The City Controller shall:
(A) Prescribe the form of reports and accounts to be submitted to the Department of Finance;
(B) Sign and issue all warrants on the City treasury;
(C) Audit and revise all accounts and trusts in which the City is concerned;
(D) Keep separate accounts for each item of appropriation made for each City department, including a statement showing the amount drawn on each appropriation, the unpaid contracts charged against it and the balance remaining;
(E) At the end of each month, submit under oath to the Common Council a report of the accounts of the City and showing revenues, receipts, expenditures and the sources of revenues;
(F) At the end of each fiscal year, submit under oath to the Common Council a report of the accounts of the City published in pamphlet form and showing revenues, receipts, expenditures and the sources of revenues;
(G) Maintain custody of the records of the Department of Finance and turn them over to the fiscal officer’s successor in office;
(H) Perform duties prescribed by statute concerning the negotiation of City bonds, notes and warrants;
(I) Keep a register of bonds of the City and of transfers of those bonds;
(J) Manage the finances and accounts of the City and make investments of City money, subject to the ordinances of the Common Council;
(K) Issue City licenses on payment of the license fee;
(L) Collect fees as fixed by ordinance;
(M) Pay into the City treasury all fees and other City money collected by the Department during the preceding week, specifying the source of each item;
(N) Prescribe payroll and account forms for all City offices;
(O) Prescribe the manner in which salaries shall be drawn;
(P) Prescribe the manner in which creditors, officers and employees shall be paid;
(Q) Provide that all wages and salaries are payable semi-monthly, unless the Common Council establishes more frequent payments;
(R) Notify the City executive of the failure of any City officer to collect money due the City or to pay City money into the City treasury; and
(S) Draw warrants on the City treasury for miscellaneous City expenditures not made under the direction of a department and not specifically fixed by statute.
(Am. Ord. 11, 2013, passed 8-21-2013)
(A) The Corporation Counsel is the head of the Department of Law and is appointed by the Mayor pursuant to I.C. 36-4-9-6.
(B) To be eligible to be appointed as the head of the Department of Law for the City of Lawrence, a person must be admitted to the practice of law in Indiana and a resident of Marion County.
The Corporation Counsel shall:
(A) Manage the legal affairs of the City;
(B) Prosecute violators of City ordinances;
(C) Give legal advice to all officers, departments, boards, commissions and other City agencies;
(D) Draft ordinances and other legal papers for the City and its departments, boards, commissions and other agencies when requested by the proper officer;
(E) Maintain custody of the records of his or her office and turn them over to his or her successor in office;
(F) Make all title searches and examine all abstracts required in public work of any kind, including opening, widening or changing a street, alley or public place;
(G) Promptly commence all proceedings necessary or advisable for the protection or enforcement of the rights of the City or the public;
(H) Use all diligence to collect costs, fees and recoveries within the scope of his or her duties;
(I) Report, in writing, to the Mayor all matters that he or she considers important;
(J) Report, in writing, to the City Controller all judgments for which the City is liable; and
(K) Perform all other duties prescribed by law.
(A) The elected and appointed officials designated in this title do not limit the appointment power of the Common Council to create by ordinance other offices as it deems necessary and proper for the orderly functioning of the City.
(B) If an emergency requires additional employees for a City office, board, commission, department, institution or utility, the Mayor may appoint those employees.
(A) Any department established by the Common Council under I.C. 36-4-9-4 may appoint deputies and other employees at its pleasure, unless a statute provides otherwise.
(B) A department may dismiss deputies and other employees.
(C) Except as provided by statute or ordinance, the Mayor may suspend or remove from office any officers, deputies or other employees of the City appointed by him or her or a prior Mayor by notifying them to that effect and sending a written statement of reasons for the action to the Common Council.