The following accessory uses are permitted in association with and subordinate to a permitted or conditionally permitted use in the C1, C2, C3, or C4 Commercial Districts subject to the regulations of Section 1129.04.
(Ord. 87-04. Passed 11-1-2004.)
(a) Signs as permitted and regulated by Chapter 1329 of the Building Code.
(b) All accessory uses permitted within a Multiple-Family District in connection with permitted multiple-family dwellings as regulated in Chapter 1127.
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)
Accessory uses buildings and structures permitted in the C1, C2, C3, or C4 Commercial Districts shall conform to the regulations of this Section.
(Ord. 87-04. Passed 11-1-2004.)
(a) Off-Street Parking Lots. Off-street parking spaces in a parking lot may be located on the same lot as the principal use service or may be located on a separate lot in accordance with Chapter 1143.
(b) Location of Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings shall be located in a rear yard, and may be located in a side yard that is in compliance with the yard regulations for principal uses set forth in Schedule 1129.06.
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)
(c) Wireless Telecommunication Antenna(s). The installation of a wireless telecommunication antenna(s) provided they comply with the standards of Chapter 1159.
(Ord. 24-98. Passed 5-18-1998.)
Principal buildings and uses permitted in the C1, C2, C3, and C4 Commercial Districts shall be located only on a lot that complies with the lot area and frontage regulations set forth in Schedule 1129.05, unless otherwise specifically provided for elsewhere in this Code.
Minimum Lot Area | 6,000 | 5,000 | 10,000 | 10,000 |
Minimum Lot Frontage | 50 | 40 | 80 | 80 |
(Ord. 87-04. Passed 11-1-2004.)
In C1, C2, C3, and C4 Commercial Districts, each zoning lot shall maintain the minimum front, side and rear yard specified in Schedule 1129.06, except as otherwise provided for in this Section. Each yard shall be unobstructed by a principal use, including outdoor storage of goods, supplies and equipment as permitted in this Section, or a principal building, except as otherwise provided in this Code. Such areas, together with all other portions of the zoning lot not covered by permitted structures, shall be landscaped with grass, trees, shrubbery and/or other appropriate ground cover or landscaping material, which at all times shall be maintained in good and healthy condition so as to assure adequate screening of parking and loading areas, as well as absorption of rainfall.
Front Yard Depth | As established on the Building Line Map | |||
Rear Yard Depth | One-half (½) the height of the building, but in no case less than five (5) feet 3 | |||
Side Yard Width | none 1, 3 | none 1, 3 | 5 feet 1, 3 | 5 feet 1, 3 |
Side/Rear Yard Depth where adjacent to a residential use or district | 10 feet 2, 3 | 5 feet 3 | 10 feet | 10 feet |
Front Yard Depth, Madison and Detroit | Maximum 5 feet |
1 On a corner lot the side street yard shall be five (5) feet.
2 May be reduced to five (5) feet if a wall or fence with adequate landscape screening is provided.
3 Roof exhausts must be ten (10) feet from property line.
(Ord. 12-11. Passed 5-2-2011.)
In the C1 Office, C2 Retail, C3 General Business, and C4 Public School District the height of a principal structure shall not exceed 120 feet; the height of an accessory structure shall not exceed twenty (20) feet, unless otherwise specified in this
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)
Off-street parking shall be provided, pursuant to Chapter 1143.
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)
In addition to the above regulations, gasoline stations permitted in a C3 General Business District shall comply with the following standards. Conditionally permitted gasoline stations in the C2 Retail Business District shall also comply with the regulations for conditional uses set forth in Chapter 1161.
(a) Gasoline stations located on a corner lot shall have not less than 100 feet frontage on each of the two (2) intersecting streets.
(b) Fuel pumps may be erected in a front yard but not less than twenty-five (25) feet from the public right-of-way.
(c) A landscaped area at least five (5) feet wide shall be provided on private property adjacent to the public sidewalk areas, except where interrupted by driveways.
(d) A canopy may be constructed over the pump island provided the canopy shall be no closer than fifteen (15) feet to the right-of-way.
(e) The only services permitted to be performed on a vehicle shall be the dispensing of fuel, oil, air and other motor vehicle fluids.
(f) The location, display or storage of rental trailers, automobiles, trucks or other rental equipment on the premises is not permitted.
(g) No merchandise, except fluids normally associated with the operation of a motor vehicle (e.g.: oil and windshield washer fluid), may be displayed outside the principal structure.
(h) Except while being serviced at a pump island, no vehicles shall be parked between the pump setback line and the front property line; nor on a corner lot shall any vehicles be parked between the pump setback line and the property line on either of the intersecting streets.
(i) No junk or unlicensed motor vehicles will be permitted to remain on gasoline station property outside the principal structure for more than forty-eight (48) hours.
(j) All outdoor wiring, including electrical and telephone wiring, shall be installed underground, excluding utility services.
(k) Locations where such use abuts a residential district or use shall provide landscaping and screening, approved by the Architectural Board of Review pursuant to Chapter 1141; said landscaped area shall be not less than ten (10) feet wide.
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)