107.01 Purpose; applicability
107.02 Definitions.
107.03 Notice of regular and organizational meetings.
107.04 Notice of special meetings.
107.05 Notice to news media of special
107.06 Notice of discussion of specific
type of public business.
107.07 Additional regulations.
107.08 Exceptions. (Repealed)
107.09 Clerk to notify municipal bodies.
Meetings of public bodies - see Ohio R. C. 121.22
Disturbing a lawful meeting - see GEN. OFF. 509.02
Each and every provision of this chapter is adopted for the purpose of complying with the law and intent of Ohio R. C. 121.22. The requirements of this chapter apply to each Municipal Body, as defined in Section 107.02, of this City, and are in addition to any applicable legal requirements as to notice to members of a Municipal Body or to others in connection with specific meetings or specific subject matters. (Ord. 1976-33. Passed 3-3-76.)
As used in this chapter:
(a) "Clerk" means the Clerk of Council where such title is used in connection with any provision herein relating to compliance by this Council with Ohio R.C. 121.22. "Clerk" also means the chairperson of each Municipal Body, as defined in subsection (d) hereof, where such title is used in connection with any provision herein relating to compliance by a Municipal Body with Ohio R.C. 121.22.
(b) "Day" means calendar day.
(c) "Meeting" means any prearranged discussion of the public business of the Municipal Body by a majority of the members of the Municipal Body.
(Ord. 1976-33. Passed 3-3-76.)
(d) "Municipal body" means Council and all decision-making committees thereof, and all boards and commissions of the City as may now exist or from time to time hereafter be created. (Ord. 1979-227. Passed 12-19-79.)
(e) "Oral notification" means notification given orally either in person or by telephone directly to the person for whom such notification is intended, or by leaving an oral message for such person at the address or, if by telephone, at the telephone number of such person as shown on the records kept by the Clerk under the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 1976-33. Passed 3-3-76.)
(f) "Post" means to post in an area accessible to the public during the usual business hours at the office of the Clerk and the following locations: Official notification will be made on the City of Kent’s website. Courtesy public postings will be made on the bulletin board located in the first floor lobby of 930 Overholt Street or such other City owned building with public access as City Council may designate. In addition, the notice shall be sent electronically to anyone requesting it, including but not limited to, news media outlets, newspapers, Kent State Library, Kent Free Library, and the City’s social media accounts.
(Ord. 2018-29. Passed 2-21-18.)
(g) "Published" means published once in a newspaper having a general circulation in the City as defined in Ohio R.C. 7.12, except that no portion of such newspaper need be printed in this City.
(h) "Special meeting" means a meeting which is neither a regular meeting nor an adjournment of a regular or special meeting to another time or day to consider items specifically stated on the original agenda of such regular or special meeting.
(Ord. 1976-33. Passed 3-3-76.)
(i) “Written notification” means notification in writing mailed, faxed, emailed or sent by any other appropriate electronic format or delivered to the address of the person for whom such notification is intended, as shown on the records kept by the Clerk, as required herein, or in any way delivered to such person. If mailed, such notification shall be mailed by first class mail, deposited in a US Postal Service mailbox no later than the second day preceding the day of the meeting to which such notification refers, provided that at least one regular mail delivery day falls between the day of mailing and the day of such meeting.
(Ord. 2016-18. Passed 3-16-16.)
(a) The Clerk shall post a statement of the time and place of each regular meeting of each Municipal Body for each calendar year, not later than the second day preceding the day of the first regular meeting, other than the organizational meeting, of the calendar year. The Clerk shall check at reasonable intervals to ensure that such statement remains so posted during such calendar year. If at any time during the calendar year the time or place of regular meetings or of any regular meeting is changed on a permanent or temporary basis, a statement of the time and place of such changed regular meeting shall be so posted by the Clerk at least twenty-four hours before the time of the first changed regular meeting.
(b) The Clerk shall post a statement of the time and place of any organizational meeting of a Municipal Body at least twenty-four hours before the time of such organizational meeting.
(c) Upon the adjournment of any regular or special meeting to another day, the Clerk shall promptly post notice of the time and place of such adjourned meeting.
(Ord. 1976-33. Passed 3-3-76.)
