1462.01 Title.
1462.02 Scope.
1462.03 Definitions.
1462.04 Purpose.
1462.05 Applicability.
1462.06 Conflict of laws.
1462.07 Enforcement.
1462.08 Notice of violation.
1462.09 Appeal.
1462.10 Maintenance responsibilities.
1462.11 General maintenance requirements.
1462.12 Maintenance of foundations.
1462.13 Maintenance of roofs, gutters and the like.
1462.14 Maintenance of exteriors.
1462.15 Exterior property areas.
1462.16 Rank vegetation.
1462.17 Noxious weeds.
1462.18 Dead trees and branches.
1462.19 Sidewalks and driveways.
1462.20 Grading, drainage and stagnant water.
1462.21 Parking lots.
1462.22 Buildings and structures.
1462.23 Right of entry.
1462.24 Responsibilities of owner and occupant.
1462.25 Failure to comply.
1462.26 Abatement of violations.
1462.99 Prosecution of violations.
Ohio Basic Building Code - see Ohio R.C. 3781.10
Ohio State Building Standards - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3781
Safety, Sanitation and Health - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 660