Sec. 14-506. - General limitations.
   (a)   Except where specifically exempted by this chapter, the subject matter of any sign shall be related to the premises on which the sign is located. When the use or establishment to which a sign is related ceases or is vacated, the advertising material shall be removed within 30 days and such sign shall be removed within 12 months of the cessation or vacating of the use or establishment, unless such sign is used by a new use or establishment on the premises in conformance with all current regulations of this chapter.
   (b)   Except where specifically exempted by this chapter, all signs, including its attendant supports, frames, hardware, and embellishments thereto, shall not be located within any public right-of-way or easement, nor shall any sign be attached, affixed, or painted on any utility pole, light standard, telephone or telegraph pole, any tree, rock, or other natural object.
   (c)   No source of illumination of a sign, such as floodlighting or spotlights, shall be directly visible from any public right-of-way, from any residential zoning district, or from adjacent properties.
   (d)   Animated, rotating, or other moving or apparently moving signs shall be prohibited.
   (e)   Devices consisting of banners, streamers, pennants, balloons, wind-blown propellers, moored blimps, strung light bulbs, and similar installations shall be prohibited unless approved by the planning director for noncommercial events.
   (f)   No sign shall be erected, painted, or otherwise mounted on the roof of a building or above the eaves, border or overhang.
   (g)   Non-commercial message. Whenever the LDC permits a commercial sign, a non-commercial message may be substituted for the commercial message. The right to substitute the non-commercial message does not waive any other requirement imposed by the LDC as to the number, size, type, construction, location, lighting, safety or other regulated attribute.
(Ord. of 7-10-2000, § 11.7; Amend. of 9-5-2006; Amend. of - - )