A. Purpose: The minimum parking requirements are intended to ensure that enough off street parking is provided to accommodate most of the demand for parking generated by the range of uses that might locate at a site over time, particularly in areas where sufficient on street parking is not available. The minimum parking requirements are also intended to ensure that enough parking is provided on a site to prevent parking for nonresidential uses from encroaching into adjacent residential neighborhoods.
B. Minimum Requirements:
1. Table 5A-2 of this section lists the minimum parking requirements and minimum bicycle parking requirements for the land use or uses on properties in all zones except the CB-5, CB-10, Eastside Mixed Use and Riverfront Crossings Zones. For some land uses, the minimum parking requirements differ based on the zone in which the property is located.
2. For properties located within the Downtown Planning District, zoned CB-5 and, in part, Historic District Overlay, the bicycle parking requirement shall be 1.25 spaces per dwelling unit. For such properties, there shall be no vehicular parking requirement. Except for the preceding, table 5A-1 of this section lists the minimum parking requirements and minimum bicycle parking requirements for all other properties within the CB-5 and CB-10 Zones, where parking is only required for household living uses.
3. Table 5A-3 of this section lists the minimum parking requirements and minimum bicycle parking requirement for properties zoned Riverfront Crossings and Eastside Mixed Use. Affordable housing dwelling units provided in accordance with section 14-2G-8 of this title shall not be required to provide parking, and are therefore exempt from the minimum parking requirement calculation for the respective Riverfront Crossings zoning classification.
4. In the CB-10 Zone, off street parking must meet the standards specified in subsection 14-5A-3D of this article.
C. Parking For Persons With Disabilities: Where a use is required to provide accessibility for persons with disabilities, the number and design of such parking spaces must be in accordance with State of Iowa Administrative Code, 661 IAC 18, parking for persons with disabilities, as amended.
D. Rules For Computing Minimum Parking Requirements:
1. Where a fractional space results, the number of parking and stacking spaces actually required will be the closest whole number, with a half space rounded down.
2. Any use that is nonconforming with regard to the number of required parking spaces is subject to the applicable provisions of chapter 4, article E, "Nonconforming Situations", of this title.
3. In the case of mixed uses, the number of parking and stacking spaces required is equal to the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately, except for shopping centers, as specified in table 5A-2 of this section, and for reductions allowed under subsection F, "Alternatives To Minimum Parking Requirements", of this section.
4. When the parking requirement is based on the number of residents or occupants, the number of residents or occupants shall be based on the maximum occupancy of the use as determined by the City.
E. Rules For Computing Bicycle Parking Requirements:
1. In tables 5A-1 and 5A-2 of this section, the minimum bicycle parking requirements are expressed as a certain number of spaces per dwelling unit or as a percentage of the required number of vehicle parking spaces. In table 5A-3 of this section, the minimum bicycle parking requirements are expressed as a certain number of spaces per dwelling unit or per resident or, in the case of nonresidential uses, as a ratio based on the floor area of the proposed use. When expressed as a number of spaces per resident, the number of residents shall be based on the maximum occupancy of the use as determined by the City.
2. In all cases where bicycle parking is required, a minimum of four (4) spaces shall be provided.
3. After the first fifty (50) bicycle parking spaces are provided, additional spaces are required at fifty percent (50%) of the number required by this section.
4. Where the expected need for bicycle parking for a particular use is uncertain due to unknown or unusual operating characteristics of the use or due to a location that is difficult to access by bicycle, the building official may authorize that the construction of up to fifty percent (50%) of the required bicycle parking spaces be deferred. The land area required for the deferred bicycle parking spaces must be maintained in reserve. If an enforcement official of the City determines at some point in the future that the additional parking spaces are needed, the property owner will be required to install the parking in the reserved area. The owner of the property on which the bicycle parking area is reserved must properly execute, sign, and record a written agreement that is binding upon their successors and assigns as a covenant running with the land that assures the installation of bicycle parking within the reserved area by the owner if so ordered by an enforcement official of the City.
