Chapter 10
Sec. 10-1. - Definitions.
Sec. 10-2. - Franchise required.
Sec. 10-3. - Application for ambulance franchise.
Sec. 10-4. - Granting of franchise.
Sec. 10-5. - Term of franchise.
Sec. 10-6. - Standards for drivers and attendants.
Sec. 10-7. - Standards for vehicles and equipment.
Sec. 10-8. - Standards for communications.
Sec. 10-9. - Insurance.
Sec. 10-10. - Records.
Sec. 10-11. - Rates and charges.
Sec. 10-12. - Enforcement.
*Editor's note—Amend. of 6-2-2008(2) amended the title of ch. 10 to read as herein set out. The former title was Emergency Services.
In accordance with G.S. 153A-250, the following providers are franchised at their current level of service in the EMS System.
North State Medical Transport - ALS
MedEx Medical Transport - ALS
Vector AeroMedical - ALS
First Responder Fire Departments:
50-210 Fire Department
Antioch Fire Department
Benson Fire Department
Blackmon's Crossroads Fire Department
Clayton Fire Department
Cleveland Fire Department
Corinth Holder Fire Department
Elevation Fire Department
West Johnston Fire Department
Wilson's Mills Fire Department
Bethany Fire Department
Meadow Fire Department
Micro Fire Department
North Side Fire Department
Pine Level Fire Department
Princeton Fire Department
Smithfield Fire Department
Kenly Fire Department
Selma Fire Department
Four Oaks Fire Department
(Amend. of 4-7-2014; Amend. of 10-6-2016; Amend. of 2-6-2017; Amend. of 8-3-2020; Amend of 10-2-2023)
State law reference— Ambulance services, G.S. 153A-250.
The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the mean-ings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Advanced life support non transporting unit means a vehicle identified as an advanced life support non transporting unit. It shall carry equipment and supplies in accordance with the level of advanced life support care offered by the provider with which the vehicle is affiliated. These vehicles shall comply with requirements as set forth by the office of emergency medical services and other applicable General Statutes of the state.
Ambulance means any privately or publicly owned motor vehicle, aircraft, or vessel that is specially designed, constructed, or modified and equipped and is intended to be used for and is maintained or operated for the transportation on the streets or highways, waterways or airways of this state of persons who are sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless.
Ambulance provider means an individual, firm, corporation or association who engages or professes to engage in the business or service of transporting patients in an ambulance.
Approved means approved by the state medical care commission pursuant to the latter's rules and regulations promulgated under G.S. 143B-165.
Department means the Johnston County Emergency Services Department.
Emergency and emergency transportation service means the use of an ambulance, its equipment and personnel to provide medical care and transportation of a patient who is in need of immediate medical treatment in order to prevent loss of life or further aggravation or physiological or psychological illness or injury.
Emergency medical dispatch means the approved program with procedures established for the management and delivery of emergency medical assistance by a public or private agency that sends emergency medical assistance to requesting persons and provides prearrival instructions for a victim of sudden injury or illness.
Emergency medical responder means an individual who has completed a training program in emergency medical care and first aid approved by the state department of health and human services and has been certified as a medical responder by the department of health and human services, office of emergency medical services.
Emergency medical technician (EMT) means an individual who has completed a training program in emergency medical care at least equal to the national standard training program for emergency medical technicians as defined by the United States Department of Transportation and has been certified as an emergency medical technician by the state office of emergency medical service.
Franchise means a permit issued by the county to a person for the operation of an ambulance service.
Franchisee means any person having been issued a franchise by the county for the operation of an ambulance service.
License means any driver's license or permit to operate a motor vehicle issued under or granted by the laws of the state.
Nonemergency transportation services means the operation of an ambulance for any purpose other than transporting emergency patients.
Operator means a person in actual physical control of an ambulance which is in motion or which has the engine running.
Owner means any person or entity who owns an ambulance.
Patient means an individual who is sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless such that the need for some medical assistance might be anticipated while being transported to or from a medical facility.
