The following regulations apply to the use of all Village off-street parking lots, for the parking of motor vehicles including, without limitation, the use of the Train Station Parking Lot (Section 6-4-3) and the Mawman Avenue Resident Parking Lot (Section 6-4-4).
A.   Parking Holidays. Any parking space that is reserved for a paid permit established by this Chapter may be utilized without a permit on the following holidays: January 1 (New Year's Day); the fourth Monday in May (Memorial Day); July 4 (Independence Day); the first Monday in September (Labor Day); the fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving Day); December 25 (Christmas Day); and December 31 (New Year's Eve). The holiday shall start at 12:01 a.m. on the applicable holiday and extend until 2:59 a.m. on the day following the holiday.
B.   Annual Permits.
   1.   Form of Application. An application for an annual parking permit shall be made in the form and number, and including such information, as determined by the Village Administrator.
   2.   Expiration of Permits. Every annual permit established herein shall expire on May 1 annually. Starting on June 1, the initial purchase fee shall be prorated monthly, such that the fee is reduced by 1/12th on the first day of each month.
   3.   Location of Annual Permit Sticker. The Village Administrator or his or her designee shall issue a sticker or decal to the purchaser of an annual parking permit at the time of purchase. Every effort should be made to affix the sticker or decal to the lower left hand corner of the front windshield. Stickers or decals shall not be obstructed from view from the exterior of the vehicle.
   4.   Transfer. Except as may be provided otherwise, a permit is valid for only a single vehicle and a single owner. A permit may be transferred to a different vehicle owned by the same owner upon the owner's sale of the vehicle for which the permit was issued, but only upon paying the transfer fee set out in Section 1-12-3, under the category "Permit Fees."
   5.   Refunds. The Village Administrator may issue a partial refund upon surrender of the sticker or decal. The refund shall be in the amount paid for the sticker, less a reduction of 1/12th for each month elapsed, in part or in full, since the purchase date. No refunds shall be given for stickers or decals on or after February 1 of each year.
C.   Conduct Within Parking Lots.
   1.   Parking Within Designated Parking Space Lines: When the Village shall cause lines or marks to be placed in any parking area designating individual parking spaces, it shall be unlawful for any person to park or allow to be parked or placed any such motor vehicle in such parking area except within the lines so designated or so as to encroach upon an adjacent designated space.
   2.   "No Parking" Areas. It shall be unlawful for any person to park or place any motor vehicle in any part of such parking area marked and indicated by lettering "No Parking" or otherwise prohibited parking.
   3.   Backing Into Parking Spaces. It shall be unlawful for any person to back into any parking space.
   4.   Following Proper Direction Of Travel: When signs are erected giving notice thereof, or when lines or markings have been placed upon the pavement or parking lot surface indicating the direction of travel to be followed, it shall be unlawful for any person (except when emerging from a marked parking space) to operate a motor vehicle in any direction other than that indicated by such lines, markings, or signs, or to disregard the instructions of any such signs with respect to ingress or egress to such areas, lots, tracts, or parcels of land.
   5.   Obstructing Pedestrian Areas: It shall be unlawful for any person to park upon, block or otherwise obstruct for any period of time any pedestrian areas adjacent to a parking lot or designated for pedestrian access or egress.
   6.   Duty To Lock Vehicles; Nonliability Of Village: It shall be and is hereby declared to be the duty of any person who shall park or permit the parking of any motor vehicle in any such parking area to lock and secure the said motor vehicle for the prevention of theft of the vehicle or its contents, and the village shall not be liable in the maintenance of such parking area to any person for loss or damage to any motor vehicle or contents of any motor vehicle placed in said parking area, nor for the injury to persons or property arising from the use and maintenance of any such parking area.
   7.   Unattended Vehicles. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, and even with a valid permit, it shall be unlawful for a person to permit a vehicle to remain unmoved for a period of seven days or longer without the giving of prior notice accepted by the Police Department.
D.   Temporary Parking Regulations. The Village Administrator, upon determining that temporary parking regulations are necessary to address an emergency or other special condition or event, is authorized to make and enforce parking regulations that temporarily supersede the permanent parking regulations in this chapter. Such temporary traffic regulations may be in effect only during the period of the emergency or special condition or event, as determined by the Village Administrator, but in no event longer than ninety (90) days without approval by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees. The Village Administrator or his designee must install and maintain appropriate signage at the locations affected by the temporary traffic regulations advising motorists of those regulations.
E.   Removal and Impoundment of Vehicles (Towing). The Chief of Police or their designee is authorized to immediately and without prior notice tow away, or cause to be towed away, any vehicle in a Village parking lot where the vehicle meets any of the following conditions:
   1.   The vehicle is in such a state of disrepair that it is incapable of being driven or constitutes a hazard to the public.
   2.   The vehicle has been unmoved for a period of seven days without the giving of prior notice accepted by the Police Department.
   3.   The vehicle occupies more than one parking space or is otherwise parked in a manner that impairs the safety of motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, or the use of the parking lot by other patrons.
   4.   The vehicle is unlawfully occupying a space designated for use by persons with disabilities pursuant to Section 6-4-2.
   5.   The vehicle does not bear valid registration plates, except that expired or non-renewed registration plates are not cause to tow unless at least one month has elapsed since the date of expiration.
   6.   The vehicle is subject to impoundment pursuant to any other section of this Municipal Code or statute.
F.   Violations.
   1.   General Penalty. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in an amount of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). Each day that any violation exists or continues shall be deemed a separate offense for which a separate fine may be levied.
   2.   Prima Facie Responsibility: Whenever any vehicle is parked in violation of any provision of this Chapter, the person in whose name the vehicle is registered with the Secretary of State of Illinois shall be prima facie responsible for the violation and subject to the penalty therefor.
   3.   Additional Revocation of Permit. In addition to any other remedy provided herein, a person who fails to pay a violation due within five days after written notice is transmitted by mail or otherwise, the Village Administrator may, in addition to any other remedy provided herein, revoke all annual permits held by the violator, and no refunds shall be made therefor.
   4.   Additional Payment of Towing and Storage Fees. Any towing and storage fees for a vehicle impounded pursuant to this Chapter shall be separate from, and in addition to, any fine or penalty imposed for the parking violation.
   5.   Payment Of Fine; Notice: Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter, except for parking in a handicapped space, and who removes his or her vehicle before the same is impounded, may pay a fine, without prosecution, in the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Such remittance must be accompanied by a signed plea of guilty and waiver of hearing, and be made within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of notice of the violation or after such notice is placed on the vehicle. (Ord. 2022-38, 12-12-2022; amd. Ord. 2022-35, 11-28-2022)