Use Categories | Subgroups | Parking Requirements | Bicycle Parking |
Use Categories | Subgroups | Parking Requirements | Bicycle Parking | |
Residential uses: | ||||
Household living uses | Multi-family dwellings | CB-5 Zone | Efficiency, 1 bedroom units: 0.5 space per dwelling unit. | 1.0 per dwelling unit |
2 bedroom units: 1 space per dwelling unit. | ||||
3 bedroom units: 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit. | ||||
Units with more than 3 bedrooms: 3 spaces per dwelling unit. | ||||
Elder apartments: 1 space for every 2 dwelling units. | ||||
CB-10 Zone | For buildings built on or before December 31, 2008: | 1.0 per dwelling unit | ||
Bedrooms 1-10: No parking required. | ||||
All additional bedrooms: 0.5 space per bedroom. | ||||
(For purposes of this standard an efficiency apartment will be counted as 1 bedroom.) | ||||
For buildings built on or after January 1, 2009: | ||||
Efficiency and 1 bedroom units: 0.5 space per dwelling unit. | ||||
2 bedroom unit: 1 space per dwelling unit. | ||||
3 bedroom unit: 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit. | ||||
Units with more than 3 bedrooms: 3 spaces per dwelling unit. | ||||
Elder apartments: 1 space for every 2 dwelling units. | ||||
Use Categories | Subgroups | Parking Requirement | Bicycle Parking |
Use Categories | Subgroups | Parking Requirement | Bicycle Parking | |
Residential uses: | ||||
Household living | Single family and two family uses | For 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom units: 1 parking space, plus 1 additional parking space for each adult occupant beyond 3. For units with 3 or more bedrooms: 2 parking spaces plus 1 additional parking space for each adult occupant beyond 3. | None required | |
Group households | 3 spaces. | None required | ||
Multi-family uses | All zones, except PRM and CB-2 | Efficiency and 1 bedroom units: 1 space per dwelling unit. 2 bedroom units: 2 spaces per dwelling unit. 3 bedroom units: 2 spaces per dwelling unit. 4 bedroom units: 3 spaces per dwelling unit. 5 bedroom units: 4 spaces per dwelling unit. University impact area: 1 space per bedroom (see section 14-2B-6, map 2B.1). | 0.5 per dwelling unit 1.0 per dwelling unit 1.5 per dwelling unit 1.5 per dwelling unit 1.5 per dwelling unit | |
PRM & CB-2 Zone | Efficiency and 1 bedroom units: 0.75 space per dwelling unit. 2 bedroom units: 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit. 3 bedroom units: 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit. Units with more than 3 bedrooms: 3 spaces per dwelling unit. University impact area in the PRM zone: 1 space per bedroom (see section 14-2B-6, map 2B.1). | 1.0 per dwelling unit | ||
Elder apartments | 1 space per dwelling unit for independent living units and 1 space for every 2 dwelling units for assisted living units, except in the PRM and CB-2 Zones. In the PRM and CB-2 Zones, 1 space for every 2 dwelling units. | 5 percent | ||
Group living | Assisted group living | 1 space for every 3 beds, plus 1 space for each staff member determined by the maximum number of staff present at any 1 time. | None required | |
Independent group living | 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area or 0.75 space per resident, whichever is less. | 25 percent | ||
Fraternal group living | 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area or 0.75 space per resident, whichever is less. | 25 percent | ||
Commercial uses: | ||||
Adult business uses | Retail type | 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area. | 15 percent | |
Entertainment/nightclub type | Parking spaces equal to 1/3 the occupant load of the largest assembly space or seating area in the building. | 10 percent | ||
Animal related commercial | General | 1 space for each office, examining room, and treatment/grooming room, but not less than 3 spaces. | None required | |
Intensive | 3 spaces. | None required | ||
Building trade uses | 1 space per 750 square feet of floor area. | None required | ||
Commercial recreational uses | Outdoor | Spectator type (major event facilities, such as arenas, stadiums, etc.) | Parking spaces equal to 1/4 the occupant load of the seating area. | 10 percent |
Participatory type (tennis courts, swimming pools, archery ranges, sports fields, etc.) | Parking spaces equal to 2/3 the maximum number of participants likely at any 1 time. | 10 percent | ||
Indoor | Parking spaces equal to 1/3 the occupant load of the area used for the participatory activity. | 10 percent | ||
Commercial parking | Not applicable. | None required | ||
Eating and drinking establishments | 1 space per 150 square feet of floor area, or parking spaces equal to 1/3 the occupant load of the seating area, whichever is less. Carryout/delivery restaurants that do not have a seating area must provide at least 4 spaces. | 10 percent | ||
Office uses | General office | 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area. In the MU and CB-2 zones, no additional parking is required for that floor area exceeding 8,000 square feet. | 15 percent | |
