Police Department
131.01   Personnel.
131.02   Appointment of Chief.
131.03   General duties of Department.
131.04   Appointment of temporary police.
131.05   Age qualifications.
131.06   Qualifications for examination.
131.07   Police Auxiliary.
131.08   Off-duty and dispatch call policy.
131.09   Riding in police cars.
131.10   Police Chaplain.
Distribution of obscenity statutes by Attorney General - see Ohio R.C. 109.40
Assistance of State Criminal Bureau - see Ohio R.C. 109.51 et seq.
Forwarding fingerprints and other data to State Criminal Bureau - see Ohio R.C. 109.58 et seq.
Peace Officer training certificate required for permanent employment - see Ohio R.C. 109.77
Appointments; probationary period; age - see Ohio R.C. 124.27, 124.30, 124.41
Promotions - see Ohio R.C. 124.31, 124.44
Police Chief suspension - see Ohio R.C. 124.34, 124.40
Reductions, suspensions and removals - see Ohio R.C. 124.34 et seq., 737.12
Sick leave - see Ohio R.C. 124.38
Police protection contracts - see Ohio R.C. 505.441, 737.04
Composition and control - see Ohio R.C. 715.05, 737.05
Civil service application - see Ohio R.C. 737.051, 737.10
Auxiliary police unit - see Ohio R.C. 737.051, 737.06
Police Chief - see Ohio R.C. 737.06
Hours and leave - see Ohio R.C. 737.07
Appointment of emergency patrolmen - see Ohio R.C. 737.10
Police and Firemen’s Disability and Pension Fund - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 742
Police officer may arrest on view - see Ohio R.C. 2935.03, 2935.05, 2935.07
Impersonating a public official - see GEN. OFF. 525.03
Failure to aid a law enforcement officer - see GEN. OFF. 525.06