A. The department is authorized to post temporary traffic signs prohibiting parking along the route of a parade or other approved special event and along streets or portions thereof which are scheduled for service or repair work, including, but not limited to, resurfacing, maintenance, repair, cleaning, oiling or snow removal.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle on the street along such posted route within the area where parking is prohibited by such signs. Vehicles parked in violation of this provision may be towed if the signs posted indicate "Towaway Zone".
C. Temporary traffic signs constructed in accordance with standards established by the city manager, or designee, shall be placed within ten feet (10') of the traveled portion of the roadway or curb along that side of the street on which the parking prohibition is to be in effect. The signs may be mounted on temporary supports, on existing street signposts, on parking meters or in accordance with standards established by the city manager, or designee. (1994 Code; amd. Ord. 97-3765, 1-14-1997)
A. Prohibited: No person shall stop, stand or park any motor vehicle so as to block an alley, whether attended or unattended.
B. Alleys In Commercial Districts:
1. In commercial districts, the city manager, or designee, is authorized to designate certain alleys as "No Parking Anytime" on one side of the alley and on the other side of the same alley, "Loading Zone". When such signs are in place, it shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle in the middle of the alley or on the side of the alley designated "No Parking Anytime", and it shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle on the side of the alley designated "Loading Zone" for a period in excess of the time limit stated on the sign. Vehicles found parked in violation of this provision may be towed if the signs posted indicate "Towaway Zone". (1994 Code; amd. Ord. 97-3765, 1-14-1997)
2. In alleys in the commercial district which are not so marked, it shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle for a period exceeding ten (10) minutes. (Ord. 09-4345, 6-16-2009)
C. Alleys In Noncommercial Districts: It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle upon or in alleys in noncommercial districts.
D. Emergency Access To Alleys:
1. If access to an alley is required to provide emergency police, fire, medical, utility or other services, the owner or driver of a vehicle parked therein shall immediately move the vehicle from the alley.
2. To assure access of emergency vehicles to alleys in the commercial district, the driver of a vehicle standing in an alley to load or unload pursuant to subsection B of this section shall not leave the vehicle unattended for more than ten (10) minutes.
3. If a vehicle must be moved to provide emergency access and the owner, driver or other authorized person cannot be located, the department may cause the vehicle to be towed from the alley and impounded as provided in chapter 9 of this title.
4. All vehicles which are parked in alleys pursuant to subsections A and B of this section are subject to the provisions of this subsection. (1994 Code; amd. Ord. 97-3765, 1-14-1997)
A. Generally: The parking of motor vehicles upon parking areas shall not be allowed unless the city manager, or designee, on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, establishes parking on the area in a designated commercial zone by installing and maintaining traffic controls.
B. Standards: If the city manager, or designee, establishes parking of motor vehicles upon the parking area within a designated area, parking shall be for the use of the general public. The following standards shall apply:
1. The curb adjacent to the roadway shall be cut to provide ingress and egress for the area specified.
2. The parking area designated shall be paved with equivalent material used in paving the adjacent roadway, and adequate drainage shall be provided.
3. In parking areas, no vehicle shall park:
a. Within ten feet (10') of a crosswalk.
b. Within five feet (5') of a driveway other than the ingress and egress drive of the designated area.
c. Adjacent to the five (5) linear feet of curb closest to a fire hydrant. Where the street has no curb, this prohibition applies to the five (5) linear feet of road surface closest to the fire hydrant.
4. No vehicle shall park in such designated area so as to leave less than five feet (5') of the sidewalk for the use of pedestrians. (1978 Code §23-245; amd. 1994 Code; Ord. 97-3765, 1-14-1997; Ord. 09-4346, 6-16-2009)
A. Reserved Space For Funerals: Where it is necessary to hold a funeral service in a metered zone, the funeral director may be authorized by the city manager, or designee, to post an approved "No Parking" sign. Such signs shall be posted by the funeral director before the service at a time equal to the maximum allowed in the parking zone plus one-half (1/2) hour. All such signs must be removed by the funeral director within one-half (1/2) hour after the close of the funeral. All funeral "No Parking" signs shall be furnished by the funeral directors and be of a design approved by the city manager, or designee. (1978 Code §23-248; amd. Ord. 97-3765, 1-14-1997)
B. Reserved Space For Construction:
1. Permit Required; Fee:
a. Contractors doing construction or excavation in, by or near a metered parking space may reserve one or more such metered spaces upon showing that the reservation of the space is necessary to accomplish the work. The fee for reservation of a metered parking space for each enforcement day or fraction thereof shall be as provided in the schedule of fees, title 3, chapter 4 of this code.
b. All payments shall be made in advance of the issuance of such permits. Hoods shall be placed on such reserved meter spaces. Meter hoods shall bear the following message: "No Parking, Reserved Stall, Commercial Vehicles Only. Violators Will Be Towed". When it is necessary to remove meters and posts for construction, the contractor shall place a sign bearing the same message adjacent to each reserved space. The contractor will be charged any costs incurred to remove and replace such meters.