Medical/dental office | 1.5 spaces for each office, examining room and treatment room; provided, however, there shall not be less than 5 spaces. | 15 percent | ||
Quick vehicle servicing | For gas stations, 1 stacking space is required for every service stall or pump station. For car washes, 4 stacking spaces are required for each wash rack, bay, or tunnel. Parking for convenience retail must be calculated separately. Parking spaces must be provided in lieu of stacking spaces in instances where egress from a facility would require moving a motor vehicle waiting for entry. | None required | ||
Redemption center | 1 space per 1,000 square feet of floor area | None required | ||
Retail | Shopping centers, where a mix of uses, such as retail, office, restaurants, theaters, commercial recreational uses, etc., share the same parking area. This parking minimum may be used as an optional alternative to calculating the parking for each of the uses separately. | 1 space per 250 square feet of floor area. Spaces for residential uses must be calculated separately and must be provided in addition to the parking spaces for the commercial uses. | 15 percent | |
Sales oriented | 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area. | 15 percent | ||
Personal service oriented | 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area. | 15 percent | ||
Repair oriented | 1 space per 500 square feet of floor area. | None required | ||
Hospitality oriented | For hotels and motels, 1 space per guestroom. For guesthouses, as defined in this title, 0.75 space per guestroom. For meeting facilities and similar, spaces equal to 1/4 the occupant load of the meeting area or 1/4 the occupant load of the seating area, whichever is most applicable to the use. | None required | ||
Outdoor storage and display oriented | 1 space per 500 square feet of floor area. | 10 percent | ||
Surface passenger services | No minimum requirement. | None required | ||
Vehicle repair | 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area. | None required | ||
Industrial uses: | ||||
Industrial service | 1 space per 750 square feet of floor area. | None required | ||
Manufacturing and production | Technical/light manufacturing | 1 space per 750 square feet of floor area. | None required | |
General manufacturing | 1 space per 750 square feet of floor area. | None required | ||
Heavy manufacturing | 1 space per 750 square feet of floor area. | None required | ||
Salvage operations | 1 space per 750 square feet of floor area. | None required | ||
Self-service storage | 2 spaces per leasing office, plus 1 space per 100 leasable storage spaces. | None required | ||
Warehouse and freight movement | For warehouses up to 25,000 square feet | 1 space per 1,000 square feet of floor area up to a maximum of 5 spaces. | None required | |
For warehouses 25,000 square feet or greater | 5 spaces, plus 1 space for each 5,000 square feet above 25,000 square feet. | None required | ||
Waste related uses | 1 space per 750 square feet of floor area. | None required | ||
Wholesale sales | 1 space per 750 square feet of floor area. | None required | ||
Institutional and civic uses: | ||||
Basic utilities | No minimum requirement. | None required | ||
Colleges and universities | Public | Based on parking demand analysis. | 25 percent | |
Private | Per special exception review based on parking demand analysis. | 25 percent | ||
Community service | General community service | 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area. | 10 percent | |
Community service - shelter | 0.1 space per temporary resident based on the maximum number of temporary residents staying at the shelter at any 1 time, plus 1 space per employee based on the maximum number of employees at the site at any 1 time. | 25 percent | ||
Daycare | 1 space per employee based on the maximum number of employees at the site at any 1 time, plus 1 parking space for each 10 children or clients served, based on the maximum number of children present on the site at any 1 time, plus 1 stacking space for each 20 children or clients served, based on the maximum number of clients or children present on the site at any 1 time. Additional parking spaces at a ratio of 1/20 clients or children served may be substituted for the stacking spaces, if the city determines that such an arrangement will not cause traffic to stack into adjacent streets or public rights of way. | 10 percent | ||
Detention facilities | No minimum requirement. | None required | ||
Educational facilities | Elementary, middle, junior high schools, and specialized educational facilities | 2 spaces per classroom. | 25 percent | |
High schools | 10 spaces per classroom. | 25 percent | ||
Hospitals | 1.75 spaces per hospital bed. | None required | ||
Parks and open space | No minimum requirement, except for recreational uses within private open space areas as follows: For golf courses, 3 spaces for each green (hole). For other recreational or public assembly type uses, parking is required at half the minimum amount required for the most similar commercial recreational use. | 5 percent | ||
