(A) There shall be no parking and no parking signs shall be erected in the following specified places:
Street | Location | Side | Ord. No. | Date Passed |
Street | Location | Side | Ord. No. | Date Passed |
Beach | From Pine to Prospect | East | ||
Boss | From Railroad to Second | East | ||
Cambridge Road | At its intersection with the Kewanee Park District entrance to the 19th Hole restaurant | Both | ||
Cambridge Road | 900 block near the 9th hole of Baker Park Golf Course | East | 3826 | 3-28-16 |
Central Boulevard | For a distance of 68 feet west from Elm Street | North | ||
Chestnut | From 8th to 8th | East | ||
Chestnut | From Division to Central Boulevard | West | ||
Chestnut | From 9th to 6th | Both | ||
Commercial | From Boss to Grove | South | ||
Cottage | Between Park Avenue and Prospect Street | West | 3184 | 10-13-98 |
Cottage | From Pine Street north to the intersecting alley north of Rockwell | Both | 3049 | 4-8-96 |
Division | From Chestnut to Hollis | South | ||
Division | From Chestnut to South Grove | North | ||
Division Street | From Burlington Avenue to Birch Place and within the limits of the intersections of Division Street with Burlington Avenue | Both | 2298 | 7-12-82 |
East | From 9th to 8th | West | ||
East Second Street | Beginning at the intersection of East Second and East Street, and extending east to the alley running north from East Second Street | South | 3432 | 5-24-04 |
East 5th Street | From Main to Burr and on the north side of East 5th Street for a distance of 60 feet east from Main | South | 2023 | 6-12-78 |
East 5th Street | From the entrance of the Pines Trailer Corporation on North Grace Avenue to North East Street, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. | Both | ||
East Third Street | Beginning at the intersection of Grace Avenue, extending west to the intersection of North Elm Street | North | 3461 | 1-10-05 |
East Third Street | Beginning at the intersection North Elm Street, extending west to North Burr Boulevard, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. | North | 3461 | 1-10-05 |
East Third Street | From Lakeview Avenue to May Street | South | 2682 | 9-12-88 |
East Seventh Street | From the northeast intersection of Burr and Seventh Street east 20 feet. ("No Parking from Here to Corner" sign.) | North | 3035 | 2-13-96 |
East Seventh Street | From the southeast intersection of Burr and Seventh Street east 20 feet. ("No Parking from Here to Corner" sign.) | North | 3035 | 2-13-96 |
8th | From Tremont to Main | South | ||
Eleventh Street North | Beginning at the intersection of North Vine and Eleventh Street North to the entrance of Northeast Park | North | 3310 | 6-11-01 |
Elliott | From Division to Prospect | East | ||
Elliott Street | From W. Central Blvd. to W. Prospect Street | West | 4088 | 1-10-22 |
Elm | From Lyle to E. Oak | West | ||
Elm | From 1st Street to Central Blvd. from six o'clock (6:00) a.m. to six o'clock (6:00) p.m. | East | 3024 | 12-4-95 |
Elm | From 10th Street north to the entrance of Northeast Park | West | 2678 | 7-25-88 |
Fifth Avenue | From Prospect to Rose | West | 3126 | 10-14-97 |
First | From Park to Lexington | South | ||
First | From Commercial and First | North | ||
Franklin | From Division to Pine | Both | 3104 4017 | 4-28-97 8-24-20 |
Franklin | From Pine to Prospect | Both | 3104 | 4-28-97 |
Franklin | From Western to Rose | East | ||
Franklin | From Rose to Boiler Corporation | Both | 3656 3955 | 9-27-10 2-25-19 |
Fullerton Court | Both | |||
Garfield Street | From Tenney Street to Williard Street, between the hours of eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. and six o'clock (6:00) a.m. except during school activities conducted by the Wethersfield Community Unit School District No. 230 | North and South | 2063 | 7-23-79 |
George Street | From E. Division Street to Roosevelt Avenue | East | 4088 | 1-10-22 |
Gilbert Street | From E. Division Street to Roosevelt Avenue | East | 4088 | 1-10-22 |
Grace Avenue | From 8th to 9th | East | ||
Grace Avenue | From First St. to Willow St. | West | 2938 | 11-7-94 |
Grace Street | South of First Street and ending at Willow Street | West | 3159 | 5-26-98 |
Grove | From Park Avenue to Central Boulevard | East | ||
Grove | Between Rose Street and First Street | East | 2392 | 11-28-83 |
Grove | From West Prospect St. to Park Row | East | 3029 | 1-8-96 |
Helmer Street | South of Rose Street and ending at Columbus Street | East | 3168 | 7-27-98 |
Henry | From Roosevelt to division | West | ||