2. Contractor's Guarantee: A contractor who desires to reserve a meter space agrees to maintain the meter hoods or required signage and to indemnify and defend the city for any claims, costs or damages which result from the reservation of such space.
3. Unauthorized Use Of Reserved Space:
a. No person shall park a vehicle in a reserved meter space without authorization of the contractor reserving same.
b. Vehicles parked in a reserved space may be towed as provided by chapter 9 of this title. (1978 Code §23-249; amd. 1994 Code)
A. Purpose: The purpose of this section is to provide a system to declare and notify persons of snow emergencies and enforce the provisions for same. Without such provisions, cars remain parked on city streets, impairing effective plowing and snow removal. Consequently, potential hazards are created by unplowed snow and cars parking too far from the curb.
B. Parking Regulations During Snow Emergencies And Exemptions: The city manager or designee shall declare a snow emergency when the city manager or designee finds, on the basis of falling snow, sleet, freezing rain or on the basis of a forecast by the United States weather bureau or on the basis of any other weather service, that weather conditions will make it necessary for motor vehicle traffic to be expedited and for parking on certain city streets to be prohibited or restricted for snow plowing or other purposes. The following parking regulations shall be in effect during snow emergencies:
1. On all streets where parking is allowed on both sides, vehicles shall be parked on only the even street numbered side of the street on even days of the month after eight o'clock (8:00) A.M.
2. On all streets where parking is allowed on both sides, vehicles shall be parked on only the odd street numbered side of the street on odd days of the month after eight o'clock (8:00) A.M.
3. On all streets where parking is allowed on only one side, vehicles shall be parked on only the even street numbered side of the street on even days of the month after eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. and shall be parked on only the odd street numbered side of the street on odd days of the month after eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. No parking shall be permitted on the side of the street where parking is prohibited.
4. All other posted parking regulations and prohibitions shall remain in effect. For example, on all streets where odd-even calendar parking or other restrictions are posted, those restrictions shall continue in force and effect notwithstanding subsections B1 and B2 of this section.
5. These regulations shall not apply to metered parking spaces, designated loading zones, and those streets located within the central business district, which, starting at the intersection of Burlington and Gilbert Streets, is bounded by Iowa Avenue to the north, Capitol Street to the west, Burlington Street to the south and Gilbert Street to the east, with the entirety of the right of way of said central business district included within this exemption.
C. Effective Time Of Snow Emergency: A snow emergency shall take effect not earlier than four (4) hours after it is declared, except if a snow emergency is declared after eight o'clock (8:00) P.M., it shall not take effect until eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. the next day, unless otherwise indicated in the declaration. A snow emergency shall be in force for a minimum of forty eight (48) hours after taking effect unless canceled or changed under subsection D of this section.
D. Declaration And Notice:
1. The city manager or designee shall declare a snow emergency by written signed notice, filed with the city clerk, stating the beginning and ending time for the period of snow emergency, which ending time shall be a minimum of forty eight (48) hours after taking effect. If the office of the city clerk is closed, the city manager or designee shall file such notice promptly when the office next is open during normal business hours.
2. The city manager or designee may cancel such declaration or change the beginning or ending time. Notice as provided in subsection D1 of this section shall be given for such cancellations or changes.
3. The city manager or designee shall inform the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids area radio and television stations and the Iowa City newspapers of the snow emergency declaration and when the snow emergency parking regulations for Iowa City will be in effect and ask that public service announcements be made.
4. The public works director or designee shall post information concerning the snow emergency declaration, when the snow emergency parking regulations for Iowa City will be in effect and summarizing the regulations on the city website and shall post signs on all major highways and streets entering the city at or reasonably near the city limits, informing motorists that a snow emergency has been declared and alternate side parking is required.