Religious/private group assembly | Parking spaces equal to 1/6 the occupant load of the main auditorium or the largest room in the building, whichever is greater. | 5 percent | ||
Other uses: | ||||
Agriculture | Animal related | No minimum requirement. | None required | |
Plant related | No minimum requirement. | None required | ||
Aviation related uses | Airports | No minimum requirement. | None required | |
Helicopter landing facilities | No minimum requirement. | None required | ||
Communication transmission facilities | No minimum requirement. | None required | ||
Extraction | No minimum requirement. | None required | ||
Use Categories | Subdistricts | Minimum Parking Requirement | Bicycle Parking |
Use Categories | Subdistricts | Minimum Parking Requirement | Bicycle Parking |
Household living units within the following building types: apartment building, multi-dwelling building, mixed use building | South Downtown, University | Efficiency, 1 bedroom: 0.5 space per dwelling unit. 2 bedrooms: 1 space per dwelling unit. 3 bedrooms: 2 spaces per dwelling unit. Elder apartments: 1 space for every 2 dwelling units. For multi-family dwelling units located within the University Subdistrict or on property directly abutting or across the street from the UI campus as illustrated on the regulating plan, section 14-2G-2, figure 2G-1 of this title, the parking requirement is 0.25 per bedroom. | 1 per dwelling unit |
Park, South Gilbert, Central Crossings, Gilbert, West Riverfront, Orchard, Eastside Mixed Use | Efficiency, 1 bedroom: 0.75 space per dwelling unit. 2 bedrooms: 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit. 3 bedrooms: 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit. Elder apartments: 1 space for every 2 dwelling units. | 1 per dwelling unit | |
Household living units within the following building types: cottage home, row house, townhouse, live-work townhouse | All subdistricts where said building types are allowed. | For 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom units: 1 parking space, plus 1 additional parking space for each adult occupant beyond 3. For units with 3 or more bedrooms: 2 parking spaces plus 1 additional parking space for each adult occupant beyond 3. | None required |
Household living units within liner buildings | All subdistricts | Parking shall be provided within the associated parking structure using the following ratios: Efficiency, 1 bedroom: 0.5 space per dwelling unit. 2 bedrooms: 1 space per dwelling unit. 3 bedrooms: 2 spaces per dwelling unit. Elder apartments: 1 space for every 2 dwelling units. Specific parking spaces within the associated parking structure may or may not be reserved for use by residents within the liner building. | 1 per dwelling unit |
Assisted group living | All subdistricts where said uses are allowed. | 1 space for every 3 rooming units. | None |
Fraternal group living | All subdistricts where said uses are allowed. | 0.50 space per resident. If the use is located within the University Subdistrict or on property directly abutting or across the street from the main UI campus as illustrated on the regulating plan, section 14-2G-2, figure 2G-1 of this title, the parking requirement is 0.25 per resident. | 0.50 space per resident |
Independent group living | All subdistricts where said uses are allowed. | 0.50 space per resident. If the use is located within the University Subdistrict or on property directly abutting or across the street from the main UI campus as illustrated on the regulating plan, section 14-2G-2, figure 2G-1 of this title, the parking requirement is 0.25 per resident. | 0.50 space per resident |
Nonresidential uses | South Downtown, University | None required. | 1/1,500 square feet of floor area |
Park, South Gilbert, Central Crossings, Gilbert, West Riverfront, Orchard, Eastside Mixed Use | 1 space per 500 square feet of floor area. On street parking provided along the frontage of a property may count toward this parking requirement. Buildings with less than 1,200 square feet of nonresidential floor area are exempt from this parking requirement. | 1/1,500 square feet of floor area | |
F. Alternatives To Minimum Parking Requirements:
1. Off Site Parking On Private Property: Off street parking may be located on a separate lot from the use served according to the following rules. When the proposed off site parking is located in a residential zone or CB-10 Zone, or is intended for a use located in the CB-10 Zone, the Board of Adjustment may grant a special exception for the proposed parking, provided the conditions contained in subsections F1a through F1f of this section are met. When the proposed off site parking is located in the Eastside Mixed Use District, a Riverfront Crossings Zone, an industrial zone, research zone, or commercial zone, except the CB-10 Zone, the Director of Neighborhood and Development Services may approve the proposed parking, provided the conditions contained in subsections F1a through F1f of this section are met.