Junior Avenue | South of Dewey and ending at Kewanee Care Entrance | East and West | 3148 | 4-13-98 |
Kentville Road | From US Route 34 to the city's eastern terminus on Kentville Road | North | 2933 | 10-19-94 |
Lake Street | Beginning at the intersection of Lake Street and Ladd Avenue and extending east to the city limits | North and South | 3396 | 5-12-03 |
Lexington | From First to Central Boulevard | West | ||
Loomis | From Tremont to Main | South | ||
Madison Avenue | From 6th to 500 feet north | Both | ||
May Street | Between Third Street and | East and West | 2435 | 6-25-85 |
McKinley | From East to Main | North | ||
McKinley | From Main to first alley to the East | South | 2988 | 8-14-95 |
Mid-block north to Commercial | From Grove to Commercial Boulevard | West | ||
Mill | From Miner to Burlington Avenue next to Knox Homes | North | ||
Miner | From Mill to Dewey | East | 2019 | 5-8-78 |
Morton Avenue | Division Street to McKinley Avenue | East | 3530 | 3-12-07 |
Nelson Street | East Street to Goodrich Street | Both | 3972A | 7-22-19 |
Ninth | From East to Main | Both | ||
North Burr Street | From the northeast intersection of Burr and Seventh Street to 15 feet north of the hydrant on the east side of Burr Street. ("No Parking From Here to Corner" sign.) | East | 3035 | 2-13-96 |
North East Street | From 10th Street north to 11th Street | East and West | 3174 | 8-24-98 |
North Franklin (former Kewanee Boiler Entrance) | North of Rose Street | East and West | 3145 | 3-9-98 |
North Grace Street | From its intersection with south line of East 4th Street to its intersection with the north line of East 6th Street between the hours of six o'clock (6:00) a.m. and six o'clock (6:00) p.m. | Both | ||
North Lakeview Avenue | From Pleasant View Avenue to Second Street | Both | 2350 | 2-28-83 |
North Lakeview Street | Beginning at the intersection of Lakeview and Rollins and extending south to the intersection of Lakeview and Third Street | West | 3432 | 5-24-04 |
North Main Street | Beginning at a point 530 feet north of the intersection fo the centerline of Main Street and the north right-of-way line of the BNSF railroad, thence going north to a point located 40 feet north of the north line of Seventh Street | East | 3485 | 11-28-05 |
North Main Street | Beginning at the intersection of the north right-of-way line for the BNSF railroad and the centerline of Main Street, thence north to a point 440 feet north of the intersection of the centerline of Main Street and the railroad right-of-way | 3485 | 11-28-05 | |
North Main Street | Beginning at the north right-of-way line for the BNSF railroad, thence going north to a point 40 feet north of the north right-of-way line of Seventh Street, extended | 3485 | 11-28-05 | |
North Main Street | Beginning at the south side of the exit from Northeast park (adjacent to northern most boundary of park) and thence 90 feet south (post "No Parking Between Signs") | East | 3257 | 6-26-00 |
Oak | From Main to Tremont | South | ||
Oak | From Tremont to Chestnut Elliott | North | 3029 | 1-8-96 |
Page Street | From Burlington Avenue to Beach Street with the limits of the intersection | Both | ||
Park Street | From an extension of the north line of Oak Street to Prospect Street, and on the east side of Park Street from an extension of the north line of Oak Street to Central Boulevard | Both | ||
Payson Street | From W. Division Street to W. McClure Street | East | 4088 | 1-10-22 |
Pine | From Elliott to Beach | South | ||
Pine | From Elliott to a point 115 feet west of the west right-of-way line of Elliott | North | 3578 | 6-9-08 |
Prairie Avenue | From 5th Ave. West to the alley running north-south | North | 2938 | 11-7-94 |
Prospect | From Prospect Place to Main Street | Both | ||
Prospect | From Prospect Place to East | South | ||
Rockwell Street | From Acorn to Beach | South | 4012 | 7-13-20 |
Rockwell Street | From Elliott Street to Beach Street | South | 4088 | 1-10-22 |
Rockwell | From Junior Avenue to Acorn | South | 3126 | 10-14-97 |
Rollins | Beginning at the intersection of Rollins and East Street extending east to the alley running north and south from Rollins | North and South | 3432 | 5-24-04 |
Roosevelt Avenue | From East to Main | North | ||
Roosevelt Avenue | From Main to first alley to the East | South | 2988 | 8-14-95 |
Rose | From Grove to mid-block between Franklin and West Street | North | ||
Second Street | Beginning at the intersection of East Street to the intersection of Lakeview Avenue | North | 3313 | 6-25-01 |
