8-4-1: Definitions
8-4-2: Responsibility Of Owners
8-4-3: Licensing And Vaccination Requirements
8-4-4: Rabies And Disease Control
8-4-5: Nuisances
8-4-6: Prohibitions And Requirements
8-4-7: Dangerous Animals
8-4-8: Impoundment And Redemption Of Animals
8-4-9: Animal Neglect And Cruelty
8-4-10: Prohibited Acts And Conditions
8-4-11: Irresponsible Owner
8-4-12: Permit Required
8-4-13: Community Cats
8-4-14: Fees
8-4-15: Administrative Rules
8-4-16: Penalties
As used in this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
ABANDON: Failure to provide adequate care on-site for a period of seventeen (17) hours or failure to provide control over and shelter, food and water for an animal without having made satisfactory arrangements for care, custody and physical control of such animal.
ADEQUATE FOOD: Providing, at suitable intervals of not more than twenty four (24) hours, unless the dietary requirements of the animal so require, a quantity and quality of wholesome foodstuff, suitable for the physical condition and age of the animal, served in a clean receptacle or container, sufficient to maintain an adequate level of nutrition for such animal.
ADEQUATE INDOOR SHELTER: A properly ventilated and illuminated facility, sufficiently regulated by heating or cooling to protect the animal from extremes of temperature and sufficient to provide for the animal's health and comfort.
ADEQUATE OUTDOOR SHELTER: A structurally sound and weatherproof shelter made up of three (3) solid sides, a roof and a floor off the ground, which provides adequate protection from exposure to weather conditions and is placed in an area free of debris, feces and standing water. An adequate outdoor shelter must meet the requirements of adequate space. An animal crate is not an adequate outdoor shelter.
ADEQUATE SANITATION: Cleaning or sanitizing of enclosures and housing facilities to remove excreta and other waste materials and dirt so as to minimize health hazards, flies or odors.
ADEQUATE SPACE: Primary enclosures and housing facilities constructed and maintained so as to provide sufficient space to allow each animal to make normal postural and social adjustments with adequate freedom of movement to maintain physical condition. The minimum confinement area set forth in section 8-4-6 of this chapter is an adequate space. Inadequate space may be indicated by evidence of malnutrition, poor condition, debility, stress or abnormal behavior patterns.
ADEQUATE VETERINARY CARE: Prompt and reasonable care provided to a sick, diseased or injured animal by a licensed veterinarian, euthanized in a manner deemed appropriate by the City, or turned over to the City with approval of the Chief of Police, or designee.
ADEQUATE WATER: Reasonable access to a supply of clean, fresh, potable water, provided in a sanitary manner.
ANIMAL: Any living creature, domestic or wild, except a human being.
ANIMAL ACTS OR EXHIBITIONS: Any act, exhibit, or display containing one or more live animals which are exposed to public view for entertainment or advertisement regardless of whether there is a fee or consideration. Permit is required.
ANIMAL CRATE: A plastic or metal cage used for the temporary and short term containment of animals inside a building, vehicle, or other enclosed space.
ANIMAL PERFORMANCE: Any place or performance where one or more animals are used in the production of any motion picture, television, radio, internet, digital, or theatrical performance, whether for entertainment, instruction, or advertising. Permit is required.
ANIMAL SERVICES OFFICER: City employee whose duties and responsibilities are to enforce this chapter.
ANIMAL SHELTER: The pound owned and operated by the City of Iowa City. The animal shelter is a pound as defined in chapter 162 of the Code of Iowa, as amended.
ANIMAL SHELTER STAFF: A City employee who works at the animal shelter, including animal services officers.
ANIMAL SHOW: Any place where animals are being exhibited and/or judged. Permit is required.
BREEDER: Any person who causes the breeding of a male or female dog or cat, or makes or allows a dog or cat to be available for breeding, or a person who offers to sell a puppy or kitten that is a direct offspring of their adult dog or cat. Permit is required.
CAT GROUP: Any lot, building, structure, enclosure or premises where six (6) or more cats over the age of four (4) months are kept or maintained by the owner for no consideration. Permit is required.
CAT KENNEL: Any lot, building, structure, enclosure or premises where six (6) or more cats over the age of four (4) months are kept or maintained for consideration. Permit is required.
CIRCUS: An event or performance which charges members of the public an admission fee to watch trained lions, tigers, elephants, or other animals perform under the whip or command of a ringmaster, trainer, or handler.
DEFILEMENT: To foul, dirty, pollute or make filthy, either by the animal's body or wastes or by the animal carrying or dragging any foul material.
DOG GROUP: Any lot, building, structure, enclosure, or premises where four (4) or more dogs over the age of four (4) months are kept or maintained by the owner for no consideration. Permit is required.
DOG KENNEL: Any lot, building, structure, enclosure or premises where four (4) or more dogs over the age of four (4) months are kept or maintained for consideration. Permit is required.