a. Special Location Plan: A special location plan must be submitted with the application for off site parking. The location plan must include a map indicating the proposed location of the off site parking, the location of the use or uses served by the parking, and the distance and proposed walking route between the parking and the use(s) served. The map must be drawn to scale and include property boundaries, including boundaries of any intervening properties. In addition, documentation must be submitted providing evidence deemed necessary to comply with the requirements herein.
b. Location Of Off Site Parking:
(1) In residential, commercial zones, Eastside Mixed Use District, and Riverfront Crossings Zones, any proposed off site parking space must be located within three hundred feet (300') from an entrance to the use served.
(2) In industrial and research zones, any proposed off site parking space must be located within six hundred feet (600') from an entrance to the use served.
c. Zoning: Off site parking spaces must be located in the same zone as the principal use(s) served, or located as follows:
(1) In a multi-family zone serving a use located in a different multi-family zone, Eastside Mixed Use District, or in the MU Zone or vice versa.
(2) In a commercial zone serving a use located in a different commercial zone, industrial zone, Eastside Mixed Use District, or Riverfront Crossings Zone.
(3) In an industrial zone serving a use located in a different industrial zone or commercial zone.
(4) In a Riverfront Crossings Zone serving a use located in a different Riverfront Crossings Zone or commercial zone.
d. Shared Use Of Off Site Parking: Where two (2) or more uses will jointly use the proposed off site parking, the number of parking spaces shall equal the sum of off street parking spaces required, as indicated in tables 5A-1, 5A-2, and 5A-3 of this section, except for reductions approved under the provisions of subsection F2, "Allowed Reductions For Shared On Site Parking", of this section.
e. Approval Criteria: In assessing a special location plan for off site parking, the Board of Adjustment or Director of Neighborhood and Development Services, as applicable, will consider the desirability of the proposed off street parking and stacking spaces location; pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety; any detrimental effects on adjacent property; the appearance of the streetscape as a consequence of the off street parking; and, in the case of nonrequired parking, the need for additional off street parking.
f. Covenant For Off Site Parking: A written agreement between the property owners must be submitted with the application for off site parking. The agreement must assure the retention of the parking and stacking spaces, aisles and drives and be binding upon their successors and assigns. The agreement must provide that it cannot be released, and its terms and conditions cannot be modified in any manner whatsoever, without prior written consent and approval from the City. The written agreement must be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. Upon approval of the off site parking, the applicant shall provide evidence to the building official confirming that the agreement has been properly executed and has been recorded as a covenant running with the land before issuance of a building permit.
2. Minor Modification For Parking Reduction For Shared On Site Parking: The building official, in consultation with the Director of Neighborhood and Development Services, may approve a minor modification as specified in section 14-4B-1 of this title to reduce the total number of parking spaces required by up to fifty percent (50%) if the uses sharing the parking are not normally open, used, or operated during the same hours. To qualify for a reduction under this provision, a parking demand analysis must be submitted that provides evidence that the amount of parking proposed for the shared parking area will be sufficient to meet the parking demand. This reduction is not allowed for residential uses.