Rescue means situations where the victim cannot escape an area through the normal exit or under his own power.
Responder means an organization with personnel trained in emergency medical care that is dispatched to the scene of a medical emergency for the primary purpose of providing emergency medical assistance to a patient until the ambulance and additional medical aid arrives.
Secondary ambulance provider means the system of personnel and equipment meeting the same criteria as a primary ambulance provider, but not normally dispatched on first call response.
Telecommunicator means a person who is available at all times to receive requests for emergency services, to dispatch emergency services, and to advise local law enforcement agencies, fire departments and emergency medical facilities of any existing or threatened emergency.
(Ord. of 4-6-1998, § I; Amend. of 6-2-2008(2); Amend. of 4-7-2014; Amend. of 8-3-2020; Amend. of 10-2-2023)
(a) No person, either as owner, agent or otherwise, shall furnish, operate, conduct, maintain, advertise, or otherwise be engaged in or profess to be engaged in the business or service of emergency and/or nonemergency transportation of patients within the county unless the person holds a valid permit for each ambulance used in such business or service issued by the state department of health and human services, office of emergency medical services, and has been granted a franchise for the operation of such business or service by the county pursuant to this chapter.
(b) No person shall drive an ambulance, attend a patient in one, or permit one to be operated when transporting a patient within the county unless he holds a currently valid certificate as an emergency medical responder, EMT-advanced EMT, or paramedic issued by the state department of health and human services, office of emergency medical services. In an emergency situation, a member of local fire department can operate an EMS vehicle as long as the member has completed the North Carolina Emergency Vehicle Driving course.
(c) No franchise shall be required for:
(1) Any entity operated from a location or headquarters outside of the county in order to transport patients who are picked up beyond the limits of the county, to facilities located within
the county, or to pick up patients within the county for transporting to locations outside the county; but no such entity shall be used to pick up patients within the county for transporting to locations within the county or other locations unless it is rendering assistance to a franchised ambulance service in the case of a major catastrophe, mutual aid or emergency with which the services franchised by the county are insufficient or unable to cope as referred to in this subsection (c)(1); or
(2) An ambulance owned and operated by the state, county or an agency of the United States government.
(3) Any fire department contracted with Johnston County providing service as a first responder.
(Ord. of 4-6-1998, § II; Amend. of 6-2-2008(2); Amend. of 6-4-2012; Amend. of 4-7-2014; Amend of 8-3-2020; Amend. of 10-2-2023)
Application for a franchise to operate ambulances in the county shall be made by the ambulance provider upon such forms as may be prepared or prescribed by the county and shall contain:
(1) The name and address of the ambulance provider and of the owner of the ambulance.
(2) The trade or other fictitious names, if any, under which the applicant does business, along with a certified copy of an assumed name certificate stating such name or articles of incorporation stating such name.
(3) A resume of the training and experience of the applicant in the transportation and care of patients.
(4) A full description of the type and level of service to be provided including the location of the place or places from which it is intended to operate, the manner in which the public will be able to obtain assistance and how the vehicles will be dispatched. A financial statement of the applicant as the financial statement pertains to the operations in the county. Such financial statement shall be in such form and in such detail as may be required by the county.
(5) A list of radio frequencies the applicant is authorized to operate on, and a copy of the FCC license in the name of the person providing the service.
(6) A description of the applicant's capability to provide 24-hour coverage, seven days per week for the district covered by the franchise applied for, and an accurate estimate of the minimum and maximum times for a response to calls within such district.
(7) Any information the county shall deem reasonably necessary for a fair determination of the capability of the applicant to provide ambulance services in the county in accordance with the requirements of state laws and the provisions of this chapter.
(8) The county may establish and from time to time revise a schedule of rates, fees and charges that may be charged by franchised operators.
(9) The county may establish and from time to time revise a schedule of rates, fees and charges that may be charged for the review of franchise applications.
(Ord. of 4-6-1998, § III; Amend. of 10-2-2023)