5. The city manager or designee may take such other actions to inform the public of the snow emergency as appropriate.
E. Towing Of Improperly Parked Vehicles: Any vehicle found to be parked where not permitted during a snow emergency will be issued a notice of parking violation pursuant to section 9-4-14 of this chapter and towed to a place designated for the storage of impounded vehicles pursuant to this chapter. (Ord. 08-4321, 11-18-2008)
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A. Loading Zones Designated: Loading zones and passenger loading zones shall be established and marked by signs. (1994 Code)
B. Parking In Passenger Loading Zones: No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for any purpose or period of time other than for the loading or unloading of passengers in any place marked as a passenger loading zone during hours when the regulations applicable to such loading zone are effective, and then only for a period not to exceed three (3) minutes. Any vehicle in a passenger loading zone shall be attended by either a driver or valet at all times. (1978 Code §23-288; amd. Ord. 06-4241, 11-14-2006)
C. Standing In Loading Zones Designated For Loading And Unloading Property:
1. Generally:
a. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in a place marked as a loading zone, except to load or unload property, during hours when the provisions applicable to such zones are in effect. A stop for loading or unloading property shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes.
b. A vehicle driver may stop temporarily at a loading zone to load or unload passengers when stopping will not interfere with any vehicle waiting to enter or about to enter the zone to load or unload property.
2. Commercial Vehicle Loading Zone: Only commercial vehicles which are properly designated as such may stop, stand or park in a loading zone designated "Commercial Vehicle Loading Zone". No person shall stop, stand or park a commercial vehicle in any place marked as a commercial vehicle loading zone during hours when the provisions applicable to such zones are in effect except to load and unload commercial property. No stop shall exceed thirty (30) minutes.
D. Public Carrier Stops And Stands:
1. Established: Bus stands, taxicab stands and stands for other passenger and common carrier motor vehicles shall be established by the city manager, or designee, and marked by official signs. No persons shall stop, stand, or park within sixty feet (60') in advance of a public carrier stop denoting a "No Parking" sign or symbol.
2. Stopping, Standing And Parking Of Buses And Taxicabs Regulated:
a. Buses:
(1) The driver of a bus shall not stand or park a bus on a street any place except a designated bus stand.
(2) When the driver of a bus enters a bus stop, bus stand or passenger loading zone to load or unload passengers or baggage, the right front wheel of the bus shall be no more than eighteen inches (18") from the curb, and the bus shall parallel the curb so as not to unduly impede other vehicular traffic.
b. Taxicabs: The driver of a taxicab may temporarily stop in accordance with other stopping or parking regulations at any place while actually engaged in the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers.
3. Restricted Use Of Bus And Taxicab Stands: No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle other than a bus in a bus stop or other than a taxicab in a taxicab stand when any such stop or stand has been officially designated and appropriately signed, except the driver of a passenger vehicle may temporarily stop to load or unload passengers if the vehicle does not interfere with any bus or taxicab entering such zone.
E. Loading Or Unloading At An Angle To Curb: Loading or unloading from a vehicle backed to park at an angle to the curb shall be lawful only pursuant to special permit issued for that purpose by the city manager, or designee. The permit shall contain special terms or conditions and may be issued to the owner of the vehicle or to the owner or lessee of the real property to which the vehicle backs and parks.
F. Curbside Pick-up and Delivery: No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in a space that has been officially designated and signed for Curbside Pick-up and Delivery for more than ten (10) minutes and except to engage in curbside pick-up and delivery.
G. Enforcement: It shall be unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this section for any owner or driver to permit a vehicle to remain in violation of this section. Every thirty (30) minutes that a vehicle remains in violation after the vehicle is initially cited shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. In the case of passenger loading zones and curbside pick-up and delivery spaces every ten (10) minutes that a vehicle remains in violation after the vehicle is initially cited shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. The fees for each such parking offense shall be provided in the schedule of fees set out in title 3, chapter 4 of this code. (1978 Code §§
A. In addition to the parking spaces designated by the city manager, or designee, for use by persons with physical disabilities, the owner of private property parking may also designate parking spaces for the exclusive use of persons with physical disabilities. The private property parking owner shall clearly and prominently mark parking spaces so designated.
B. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any parking space designated and signed as reserved for the use of persons with physical disabilities unless the vehicle displays an identification device issued pursuant to the code of Iowa, as amended. (1994 Code; amd. Ord. 97-3765, 1-14-1997)