No sign intended to be read from outside a planned development-mixed use, or from any public streets within the development, shall be permitted within such development except as provided below:
(1) Development identification signs containing the name and trademark of a planned development, provided such signs are limited to one ground sign at each principal point of access to the development, as follows:
a. Reserved.
b. Monument sign: 60 square feet or two signs mounted on wooden, brick or stone entry walls, 30 square feet per display surface, and a maximum height of six feet above finished grade.
c. Ground sign: 60 square feet or two signs mounted on wooden, brick or stone entry walls, 30 square feet per display surface, and a maximum height of six feet above finished grade.
(2) Office building identification signs containing only the name of a building or building complex and the nature of the establishments therein, provided such signs are limited to one wall sign per building with a display area not exceeding one square foot per linear foot of the building, up to a maximum area of 20 square feet.
(Ord. of 7-10-2000, § 11.11; Amend. of 9-5-2006; Amend. of 9-4-2007)