1. Applicability. Lighting facilities shall be required for loading, ingress and egress and parking areas for multi-family residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and office uses, and for other uses when required by Chapter. All proposed public road intersections shall have street lights. Lighting design shall be subject to approval by the Township.
2. Design.
A. Lighting facilities shall provide a minimum illumination level of 1/z footcandles.
B. Light standards shall be located in islands, on buildings or walls or beyond the perimeter of the paved area at the minimum distance of 3 feet.
C. All lighting units shall be so designed to prevent direct glare onto adjacent dwelling units. Shielding shall be designed to eliminate direct light and glare beyond an angle of 35° from the vertical plane of the lighting standard.
3. Installation of Underground Utilities.
A. Where street lighting is required by Chapter, the applicant shall install the facilities serviced by underground conduit, and in accordance with a utility plan approved by the Township. The applicant shall be responsible for all costs involved in the lighting of streets and street intersections from the date of installation of the fixtures until the date the street is accepted for dedication by the Township.
B. In single-family developments involving new streets, appropriate conduit and wiring shall be installed underground even though standards and lighting fixtures might not be installed immediately.
C. Underground utilities shall not be required except as required by § 22-410 of the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22].
(Ord. 3/9/1993B, § 410)