Second Street | From Boss Street west 50 feet on Second Street | North | 2964 | 3-13-95 |
Second Street | From Rice to Boss on Second Street | South | ||
Second Street and East Street (U.S. Route 34) | From Elm Street to Sixth Street | Both | 2720 | 2-26-90 |
Smith | From Division to Mill | West | 3104 | 4-28-97 |
South | From Tenney St. to Edwards St. | Both | 3024 | 12-4-95 |
South | From Tenney St. to Hollis St. | Both | 3034 | 2-13-96 |
S. Elm Street | Midblock, between the entrances to the school’s parking lot | East | 3870 | 1-23-17 |
S. Grove Street | From the intersection of Division Street North to the entrance of the Kewanee Hospital Parking lot | East | 3341 | 5-13-02 |
S. Lakeview Street | Between Pleasant View and Elmwood Ave. | West | 3184 | 10-13-98 |
S. Vine Street | From Oak Street to East First Street | East | 3049 | 4-8-96 |
Tenney | From Division Street south to the city limits | Both | 2963 | 2-7-95 |
Third | From North Chestnut to West Second | Both | 2847 | 9-13-93 |
Three and One-Half Street | From Rice to Perkins | Both | ||
Tremont | From Division to Central Boulevard | West | ||
Vine Street | First Street to a point located 100 feet south of the south right-of-way line on Second Street at its intersection with Vine Street | East | 3564 | 12-26-07 |
Vine Street | McKinley Avenue to Prospect Street | Both | 3733 | 4-22-13 |
Vine Street | Seventy-five feet south of Central Boulevard | West | 3967 | 6-10-19 |
West Division Street | From Elliott Street to Birch Street | Both | ||
W. Kellogg Avenue | From Tenny Street to Hollis Street | North | 4088 | 1-10-22 |
West Prospect | From Elliott Street to Franklin Street | South | 2680 | 8-8-88 |
West Prospect | From Elliott Street to Franklin Street | North | ||
West Prospect | Beginning at the western most edge of the right-of-way of Chestnut Street and extending west along Prospect for 43 feet. | South | 3404 | 7-14-03 |
West Prospect | Beginning at a point 200 feet west of the western most edge of the right-of-way of Chestnut Street and ending 350 feet from that same point of origin. | South | 3404 | 7-14-03 |
Whitney Avenue | From W. Mill Street to W. McClure Street | East | 4088 | 1-10-22 |
Williard | No parking mid-block south to McClure | West | ||
Williams Street | From Ridyard Avenue to S. East Street | South | 4088 | 1-10-22 |
William St. | Between Vine and Ridyard | South | 3184 | 10-13-98 |
Willow Street | Between East Street and Maple Street | South | 2412 | 2-27-84 |
Wilsey Court | From Elliott to Chestnut | Both | ||
(B) There shall be no parking, except for a licensed taxi cab, and a licensed taxi parking only sign shall be erected in the following specified place:
Street | Location | Side | Ord. No. | Date Passed |
Chestnut St. | The south end parking spot in front of 113 N. Chestnut Street | West | 2907 | 7-11-94 |
(‘71 Code, § 10-6-14) (Ord. 4097, passed 4-25-22) Penalty, see § 72.99
(C) On Monday through Wednesday and on Friday from the hour of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. there shall be no parking, except for patients of Dr. Nicholson, and a sign so stating shall be erected in the following specified place:
Street | Location | Side | Ord. No. | Date Passed |
Chestnut St. | The south end parking spot in front of 118 N. Chestnut Street | East | 3013 | 11-3-95
(D) Beginning Monday and ending Friday, from the hour of 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. there shall be no parking permitted as described below, and a sign so stating shall be erected indicating the same:
Street | Location | Side | Ord. No. | Date Passed |
Burlington Avenue | Between Page Street and Knox Street | East | 3139 | 12-22-97 |
(E) Parking along the south side of Central Boulevard from Grove Street to Cottage Street and from Burr Boulevard to Elm Street, excluding any handicapped spaces, shall be restricted to one hour during school hours, and signs shall be erected indicating the same.
(Am. Ord. 3869, passed 1-23-17)
(A) Parking on off-street parking lots owned by the city shall be free; provided, however, that no vehicle shall be parked in such parking lots for more than 24 consecutive hours.
(B) Parking for on-street public parking spaces shall be free; provided, however, that no vehicle shall be parked in such public parking spot for more than 24 consecutive hours.
(C) If it is deemed by city officials that an individual is abusing the language of this section to negatively affect downtown businesses, consumers, or residents, that individual could be subject to the penalties associated with violating this section.
