A. Drive Access: Every lot shall be permitted one driveway access. Lots of a minimum one hundred fifty foot (150') width at the front lot line may have two (2) drive accesses, subject to approval of the village engineer.
B. Location: A drive access shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') from the side lot line, or as required by the village engineer. A drive access shall be no closer than fifty feet (50') from an adjacent intersection.
C. Materials: A drive access shall have:
1. A minimum six inches (6") of CA-6 crushed limestone, a two inch (2") asphalt surface, or
2. A minimum four inches (4") of CA-6 crushed limestone, and six inches (6") portland cement concrete (PCC), or
3. Other block material as approved by the village engineer.
Concrete, paving bricks, or other block materials are not allowed within the right of way without a letter from the homeowner accepting responsibility for any future maintenance or replacement that may be associated with adjacent street maintenance, which letter shall be recorded with the Lake County recorder of deeds.
D. Culverts: Where culverts are required, said culverts shall be fifteen inch (15") reinforced concrete pipe (RCP CL IV) or as required by the village engineer.
E. Size:
Minimum width: Twelve feet (12').
Maximum width at right of way: Eighteen feet (18').
Maximum width at intersection with street: Twenty eight feet (28').
A drive access may not be enlarged to accommodate parking spaces in the front yard setback. (Ord. 05-O-945, 9-6-2005)