Editor's note:
   The city enters into agreements from time to time with the Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association. Such agreements provide for compensation, benefits and other incidents of employment for certain employees of the Police Division. In the event of a conflict between any of the provisions of such agreements and a provision of these Codified Ordinances or of any other ordinance or resolution of Council, the provision of the agreement shall control. The provisions of this Chapter 244, therefore, apply only to those employees and those subjects not otherwise provided for in such agreements. Copies of the latest relevant legislation and of such agreements may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
244.01   Appointment and removal of Chief.
244.02   Residency requirement of Chief. (Repealed)
244.03   Fringe benefits.
244.04   Age limits for new appointments.
244.05   Petty cash fund. (Repealed)
244.06   Law Enforcement Trust Fund.
   Assaulting police dog or horse - see GEN. OFF. 642.08
   Breaks for dispatchers - see ADM. 254.23
   Conflicts of interest - see GEN. OFF. 606.17, 606.175
   Court, range and fitness testing time compensation for police - see ADM. 254.09
   Dereliction of duty - see GEN. OFF. 606.19
   Disposition of property held by Police Division - see GEN. OFF. 606.24
   Establishment - see CHTR. Art. II-A, § 2
   Failure to aid a law enforcement officer - see GEN. OFF. 606.13
   Pick-up of contributions to Police Pension Fund - see ADM. 254.26
   Resisting arrest - see TRAF. 404.02; GEN. OFF. 606.16
   Tuition credit for police - see ADM. 254.11
   Uniform allowances - see ADM. 254.08