3. Minor Modification For Parking Reduction in Commercial Zones: The building official, in consultation with the Director of Neighborhood and Development Services, may approve a minor modification as specified in 14-4B-1 of this title to reduce the total number of parking spaces required by up to fifty percent (50%) if it meets the following standards:
a. It must be in a CB-2, CB-5, CC-2, CN-1, CO-1, or MU zone;
b. Buildings must be limited to a footprint of 5,000 square feet;
c. A parking demand analysis must be submitted that provides evidence that the amount of parking proposed will be sufficient to meet the parking demand, which depending on the complexity of the site, may require an engineered study, as determined by staff; and
d. The proposed development must not result in the demolition of a property that is designated as an Iowa City landmark, registered in the National Register of Historic Places, or individually eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
4. Affordable Housing Parking Reduction: Affordable Housing dwelling units allowed and regulated pursuant to Article 14-4F shall be exempt from providing the minimum number of parking spaces otherwise required by the zoning code.
5. Minor Modification for Commercial Use Parking Reductions. The number of required parking spaces for commercial uses may be reduced up to ten percent (10%).
6. Downtown And Riverfront Crossings Parking District: For qualifying development as set forth below, the number of required on site parking spaces may be reduced in order to facilitate said development according to the provisions of this subsection.
a. Qualifying Development: To qualify for a parking reduction under this subsection, the proposed development:
(1) Must be located in the downtown and Riverfront Crossings parking district;
(2) Must not result in the demolition of a property that is designated as an Iowa City landmark, registered on the National Register of Historic Places, or individually eligible for the National Register of Historic Places; and
(3) Must include uses, elements or features that further housing, economic development, or other goals of the comprehensive plan, including the downtown and Riverfront Crossings master plan.
b. Parking District Boundaries: Properties described below shall be considered part of the Downtown and Riverfront Crossings Parking District:
(1) Properties located within the area bounded by Burlington Street on the south, Van Buren Street on the east, Iowa Avenue on the north, and Capitol Street on the west. For purposes of this subsection, this area shall be referred to as the Central Business District; and
(2) Properties zoned South Downtown Subdistrict (RFC-SD), University Subdistrict (RFC-U), and Central Crossings Subdistrict (RFC-CX) that are located north of the Iowa Interstate rail line.
c. Reduction Of The On Site Parking Requirement:
(1) For qualifying development, the off street parking requirement may be reduced by up to fifty percent (50%), provided a fee is paid in lieu based on the number of parking spaces that would otherwise have to be provided.
(2) For qualifying development where it is infeasible to provide at least fifty percent (50%) of the required parking on site due to specific qualifying site constraints as noted below, a developer may request a special exception to reduce the parking requirement by up to one hundred percent (100%), provided a fee is paid in lieu of each parking space not provided on site and the following review and approval criteria are met. The Board of Adjustment will review such a request according to the following approval criteria:
(A) Convincing evidence has been presented that it is not feasible to provide at least fifty percent (50%) of the required residential parking on site due to a lack of alley access, a lot width narrower than sixty feet (60'), a lot orientation that makes it infeasible to provide on site parking and meet storefront depth requirements of the zone, or other unique circumstance; and
(B) The proposed project will be designed in a manner that is sensitive and complementary to adjacent properties designated as Iowa City landmarks, registered on the National Register of Historic Places, or individually eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. See subsection 14-3C-3C, “Design Review Guidelines”, of this title for guidance on the factors to be considered to comply with this standard. This standard is not intended to impose any particular architectural style, but rather to foster a harmonious rhythm and proportion of building elements along a street frontage and ensure that differences in mass and scale are mitigated through facade articulation and upper story stepbacks; and
(C) The proposed project will be designed in a manner that will contribute to the pedestrian oriented, urban character of central Iowa City as envisioned in the downtown and riverfront crossings master plan.
d. Payment Of Fee In Lieu Of Required Parking:
(1) Where the City has allowed up to a fifty percent (50%) reduction in the parking requirement, the developer shall pay a fee for each space otherwise required in the amount of seventy five percent (75%) of the estimated cost of constructing a structured parking space.
(2) Where a special exception has been granted reducing the parking requirement by more than fifty percent (50%), the developer shall pay a fee in lieu of the provision of each space otherwise required in the amount of ninety percent (90%) of the estimated cost of constructing a structured parking space.