EDUCATIONAL ANIMAL ACT OR EXHIBITION: Any act, exhibit, or display containing one or more live animals which are exposed to public view for education or instruction for no fee or consideration. Permit is required.
FENCE: A physical barrier intended to prevent escape or intrusion, entry or exit, made of posts and wire, boards, stone, brick, or similar material. Invisible fencing systems using underground wire or electronic collar devices are not considered fencing for the purposes of this chapter.
GROOMER: Any person who cuts the hair of, trims the toenails of, brushes the hair of, and/or bathes dogs or cats for consideration or any commercial establishment that engages in cutting the hair of, trimming the nails of, brushing the hair of and/or bathing dogs or cats. Permit is required.
GUARD/ATTACK DOG: A dog trained to attack persons upon the command of its master or custodian or upon the actions of an individual, with the exception of a dog owned by a law enforcement agency.
LEASH: A rope, line, thong, chain or other similar restraint, not more than ten feet (10') in length, of sufficient strength to hold the animal in check. A restraint that is designed to extend beyond ten feet (10') and retract is a leash if: a) it cannot be extended more than twenty five feet (25') and b) it may be manually locked such that it does not extend more than ten feet (10').
LICENSE: A permit issued by the City to possess an animal as required by this chapter.
LIVESTOCK: An animal belonging to the bovine, caprine, equine, ovine, or porcine species; ostriches, rheas, emus; farm deer, as defined in section 481A.1, Code of Iowa, as amended; or poultry.
MAJOR PET SHOP: Any commercial establishment where animals, including dogs and cats, are bought, sold, exchanged or offered for sale. Permit is required.
MICROCHIP: An encapsulated biocompatible computer chip, programmed with a unique identification number, injected under the skin of an animal to provide permanent identification.
MINOR PET SHOP: Any commercial establishment where animals, except for dogs and cats, are bought, sold, exchanged, or offered for sale. Permit is required.
MOLEST: Includes not only biting and scratching a human or other animal, but also any annoyance, interference with or meddling with any such human or animal.
OWNER: In addition to its ordinary meaning, includes any person who owns, keeps, maintains, possesses, fosters, or harbors an animal or who knowingly permits an animal to remain on any premises occupied by that person.
PERSON: Any natural or corporate person, business association, partnership or any other legal entity.
PIGEON OR DOVE LOFT: Any cage, loft, or enclosure where five (5) or more pigeons or doves are kept or maintained.
PRIVATE PROPERTY: All buildings and other property owned by a private person, including buildings, yards and service and parking areas.
PROHIBITED ANIMALS: The following genus/species of animals are hereby declared to be prohibited and a permit is required in order for said animal to be within the City:
A. Canidae within the order Carnivora (e.g., wolves, wolf-dog hybrids which are at least 50 percent wolf, coyotes, coyote-dog hybrids which are at least 50 percent coyote, foxes, jackals), but excluding Canis familiaris, the domestic dog.
B. Felidae within the order Carnivora (e.g., lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, cougars, lynx, ocelots, bobcats, jungle cats), but excluding Felis domestica, the domestic cat.
C. Procyonidae within the order Carnivora (e.g., coatis, pandas, raccoons, procynonids).
D. Ursidae of the order Carnivora (e.g., black bears, brown bears, grizzly bears, polar bears).
E. Chiroptera (e.g., bats).
F. Cetacea (e.g., whales, dolphins, porpoises).
G. Pinnipedia (e.g., seals, sea lions, walrus).
H. Sirenia (e.g., sea cows, manatees).
I. Primates, including all families (e.g., Cebidae, Cercopithecidae, Callithricedae, Lemuridae, Lorisidae, Tarsiidae, Colobinae, Hylobatidae, Pongidae; [e.g., monkeys, baboons, marmosets, tamarins, capuchin, chimpanzees, orangutan, gorillas, apes]).
J. Formicidae within the order Hymenoptera (e.g., fire ants).
K. Apidae; specifically Africanized strains of the Apis Mellifera honey bee.
L. Proboscidea, Hyracoidea, Tubulidentata (e.g., elephants, hyraxes, aardvarks).
M. Edentata, Pholidota (e.g., anteaters, sloths, armadillos).
N. Marsupialia (e.g., kangaroos, wallabies, koala).
O. Crocodylidae of the order Squamata (e.g., crocodiles, alligators, caimans, gavials).
P. Helodermatidae of the order Squamata (e.g., gila monsters, beaded lizards).
Q. Lizards of the species komodoensis, salvadorii, salvator, niloticus, albigularis, and indicus.
R. Crotalidae, Viperidae, Elapidae, Opisthoglyphous Colubridae, and all other orders which include poisonous or venomous reptiles (e.g., rattlesnakes, vipers, corals, copperheads, cottonmouths, moccasins, sea snakes, puff adders, malagasy hognoses).
S. Eunectes of the order Squamata (e.g., green anaconda).
T. Python sebae, Python reticulatus, Python molorus, Morelia amethystina of the order Squamata.
U. Venomous spiders of the families Teridiiae and Loxoscelidae respectively, and scorpions of the order Scorpiones, excluding Pandinus imperator (emperor scorpion).