(D) Any person violating the provisions of this schedule may settle and compromise the claim against him for such illegal parking by paying to the city the sum of $5 within seven days of the time such alleged offense was committed and thereafter the sum of $10 if paid prior to the issuance of a warrant for the offense. Such payment may be made at the police station, office of the City Clerk or may be mailed (by placing a stamp on reverse side) to the address on the reverse side of the illegal parking ticket, or by depositing the payment in one of the courtesy boxes provided for such purposes, and such money shall be promptly turned over to the City Treasurer to be credited to the Parking Ticket Fund. A separate violation shall occur every two hours from the time of the first violation as shown on the illegal parking ticket. (Ord. 26456, passed 12-14-87; Am. Ord. 2942, passed 11-28-94)
(‘71 Code, § 10-6-15) (Ord. 4128, passed 3-13-23)
(A) The following parking spaces or stalls shall be designated for permanently physically handicapped or disabled persons on the public streets of the city:
Description | Ord. No. | Date Passed |
Description | Ord. No. | Date Passed |
The parallel parking stall or space on the west side of Tremont Street being the first parking space on said west side south of the intersection of Tremont and Third Streets in the city. The first parking stall or space east of the library's loading zone on the south side of West First Street between Tremont Street and Main Street. | 2231 | 9-29-81 |
The first parking space on the south side of the 100 block of West Second Street immediately east of the north-south alleyway in front of the business at 111 West Second Street. | 2698 | 4-10-89 |
The first parallel parking space on the west side of the 100 block of North Chestnut Street being the first parking space south of the West Second Street and North Chestnut Street intersection. Two parallel parking spaces on the east side of the 300 block of North Main Street beginning immediately north of the Eagles Club entrance at 314 North Main Street. | 2655 | 12-14-87 |
One space on the north side of the 100 block of East First Street immediately south of the residence at 100 North Burr Street. | 2692 | 2-13-89 |
The first space on the south side of West Second Street immediately east of the intersection of Second Street and Chestnut Street. | 3075 | 8-12-96 |
The first space on the north side of West Second Street immediately west of the intersection of Tremont Street and Second Street. | 3075; 3223 | 8-12-96; 8-9-99 |
The first space on the north side of West Second Street immediately west of the intersection of Main Street and Second Street. | 3075; 3223 | 8-12-96; 8-9-99 |
The first space on the west side of Tremont Street immediately south of the intersection of Tremont Street and Second Street. | 3075; 3223 | 8-12-96; 8-9-99 |
The first two spaces along the south side of the lot, and the first two spaces located along the north side of the lot, adjacent to the sidewalk, in the city parking lot located on the west side of N. Main Street in the 300 block. | 3218 | 6-28-99 |
The first two spaces along the north side of Cental Boulevard immediately west of the intersection of Central Boulevard and Tremont Street. | 3247 | 5-8-00 |
The first two spaces along the north side of Central Boulevard immediately west of the intersection of Central Boulevard and Chestnut Street. | 3281 | 11-13-00 |
Two parallel parking spaces on the east side of the 100 block of South Park Street approximately 160 feet north of Central Blvd. and directly north and south of an existing curb cut and handicap accessible entrance along the west side of St. Mary's Church building. | 3437 | 6-14-04 |
The first two spaces along the north side of Garfield Street immediately west of the intersection of Garfield Street and Willard Street. | 3577 | 6-9-08 |
The first two spaces along the south side of McClure Street immediately west of the intersection of McClure Street and Willard Street. | 3577 | 6-9-08 |
The first space south of the accessible parallel curb ramp along the west side of Willard Street immediately south of the intersection of McClure Street and Willard | 3583 | 7-28-08 |
The first space south of the accessible parallel curb ramp along the west side of Willard Street immediately north of the intersection of Garfield Street and Willard Street. | 3617 | 8-10-09 |
The first space along the east side of Lakeview Avenue immediately north of the intersection of Lakeview Avenue and East Third Street. | 3811A | 11-9-15 |
The first space along the east side of Lakeview Avenue immediately south of the intersection of Lakeview Avenue and Hope Way. | 3811A | 11-9-15 |
The first space along the north side of East Third Street immediately to the west of the intersection of East Third Street and Freedom Lane. | 3811A | 11-9-15 |
Three spaces located along the south side of Central Boulevard starting approximately 45 feet west of Elm Street. | 3868 | 1-23-17 |
Two spaces located along the south side of Central Boulevard starting approximately 50 feet east of Grove Street. | 3868 | 1-23-17 |
(B) It shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle which is not bearing registration plates or decals issued to a person with disabilities, as defined by § 70.01 pursuant to ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, §§ 3-616 or 11-1301.2, or to a disabled veteran pursuant to ILCS 625, Act 5, § 3-609, as evidence that the vehicle is operated by or for a person with disabilities or disabled veteran.
(Ord. 2491, passed 1-14-85; Am. Ord. 3071, passed 7-22-96)