The C1 Neighborhood Shopping District is designed to encourage the construction of new shopping facilities and continued use of land for neighborhood commercial service purposes; to limit residential use and prohibit heavy commercial and industrial use of land; to prohibit any other use which would substantially interfere with the development or continuation of the commercial uses and structures in the District; and to discourage any use which, because of its character and size, would interfere with the use of land in the District as a shopping and service center for the Residence Districts.
   This District is intended to be applied to areas largely surrounded by residential classification. Because the location of the C1 District and the arrangement of the uses within it are expected to have a close relationship to the overall plan and protection to residential districts, it is deemed that the exercise of planning judgment on location and site plan is essential.
   (a)   Permitted Uses. In a C1 Neighborhood Shopping District, land and structures may be used, and structures may be erected, altered, enlarged and maintained, for the following limited commercial uses (including, in each instance, unit group building development):
      (1)   Shops having a floor area of less than 5,000 square feet for the sale of any beverages; books; confections; drugs; electrical appliances; including, but not limited to, radios, televisions, computers, and audio equipment; flowers; foodstuffs; hardware, notions; novelties; periodicals; shoes; sundry household articles; tobacco; and wearing apparel; provided that there is no manufacturing or processing except that which is incidental and essential to an enterprise in which merchandise is sold at retail primarily on the premises;
      (2)   Automobile or gasoline service stations (not including the making of major repairs), provided that:
         A.   Only such activities as car washing, waxing, polishing, or greasing need be conducted entirely within an enclosed building.
         B.   A fenced area for trash storage, not exceeding six feet in width and ten feet in length, may be maintained immediately adjacent to a main building.
         C.   Except as provided in subsection (a)(2)B. hereof, no stand, rack or other paraphernalia other than, or in direct connection with, merchandise offered for sale, is manifest outside a completely enclosed building.
         D.   The use is located on a corner lot or a lot abutting property in a different zoning district classification within the same frontage.
      (3)   Barber shops or beauty parlors;
      (4)   Clothes pressing and repair;
      (5)   Branch of banks and financial institutions;
      (6)   Funeral homes and mortuaries;
      (7)   Laundry agencies, hand laundries or laundries operated by customers;
      (8)   Offices for recognized professions;
      (9)   Real estate offices;
      (10)   Eating and drinking establishments with a floor area not exceeding 6,000 square feet;
      (11)   Shoe repair shops;
      (12)   Tailor shops;
      (13)   Conditional uses, as prescribed in Sections 1260.160 through 1260.175, including:
         A   Government uses or structures, whether or not within an enclosed building;
         B.   Public utility corporation buildings structures, facilities, and installations, whether or not within an enclosed building; and
         C.   Retail stores, as otherwise permitted in this District, exceeding a floor area of 5,000 square feet;
      (14)    Special exceptions permitted by the Zoning Hearing Board, as prescribed in Sections 1260.130 through 1260.147, including:
         A.   Dwelling units on the second story of a building;
         B.   Enlargement of nonconforming commercial industrial structures; and
         C.   Temporary structures or uses in conjunction with an authorized use, whether or not an enclosed building;
      (15)   Accessory uses or structures, whether or not within an enclosed building;
      (16)   Signs, as prescribed in Sections 1260.100 through 1260.106, whether or not within an enclosed building;
      (17)   Community garages or community parking areas (including commercial parking garages or parking areas), whether or not within an enclosed buildings;
      (18)   Required automobile parking space and loading space, as prescribed in Section 1260.115, whether or not within an enclosed building;
      (19)   Single-family and two-family residential dwelling units;
      (20)   Garden apartments; and
      (21)   Apartment house or multi-dwelling unit.
   (b)   Performance Standards; Site Plans.
      (1)   In a C1Neighborhood Shopping District, each enterprise shall:
         A.   Be conducted entirely within an enclosed building, unless otherwise specifically stated;
         B.   Be not objectionable because of odor, smoke, dust, noise, vibration, glaring light, or similar causes; and
      (2)   In any C1 District, the uses shall, in addition to conforming to any and all regulations pertaining thereto that are specifically set forth in this Zoning Code, be in accordance with a site plan approved by the Planning Commission. The site plan shall show, as proposed, the location of main and accessory structures on the site and in relation to one another; traffic circulation features within the site; the location of vehicular access onto the site; the height and bulk of structure; the provision of automobile parking space; the provision of other open space on the site; the landscaping, paving, fences and walls on the site; and the display of signs.
      (3)   In approving site plans, the Commission may act on site plans submitted to it or may act on its own initiative in proposing and approving a site plan.
   (c)   Other Provisions. Provisions regarding height, yard setbacks, lot area, and general rules are included in Appendix A - Schedule of Heights and Area Regulations.
(Ord. 5139. Passed 11-27-13.)