(a) Except in the case of a special meeting referred to in Section 107.05(d), the Clerk shall, no later than twelve hours before the time of a special meeting of a Municipal Body, post a statement of the time, place and purpose of such special meeting.
(b) The statement under this section and the notification under Section 107.05 shall state such specific or general purpose or purposes then known to the Clerk to be considered at such special meeting and may state, as an additional general purpose, that any other business as may properly come before such Municipal Body at such meeting may be considered and acted upon. (Ord. 1976-33. Passed 3-3-76.)
(a) Any news media organization that desires to be given advance notification of special meetings of a Municipal Body shall file with the Clerk a written request therefor. Except in the event of any emergency requiring immediate official action as referred to in subsection (d) hereof, a special meeting shall not be held unless at least twenty-four hours advance notice of the time, place and purpose of such special meeting is given to the news media that have requested such advance notification in accordance with subsection (b) hereof.
(Ord. 1976-33. Passed 3-3-76.)
(b) News media requests for such advance notification of special meetings shall specify: the Municipal Body that is the subject of such request; the name of the media; the name and address of the person to whom written notification to the media may be mailed, faxed, emailed or sent by any other appropriate electronic format or delivered, and the name, address and telephone number, including the address and telephone number at which notification may be given either during or after business hours, of at least two people to either one of whom oral notification to the media may be given, and at least one telephone number which the request identifies as being manned, and which can be called at any hour for the purpose of giving oral notification to such media.
Any such request shall be effective for one year from the date of filing with the Clerk or until the Clerk receives written notice from such media canceling or modifying such request, whichever is earlier. Each requesting news media shall be informed of such period of effectiveness at the time it files its request. Such requests may be modified or extended only by filing a complete new request with the Clerk. A request shall not be considered made unless it is complete in all respects as specified in this chapter, and such request may be conclusively relied upon by the City, the Clerk and the Municipal Body that is the subject of such request.
(c) The Clerk shall give such oral notice, written notice, or other appropriate electronic notice, including but not limited to, fax or email, as the Clerk determines to the news media that have requested such advanced notice in accordance with subsection (b) hereof, of the time, place and purpose of each special meeting at least twenty four hours prior to the time of the special meeting.
(d) In the event of an emergency requiring immediate official action, a special meeting may be held without giving twenty four hours advance notice thereof to the requesting news media. The person calling such meeting, or any one or more of such persons or the Clerk on their behalf, shall immediately give oral notification, or written notification, or other appropriate electronic notice, including but not limited to, fax or email, as the person giving such notice determines, of the time, place and purpose of such special meeting to the news media that have requested such advance notice in accordance with subsection (b) hereof. The minutes or the call, or both, of any such special meeting shall state the general nature of the emergency requiring immediate official action.
(Ord. 2016-18. Passed 3-16-16.)
(a) Any person, upon written request and as provided herein, may obtain reasonable advance notice of all meetings at which any specific type of public business is scheduled to be discussed. Such person may file a written request with the Clerk specifying: the person's name, the address and telephone number at or through which the person can be reached during and after business hours; the specific type of public business, the discussion of which the person is requesting advance notice; the Municipal Body that is the subject of such request; and the number of calendar months, not to exceed twelve, which the request covers. Such request may be canceled upon request from such person to the Clerk.
Each such written request shall be accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelopes sufficient in number to cover the number of regular meetings during the time period covered by the request and an estimated number of twenty special meetings. The Clerk shall notify the requesting person in writing when the supply of envelopes is running out, and if the person desires notification after such supply has run out such person must deliver to the Clerk an additional reasonable number of stamped self-addressed envelopes as a condition to receiving further notifications. Such requests may be modified or extended only by filing a complete new request with the Clerk. A request shall not be deemed to be made unless it is complete in all respects, and such request may be conclusively relied on by the City, the Clerk and the Municipal Body that is the subject of such request.
(b) The Clerk shall give such advance notice under this section by written notice or by oral notice, or both, as the Clerk determines. The contents of written notification under this subsection may be a copy of the agenda of the meeting. Written notification under this subsection may be accomplished by giving advance written notification by copies of the agenda of all meetings of the Municipal Body that is the subject of such request. (Ord. 1976-33. Passed 3-3-76.)