General Regulations
71.001 Liability for damages, markers, signs, trees
71.020 Obstructing traffic
71.022 Litter from damaged motor vehicles
71.023 Reckless driving
71.024 Drag racing
71.025 Driving on laned roadways
71.026 Following too closely
Speed Limit
71.040 Speed limit generally
71.041 Thirty mph speed limits
71.042 Speed limit exemption for emergency vehicles
71.055 No left turns
71.065 Vehicles turning left to yield right-of- way
One-Way Roadways
71.075 Designation of one-way roadways
Required Stops
71.085 Designation, obedience to through highways and stop intersections
71.095 Obedience to traffic-control signals
71.096 Right-of-way at crosswalks
71.097 Crossing at other than crosswalks
71.098 Pedestrians with disabilities right-of- way
71.099 Duty to use right half of crosswalks
71.100 Soliciting rides
71.101 Loitering in roadways
71.102 Duty to use crosswalks
71.103 Walking on streets