V. Sugar gliders.
W. Camelus dromedaries (camels).
X. Ratite (e.g., ostrich, moa, kiwi).
Y. Emus.
Z. All wild animals indigenous to the State of Iowa, as defined in chapter 481A, Code of Iowa, as amended.
PUBLIC PROPERTY: Buildings, right-of-way or other public property owned or dedicated to the use of the City and other governmental entities.
RESCUE: The action as that term is used in chapter 717B of the Iowa Code, as amended, that allows a local authority to take temporary possession of a threatened animal.
RESTRICTED ANIMALS: The following genus/species of animals are hereby declared to be restricted:
A. Iguana, lizards of the order of Chamaeleontidae, and lizards of the genus Varanus, but excluding the species komodoensis, salvadorii, salvator, niloticus, albigularis, and indicus.
B. Rheas and peafowls (also subject to zoning requirements).
C. Other small livestock type animals (also subject to zoning requirements).
RODEO: A contest, exhibition or competition which charges members of the public an admission fee to watch the skill of contestants or entrants in horseridership where lassoing is performed involving cattle, horses, bulls, goats, pigs, and wild bovine and/or where contestants ride wild bulls or wild horses for public entertainment. Permit is required.
VETERINARIAN: A person duly licensed by the State of Iowa to practice veterinary medicine.
VETERINARY HOSPITAL: An establishment regularly maintained and operated by a veterinarian for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries to animals and which may board animals. (Ord. 18-4767, 9-4-2018)
The owner of an animal shall be responsible for obtaining licenses, permits, and vaccinations, and for the care and control of any such animal as defined in this chapter. The owner shall be prima facie responsible for any violation of this chapter by any animal owned by said owner. (Ord. 18-4767, 9-4-2018)
A. Every owner of a dog, cat, or ferret over the age of four (4) months shall have the animal vaccinated against rabies virus.
B. Every owner of a dog, cat, or ferret over the age of four (4) months shall apply for a license.
C. 1. At the time of making application for a license, the owner shall furnish to the City a veterinarian's certificate showing that the dog, cat, or ferret for which the license is sought has been vaccinated against rabies virus.
2. Upon payment of the license fee, the City shall issue to the owner a license.
D. The owner of a dog, cat, or ferret under the age of four (4) months may apply for a juvenile tag that shall automatically expire at four (4) months from the date of birth of the animal.
E. Every animal shall wear the license tag provided whenever such animal is off the property of its owner or not within a motor vehicle.
F. When the ownership of an animal is transferred, the new owner shall, within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of change of ownership, make application for a new license as provided in this section regardless of whether or not the animal was previously licensed.
G. The licensing provisions of this chapter do not apply if the owner brings the animal into the City for less than thirty (30) continuous days. (Ord. 18-4767, 9-4-2018)
A. Isolation And Quarantine Of Suspect Animals:
1. It shall be the duty of the City animal services personnel authorized to impound animals in the City to cause to be placed in isolation and under quarantine for observation for a minimum period of ten (10) calendar days any animal that animal services personnel suspect of being infected with rabies or other diseases communicable to humans and also any animal that is known to have bitten or caused a skin abrasion upon any human in the City.
2. Such isolation and quarantine shall be either at the animal shelter or in a veterinary hospital, except if such animal is properly licensed and is currently vaccinated against rabies, the animal may be placed in the custody of the owner on the owner's premises during the isolation and quarantine period if the owner resides in the City. When isolation and quarantine is authorized on the owner's premises, it will be at the discretion of and under the direct supervision of the City.
3. The expense of isolation and quarantine at a veterinary hospital will be borne by the owner. If the animal is placed in isolation and under quarantine in an animal shelter authorized by the City, a fee shall be charged to the owner. Every owner or person having possession, custody or control of an animal known to be rabid or which has been bitten by an animal infected with rabies shall immediately report such fact to the City and shall have such animal placed in isolation and quarantine as directed by the City for such period as may be designated and at the expense of the owner.
B. Reports Required:
1. Physicians: It shall be the duty of every physician or other medical practitioner in the City to make written report to the City of the names and addresses of persons treated for bites inflicted by animals, together with such other information as will assist in the prevention of rabies.
2. Veterinarians: It shall be the duty of every veterinarian in the City to report to the City any diagnosis of animal rabies.
3. Owners: An owner of any animal or any person having knowledge of such animal biting or causing a skin abrasion upon any human in the City shall promptly report such fact to the City.
C. Emergency Proclamation: Whenever it becomes necessary to safeguard the public from the dangers of rabies, the City Council may issue a proclamation ordering every owner of an animal to confine the same securely on the owner's premises at all times for such period of time as is deemed necessary.
D. Duty To Report: Any person having knowledge of the presence of any disease among animals capable of being communicated to humans shall immediately report such knowledge to the County Health Officer. (Ord. 18-4767, 9-4-2018)