9-4-13: FIRE LANES:
   A.   Designation: The fire chief or authorized representative shall approve, require, and designate public and/or private fire lanes as deemed necessary for the efficient and effective operation of fire vehicles, personnel, and apparatus. Only those fire lanes approved by the fire chief or authorized representative will be enforced. A fire lane shall be posted with signs at least every forty (40) linear feet. Said fire lane shall be deemed to encompass that area within a twenty foot (20') radius of any fire lane sign or markings posted pursuant to this section. Posted signs will comply with the "Manual Of Uniform Traffic Control Devices" and at a minimum contain the following language: "FIRE LANE NO PARKING". Markings may include a painted yellow striped area measuring eight feet (8') from the curb/pavement edge and extending twenty feet (20') either side of a posted sign. Upon application to and approval by the fire chief or authorized representative, a private property owner may be granted a fire lane designation for such property. Installation of approved signage on private property will be the responsibility of the permit applicant/property owner. If an applicant/property owner is required by the city to post a fire lane, upon request, the signs will be provided by the city at cost or the applicant/property owner can obtain an approved sign from a vendor. When an area is posted as a fire lane as provided herein, it shall be presumed that said area is designated as a fire lane by or with the authority of the fire chief.
   B.   Parking Prohibited: It shall be unlawful to have an unattended vehicle standing, stopped, or parked in or otherwise blocking or obstructing any portion of a designated fire lane at any time. Signs and markings shall be posted and placed to identify such fire lanes and to serve notice that standing, stopping, and/or parking is prohibited therein. Such illegally parked vehicles will be subject to fines and/or towing at the expense of the owner. All designated fire lane signs shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and replaced when necessary to ensure adequate visibility. This maintenance shall be the responsibility of the permit applicant/property owner.
   C.   Penalty: Any violation of this section shall be considered a simple misdemeanor or municipal infraction as provided for in title 1, chapter 4 of this code.
   D.   Enforcement: It will be the responsibility of the police department to enforce the provisions of this section as they apply to both public and private properties. The Iowa City police department is hereby authorized to ticket, tow, or cause to be towed, pursuant to the code of Iowa, as amended, any vehicle that has been parked or placed upon the public or private street in violation of the parking laws of this city and/or state. This shall serve as appropriate notice of such authorization to the Iowa City police department under the code of Iowa, as amended. By applying for a fire lane designation, any applicant/private property owner and its employees and assigns hereby agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless the city, its officers, employees, and agents from any damages or liability resulting from any ticketing or towing authorized under this section.
   E.   Presumption Of Liability: The fact that a vehicle that is illegally parked is registered in the name of a person will be considered prima facie proof that such person was in control of the vehicle at the time of such parking. (Ord. 98-3846, 8-25-1998)
It shall be unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this chapter for any owner or driver to permit a vehicle to remain in violation of this chapter. With the exception of sections 9-4-10 and 9-4-15 of this chapter, every two (2) hours that a vehicle remains in violation after the vehicle is initially cited shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. The fees for each such parking offense shall be as provided in the schedule of fees set out in title 3, chapter 4 of this code. (Ord. 05-4178, 9-6-2005, eff. 9-15-2005)
   A.   Designation: The six (6) northernmost angled parking spaces on the west side of Linn Street directly adjacent to the front of the Iowa City public library are designated as "library parking" spaces.
   B.   Spaces: The "library parking" space to the far north is further designated as a "library outside book drop off" space. The five (5) spaces directly to the south of the "library outside book drop off" space are further designated as "library patron parking" spaces.
   C.   Signage: Each space shall contain signage that includes said designation of "library patron parking" and "library outside book drop off". The "library patron parking" signage shall include notification that the Iowa City public library hours are posted on the library entrance door.
   D.   Parking: During the hours posted on the library entrance door, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in a "library patron parking" space except for the sole purpose of allowing a passenger to go directly to and from the Iowa City public library, and said stop shall not exceed twenty (20) minutes. At no time shall a person stop, stand or park a vehicle in the "library outside book drop off" space except for the sole purpose of allowing a passenger to deposit a book or other item in one of the drop off boxes located on the outside east wall of the Iowa City public library and to return directly to said vehicle, and said stop shall not exceed five (5) minutes. For purposes of this section, "passenger" includes the driver of the vehicle.
