(a)   Where a violation of any provision of this chapter is found to exist, the Zoning Inspector, or other responsible official, shall cause a written notice of such violation to be served upon the person responsible for the correction thereof. The notice shall specify the violation committed and shall provide for a reasonable period of time, not more than 90 days, to correct or abate the violation. The Zoning Inspector, upon a showing of good cause, may, only once, extend the time for compliance for an additional, but not more than, 90-day period of time.
   (b)   Notice may be served personally upon the owner and/or occupant at the premises, or served upon some person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein. Service may also be made upon the owner and/or occupant by certified U.S. mail addressed to the owner and/or occupant addressed to the last known address or the tax mailing address of the owner and/or occupant as indicated by the records of the Lake County Treasurer. If the last known address cannot be ascertained, the notice shall be posted on the outside front entrance of the principal building on the premises on which structure in alleged violation is located. If no tax mailing address or principal building exists then notice shall be considered served by publication of a notice, one time, in a newspaper of general circulation.
   (c)   In the absence of an appeal, as provided below, the completion of notice, and failure to comply, shall constitute a final order as to administrative proceeding.
(Ord. 04-O-25, passed 6-7-2004)