The C2 Community Business District is intended for the conduct of general business to which the public requires direct and frequent access, but which is not characterized either by constant heavy trucking, other than stocking delivery of light retail goods, or by any nuisance factors other than those occasioned by incidental light and noise or congregation of people and passenger vehicles. This District includes such uses as retail stores, theaters and other amusement enterprises, business offices, newspaper offices and printing presses, restaurants, bars and community garages or community parking areas subject to special regulations. Residential and industrial use of land is limited, as well as any other use which would substantially interfere with the development or continuation of the commercial structures and uses in the District.
   This District is intended to be located, so as to serve more than an immediate neighborhood, on or at the confluence of major access highways, so as to serve this purpose.
   (a)   Permitted Uses.
      (1)   In a C2 Community Business District, land and structures may be used, and structures may be erected, altered, enlarged and maintained, for commercial uses listed hereunder, provided that:
         A.   All merchandise and products are sold at retail, unless otherwise stated hereunder.
         B.   There may be manufacturing, compounding, processing or treatment of products which is clearly incidental and essential to a retail store or business, only when the major portion of such products is to be sold at retail on the premises.
         C.   Such uses, operations or products are not noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas, vibration, noise or other similar causes.
         D.   There is no upper limit in square footage for retail establishments;
      (2)   Any use permitted in the C1 District, except community garages or community parking areas, which are otherwise permitted by the Zoning Hearing Board;
      (3)   Retail stores (except where live poultry and live animals are kept on the premises), including incidental repair shops;
      (4)   Amusement enterprises, including a billiard or pool hall, bowling alley, boxing arena, dance hall, games of skill and chance, theater or cinema (other than a drive-in theater), festival grounds, incorporating outdoor fairs, concerts, expositions, and the like, shooting gallery and the like, provided that any portion of the use within 300 feet of property in a R or H District is conducted entirely within a completely enclosed building;
      (5)   Single-family and two-family residential dwelling units;
      (6)   Auditoriums;
      (7)   Automobile and trailer sales and supply businesses, with incidental service, provided that any sales area is located and developed as required in Section 1260.115;
      (8)   Gymnasiums;
      (9)   Beverages, retail or wholesale distribution of;
      (10)   Business colleges, trade or proprietary schools;
      (11)   Catering establishments;
      (12)   Cleaning establishments;
      (13)   Clubs, social and civic;
      (14)   Custom dressmaking, millinery and tailoring;
      (15)   Day nurseries;
      (16)   Department and discount stores;
      (17)   General gardening and growing of trees and nursery stock including roadside displays and commercial signs);
      (18)   Feed stores;
      (19)   Frozen food storage, excluding wholesale storage;
      (20)   Funeral homes or mortuaries;
      (21)   Furniture and furnishings, sale of;
      (22)   General photography and reprographic arts;
      (23)   Multi-family buildings, hotels, or motels;
      (24)   Hospitals for animals (dogs, cats, and the like) including kennels, with enclosed yards;
      (25)   Interior decorating businesses;
      (26)   Commercial parking lots;
      (27)   Libraries;
      (28)   Medical or dental clinics, laboratories or medical supply houses;
      (29)   Nurseries, flower or plant, provided that all incidental equipment and supplies, including fertilizer and supply cans, are kept within an enclosed building;
      (30)   Offices;
      (31)   Opticians’ shops;
      (32)   Pawnshops;
      (33)   Plumbing, heating or electrical businesses not involving sheet metal work;
      (34)   Printers’ shops;
      (35)   Printing plants for local newspapers;
      (36)   Restaurants and bars (with no upper square footage limits);
      (37)   Sign painting;
      (38)   Studios: broadcasting, music, dance, art, and the like;
      (39)   Upholstering and minor repair of furniture and home or office furnishings;
      (40)   Multi-use residential dwelling unit;
      (41)   Conditional uses, as prescribed in Sections 1260.160 through 1260.175, including:
         A.   Drive-in theaters; and
         B.   Philanthropic or religious institutions;
      (42)   Special exceptions permitted by the Zoning Hearing Board, as prescribed in Sections 1260.130 through 1260.147, including, community garages or major garages (without major repair or body and fender work), or community parking areas (including commercial parking garages).
   (b)   Exceptions to Height Requirements. The height of a main building in a C2 District may be increased, provided that:
      (1)   The building or increased height portion thereof is set back from the permitted building line one foot for each four feet of building height over 45 feet, or two and one-quarter feet for each story over three, whichever results in the greater dimension.
      (2)   The cubical content of the building does not exceed the cubical content of a solid having a base equal to the buildable area of the lot and height of 45 feet.
   (c)   Other Provisions. Provisions regarding height, yard setback, lot area, and general rules are included in Appendix A - Schedule of Heights and Area Regulations.
(Ord. 5139. Passed 11-27-13.)