All administrative powers, duties, and functions of the village shall be vested in the Village Manager, except as otherwise provided in this Charter. He shall be elected by the Council on the basis of training and ability in work which would qualify him for the position of Village Manager, and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Council. He need not be a resident of the village at the time of his appointment but shall, unless excused by the Council, become a resident of the village within ninety
(90) days after his appointment and so remain throughout his tenure of office. The Village Manager may, with the approval of the Council, designate an administrative officer or employee of the village to perform the duties of the Village Manager during his temporary absence or incapacity. The Council shall designate a qualified person to perform the duties of Village Manager during a vacancy in the office. No person acting as Village Manager in a temporary capacity, whether during the absence or disability of the Village Manager or during a vacancy in that office, shall make any change in the administrative officers of the village without the consent of the Council. No person who holds or has held an elective village office shall be eligible for appointment as Village Manager, nor shall any such person perform the duties of the Village Manager during a vacancy in that office, until one (1) year has elapsed following the expiration of the term for which he was elected.
(Adopted 3-13-67)