Accessory signs in the Commercial, Office C1; Commercial, Retail C2; General Business C3 Districts be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with these regulations.
   (a)   Functional Types Permitted. Changeable copy signs, electronic reader board signs, and mural signs.
   (b)   Structural Types Permitted. Awning, canopy, ground, wall, A -Frame and window signs. Projecting signs may be permitted if approved by the Board of Building Standards.
   (c)   Maximum Area and Number Permitted.
      (1)   Maximum sign face area. The maximum sign face area of all permitted signage for each separate use occupying a building or unit of a building shall be related to the fiontage of the building or unit thereof, as determined by the following formula:
Maximum sign face area = (W x 1.5) square feet, except that the total in all cases shall not exceed 100 square feet.
The elements of such formula being defined as follows:
Maximum sign face area" means the total area of one surface of a permanent sign as defined in Section 1329.04(a).
“W" means the frontage of a building as defined in Section 1329.04(b).
      (2)   Canopy signs. A sign attached to the underside of the canopy at a ninety degree angle to the street, intended for pedestrian visibility. The total area of one face of the sign does not exceed five square feet, the vertical dimension of the sign does not exceed twelve inches, and the lowest structural member is not less than eight feet above the sidewalk grade.
      (3)   Ground signs. One ground sign not to exceed forty square feet in area and the top of the sign shall not exceed ten feet in height above the sidewalk grade and shall not be located within required front and side yard setbacks unless approved by the Board of Building Standards.
      (4)   Projecting signs. May be permitted in cases where innovative design is demonstrated and where no potential safety hazard to motorists or pedestrians is created, subject to review and approval by the Board of Building Standards.
      (5)   Awning signs. The total area of one face of the sign shall not exceed six square feet and the vertical dimension of the sign shall not exceed twelve inches.
      (6)   Window signs. All window signage shall be equal to or less than 15% of the total storefront window area square footage.
      (7)   A -Frame signs. Only one sign per business shall be permitted. Signs must maintain a minimum of five (5) feet of unobstructed sidewalk between the outer edge of the sign and the edge of pavement/curb/building. Signs shall not block or interfere with ADA accessibility nor restrict pedestrian movement. The maximum size of an A -frame sign is 32 inches wide and 36 inches tall. All signs shall be removed fiom display when the business closes each day.
   (d)   Supplementary Area and Location Standards.
      (1)   Side and rear entrances. In cases where the office or business building has an entrance from the side street of a corner lot or has a back entrance from a parking lot open to the public, additional sign area equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of that permitted on the front of the building may be used over such entrance.
      (2)   Multiple tenant signs. In addition to the sign face area permitted for each individual establishment, one multi- tenant sign identifying the name and/ or logo of a unified commercial building/center in the Cl, C2, C3 Districts may be permitted, subject to review and approval by the Board of Building Standards. Multi- tenant signs shall not exceed forty square feet in area and may be either a ground, wall or mural sign, subject to the regulations governing such sign.
      (3)   Vacant lots. Each vacant lot is permitted a maximum sign area of fifty square feet, limited to a ground sign which shall be located no closer to any street than the required building setback line.
      (4)   One sign per building face. Notwithstanding the provision of this section, each business shall be permitted a maximum of one sign on any single building face for the building, or the portion of the building, in which the business is located.
   (e)   Portable Signs, Roof Signs, Billboards, Pole Signs, Streamers, Pennants, Lighter- Than-Air-Objects, Off Premises and Wind Signs. Portable signs, roof signs, billboards, pole signs, streamers, pennants, lighter-than -air objects, off -premises and wind signs, shall not be permitted in the Cl, C2, C3 zoning districts unless permitted by specific provisions of this chapter.
   (f)   Regulations for Billboards. Existing Billboards may be retained, but only the sign area, as defined in Section 1329.04, may be modified. Any change to the structure, size, frame or support is not permitted. If such a change is necessary, the billboard must be removed and cannot be replaced.
      (Ord. 2-16. Passed 4-18-2016.)