(3) The estimated cost of a structured parking space is twenty four thousand dollars ($24,000.00) in 2013 dollars. This fee shall be adjusted annually based on the national historical cost indexes contained in the most recent edition of “Engineering News Record”, as amended. In the event the national historical cost index is negative in any edition, the fee shall remain at the amount previously set under this paragraph.
(4) The City shall calculate and assess the entire fee upon issuance of a building permit. The fee payor shall pay the entire fee prior to the issuance of the building permit.
(5) All fees paid shall be deposited in the Downtown and Riverfront Crossings Parking District Restricted Fund, as set forth in this subsection. Monies held in the Restricted Fund, including any accrued interest, shall be used for the purpose of acquiring land for and constructing public parking facilities located in the Downtown and Riverfront Crossings Parking District.
(6) In the event that bonds or similar debt instruments are issued for the acquisition or construction of the aforementioned property, infrastructure or facilities within the Parking District, monies held in the Restricted Fund may be used to pay debt service on such bonds or similar debt instruments.
7. Parking Reduction For Other Unique Circumstances: Where it can be demonstrated that a specific use has unique characteristics such that the number of parking or stacking spaces required is excessive or will reduce the ability to use or occupy a historic property in a manner that will preserve or protect its historic, aesthetic, or cultural attributes, the Board of Adjustment may grant a special exception to reduce the number of required parking or stacking spaces by up to fifty percent (50%) (up to 100 percent for properties designated as a local historic landmark, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, or listed as key or contributing structures in a Historic District or Conservation District Overlay Zone).
8. Parking Reduction For Liner Buildings: For liner buildings constructed to mask a Municipal parking facility, the private off street parking requirement may be reduced by up to one hundred percent (100%) if parking for uses located within the liner building is provided within the associated public parking facility. Monthly permits shall be made available for purchase to residents, businesses, or other tenants located within the liner building, but specific parking spaces within the associated parking structure may or may not be designated for use by said permit holders, at the discretion of the City. Compensation for construction of said parking shall be made to the City with the amount and terms of said compensation determined through an agreement with the City, which shall be executed prior to issuance of an occupancy permit for the subject liner building.
9. Allowance For Scooter Or Motorcycle Parking: Up to ten percent (10%) of the parking spaces required for a use may be reconfigured to accommodate motorized scooters or motorcycles. Conversion of a minimum of two (2) abutting standard parking spaces (an area equal to 18 feet by 18 feet) is required to ensure adequate access and vehicular movement for up to six (6) scooter/motorcycle spaces. Design of the scooter/motorcycle parking shall be approved by the City. This provision shall not increase or decrease the allowed occupancy or residential density of the uses on the property, i.e., each required vehicular space converted to scooter/motorcycle spaces shall still be counted as one required parking space.
10. Sustainability Parking Reduction: The minimum parking requirement may be reduced by ten percent (10%) where each of the following provisions is met, up to a maximum reduction of twenty-five percent (25%). This reduction may be used in conjunction with subsections 14-2A-7E, 14-2B-8D, 14-2C-11E, and 14-3A-4D3 (Sustainability Density Bonus).
a. A solar energy system is installed onsite where the size is equal to at least forty percent (40%) of the surface area of the roofs of all buildings.
b. All uses within the development utilize electricity for one hundred percent (100%) of their regular energy consumption after construction.
c. All buildings within the development are constructed to the most current edition of the International Energy Conservation Code standards published by the International Code Council. (Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005; amd. Ord. 06-4245, 12-12-2006; Ord. 08-4326, 12-22-2008; Ord. 11-4452, 10-18-2011; Ord. 12-4483, 5-15-2012; Ord. 13-4526, 5-14-2013; Ord. 14-4586, 6-3-2014; Ord. 16-4667, 7-5-2016; Ord. 16-4668, 7-5-2016, eff. 8-1-2016; Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016; Ord. 17-4703, 5-2-2017; Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017; Ord. 18-4744, 4-2-2018; Ord. 19-4779, 2-19-2019; Ord. 20-4834, 11-17-2020; Ord. 23-4893, 1-24-2023; Ord. 23-4914, 11-6-2023; Ord. 24-4940, 11-4-2024)