vendor or lessor or any other relief the Authority deems just and equitable. The Authority shall cause the findings of fact, conclusions of law and order to be served on the respondent personally and the charging party by registered or certified mail.
   (C)   Dismissal of hearing. If the Authority makes findings of fact, conclusions of law and order in favor of the respondent, the order shall be the final decision of the Department.
   (D)   Subpoenas. After the issuance of a complaint pursuant to this chapter, the charging party or respondent may request that the Authority issue subpoenas requiring the presence of witnesses or the production for examination of books or papers not privileged and relevant to any matter in question at the hearing.
(Ord. 350, passed 5-29-1979)