Accessory signs shall be permitted in the R-1L, R -1M, R-1H, L and R-2 Districts pursuant to the regulations of the Planning and Zoning Code, Chapters 1121, 1123, 1125 and 1127 or the same as shall be amended from time to time. Signage shall be in accordance with these regulations.
   (a)   Maximum Sign Area and Location.
      (1)   No sign shall exceed six (6) square feet in total area.
      (2)   No sign shall be displayed on any utility pole, or in any tree lawn or public right-of-way except as permitted by Section 541.08.
   (b)   Exemptions.
      (1)   This section does not apply to churches or schools existing as nonconforming uses in R1L, R1H, L, R2, ML, or MH Districts. Section 1329.09 of the Building Code shall govern signs on such premises.
      (2)   Flags and signage with a total area that does not exceed one (1) square foot.
   (c)   Other Regulations. The Director of Public Works may remove any sign(s) posted on any utility pole, or in any tree lawn or public right -of -way. The Director of Public Works may determine the cost of removal and assess such costs to the person(s), business, organization, or entity that posted the sign(s).
      (Ord. 2-16. Passed 4-18-2016.)