   E.   Violations: It shall be unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this section for any owner or driver to permit a vehicle to remain in violation of the "library patron parking" or "library outside book drop off" provision. Every ten (10) minutes that a vehicle remains in violation of said provisions after the vehicle is initially cited shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. The fees for each such parking offense shall be as provided in the schedule of fees set out in title 3, chapter 4 of this code. Additionally, any vehicle in violation of the "library outside book drop off" provision is subject to being towed consistent with the provisions of section 9-9-2 of this title. (Ord. 05-4178, 9-6-2005, eff. 9-15-2005; amd. Ord. 06-4217, 6-27-2006; Ord. 20-4826, 7-7-2020; Ord. 23-4897, 3-7-2023)
9-4-16: FOOD TRUCKS:
   A.   Definitions:
   DOWNTOWN ZONE: The areas illustrated on the map in subsection H of this section.
   FOOD TRUCK: A motorized vehicle specially equipped to prepare and sell food items to the general public.
   OPERATE: To offer for sale food and beverage items to the general public; it does not mean either loading or unloading food or beverage items in bulk or other materials.
   RESTAURANT: As that term is defined in section 10-3-1 of this code.
   TRUCK PERMIT: Written authorization by the city to operate a food truck on public right of way as provided in this section.
   B.   Prohibited: No person may operate a food truck on public right of way without a food truck permit as provided herein.
   C.   Permit:
      1.   An application for a food truck permit shall be filed with the city manager or designee on a form provided by the city.
      2.   The permit shall require the permittee to pay on behalf of the city all sums which the city shall be obligated to pay by reason of any liability imposed upon the city for damages of any kind resulting from use of public property and the public right of way, whether sustained by any person or persons, caused by accident or otherwise and shall defend at its own expense and on behalf of the city any claim against the city arising out of the use of public property and the public right of way.
      3.   The permit shall require the permittee to obtain insurance in an amount determined by the city's risk manager.
      4.   The city manager or designee shall grant or deny the application for a permit in writing within thirty (30) calendar days after the application being filed. The city manager or designee shall grant the application and issue a permit if the requirements set forth in the administrative rules have been met.
      5.   The applicant may appeal the denial in the same manner as mobile vending permits in title 10 of this code.
      6.   The city manager or designee, or city council if issued following an appeal, may revoke a food truck permit as provided in the administrative rules. A permittee may appeal the revocation in the same manner as appealing the issuance or denial of a permit.
      7.   The administrative rules may limit the number of permits granted.
      8.   Permits shall be issued for one year.
      9.   The permittee shall not offer tobacco or alcoholic beverages for sale.
      10.   The sale, transfer, or assignment of a permit is expressly prohibited.
   D.   Location: No person shall operate, and no permittee shall allow a food truck to be operated, on public right of way in the following locations:
      1.   Inside the downtown zone;
      2.   Within one hundred fifty feet (150') of an entrance to a restaurant;
      3.   In a residential zone, as defined in the zoning code; or
      4.   In a loading zone.
The administrative rules may expand the areas where a food truck is prohibited from operating.
   E.   Allowed Operation: Notwithstanding any other provision in the code, a person may:
      1.   Operate a food truck in two (2) metered spaces if the parking meters for both spaces are operational.
      2.   Operate for up to three (3) hours in a metered space with an established time period of two (2) hours or less if the meter is operational.
      3.   Back a food truck into and park and operate it in an angled stall.
   F.   Fees: Fees for food truck permits shall be set by resolution of the city council.
   G.   Rules: The city manager is authorized to establish administrative rules not inconsistent with any ordinance to carry out the provisions of this section. A copy of said rules shall be on file with the city clerk and available on the city's website.
   H.   Downtown Zone:
(Ord. 15-4618, 4-21-2015)
   I.   Pilot Program: Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, the city manager is authorized to establish a pilot program for food trucks to operate with a permit during the late evening and early morning hours in the downtown zone. (Ord. 17-4691, 2-7-2017)