General Provisions
   53.001   Application for service connections to waterworks system
   53.002   All service to be by meter
   53.003   Installing and maintaining service lines
   53.004   Meter damaged
   53.005   Dangerous usage
   53.006   Electric ground wires
   53.007   Liability of owner
   53.008   Responsibility for shortage of supply
   53.009   Emergency short supply
   53.010   Noncompliance with rules
   53.011   Inspection
   53.012   Fire hydrants
   53.013   Maintenance of service lines
   53.014   Use of streets and alleys for water and sewer line easements
Cross-Connection Control
   53.025   Requirements
   53.026   Private connection unlawful
   53.027   Investigation by Superintendent
   53.028   Cross-connection control inspection
   53.029   Discontinuance of service
   53.030   Contamination costs
Extension of Mains
   53.045   Main extension agreement
   53.046   Easements
   53.047   Size and type
   53.048   Title
   53.049   Maintenance and replacement
Cross-Connection Administration
   53.060   Approved backflow device
   53.061   Cross-connection prohibited; exception
   53.062   Investigations by Superintendent
   53.063   Right to enter premises
   53.064   Notice to customer; reconnect fee
   53.065   Contaminations cost and the consumer
Cross-Connection Control Code
   53.080   Purpose
   53.081   Application
   53.082   Policy
   53.083   Definitions
   53.084   Water system
   53.085   Cross-connection prohibited
   53.086   Survey and investigations
   53.087   Where protection is required
   53.088   Type of protection required
   53.089   Backflow prevention devices
   53.090   Inspection and maintenance
   53.091   Booster pumps
   53.092   Violations
Extensions of Mains
   53.105   Determination of who pays expense of extension
   53.106   Easements
   53.107   Size and type
   53.108   Title
   53.109   Maintenance and replacement